Tree DP
trees on a pointer implementation tend not to work well with the traditional dinamic programming memoization based on arrays. How can we make this less complex? Or, do we absolutely need arrays at all? With some thought and intuition I quickly realized that the algorithm scheme showed in the previous section could be improved by making use of the tree structure as the memoization matrix storage. This way memoization matrix access is done implicitly, as opposed to an explicit array.

In this implementation neither there are arrays to be allocated, nor must we create a mapping of nodes to integers. By storing memoization as a payload alongside tree nodes, actual computation related to the problem solution can begin right away.
Given a tree with N nodes and N-1 edges, calculate the maximum sum of the node values from root to any of the leaves without re-visiting any node.
The problem can be solved using Dynamic Programming on trees. Start memoizing from the leaves and add the maximum of leaves to the root of every sub-tree. At the last step, there will be root and the sub-tree under it, adding the value at node and maximum of sub-tree will give us the maximum sum of the node values from root to any of the leaves.
Let DPi be the maximum summation of node values in the path between i and any of its leaves moving downwards. Traverse the tree using DFS traversal. Store the maximum of all the leaves of the sub-tree, and add it to the root of the sub-tree. At the end, DP1 will have the maximum sum of the node values from root to any of the leaves without re-visiting any node.
// function for dfs traversal and to store the
// maximum value in dp[] for every node till the leaves
void dfs(int a[], vector<int> v[], int u, int parent)
    // initially dp[u] is always a[u]
    dp[u] = a[u - 1];
    // stores the maximum value from nodes
    int maximum = 0;
    // traverse the tree
    for (int child : v[u]) {
        // if child is parent, then we continue
        // without recursing further
        if (child == parent)
        // call dfs for further traversal
        dfs(a, v, child, u);
        // store the maximum of previous visited node
        // and present visited node
        maximum = max(maximum, dp[child]);
    // add the maximum value returned to the parent node
    dp[u] += maximum;
// function that returns the maximum value
int maximumValue(int a[], vector<int> v[])
    dfs(a, v, 1, 0);
    return dp[1];

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Consider a tree in which every node has a positive value written on it. The task is to select several nodes from the tree (you may also select none), so that the sum of values of the nodes you select is maximized, and no two adjacent nodes are selected. The desired solution has complexity O(n).
Consider a tree in which every node has a positive value written on it. The task is to select several nodes from the tree (you may also select none), so that the sum of values of the nodes you select is maximized, and no two adjacent nodes are selected. The desired solution has complexity O(n).

Dynamic Programming(DP) is a technique to solve problems by breaking them down into overlapping sub-problems which follow the optimal substructure. We all know of various problems using DP like subset sum, knapsack, coin change etc. We can also use DP on trees to solve some specific problems.
We define functions for nodes of the trees, which we calculate recursively based on children of a nodes. One of the states in our DP usually is a node i, denoting that we are solving for the subtree of node i.

A common idea in DP on Trees is to have the sub-problems represent answers for subtrees (+ some state, we'll see what this means in a bit). What can be a base case? Surely, it is the smallest subtree, a node. Let us think about what can be the answer for a node.
But there is also another point in here: Note that all logic for a subtree is derived from whether its parent node is taken / not. None of the other ancestors play a part in the calculation.
Inspired by this let us define our DP "state" to be not just a subtree, but a subtree + a boolean representing whether its parent is taken or not.

Now lets see what happens (we write dp[x][true/false] for indicating answer for node x, and true/false whether its parent is taken or not). Let's start with node d again

dp[d][false] = 1 as you can take d (parent not taken).
dp[d][true] = 0 as you cannot take d.
The answers for e and f are also computed similarly and filled in this incomplete "DP tree:

So, in conclusion, this is our DP:

dp[leaf][ptaken] = vleaf if ptaken else 0
dp[node][true] = sum of dp[c][false] over all children c of node
dp[node][false] = max(vnode + sum over dp[c][true] over children c of node, sum over dp[c][false] over children c of node)

Simple Extension
Now let us think about how this problem could be made harder. A simple extension would be to disallow not only selection of parents, but also parent of parent.

Consider a solution of such a problem. Your DP state must carry information about parents and parents of parents. "Information" in this case would mean whether the node is taken or not. Also note that such information is sufficient, as if you know both of them, nothing else in the tree outside of this sub-tree can influence the answer for the sub-tree. In that case the state would be like dp[v][parent taken][parent-of-parent taken]. The complexity would be proportional to the size of the dp, that is 2*2*n or O(n).

In general suppose no parent within a distance of k can be taken. Then the state would be dp[parent taken][parent-of-parent taken]....[parent-of-parent-of-parent-of.... (k times) taken]. Such an algorithm will be of order O(n*2^k).

But this can be improved. Consider the state dp[v][height of closest parent taken / 0 if no parent is taken]. This takes time O(n*k).

Better Extension
Another extension can be that no two nodes at a distance of at-most 2 can be taken. This is significantly more interesting, because of this:

This cannot be captured by any state that looks like dp[v][any-information-about-parents]. Take a few minutes to see if you can come up with a solution.

Lets consider a part of a tree as shown:

Let our DP state be dp[v][1 = parent taken, 2 = parent of parent taken, 0 = none of them taken]. Suppose we've calculated all of them them for b, c, d, e. We want to calculate dp[a][0], dp[a][1], dp[a][2] .

If we're calculating dp[a][1], we cannot take a, b, c, d, e. So our answer for this case is: dp[a][1] = dp[b][2] + dp[c][2] + dp[d][2] + dp[e][2]
If we're calculating dp[a][2], a's parent of parent is taken. So we can take b, c, d, e, but cannot take a. But note that we can take exactly one of b, c, d, e (Why?). So take the best among them, specifically something like, dp[a][2] = max(dp[b][0] + dp[c][2] + dp[d][2] + dp[e][2], ... (symmetrically for c, d, e, in place of b).
There is an interesting point here. Why did we take dp[c][2]? c's parent of parent is not taken. Well if b is taken, its effect on the calculation of c is the same as if c had its parent of parent taken.


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