LeetCode 1040 - Moving Stones Until Consecutive II

Related: LeetCode 1033 - moving stones until consecutive
On an infinite number line, the position of the i-th stone is given by stones[i].  Call a stone an endpoint stone if it has the smallest or largest position.
Each turn, you pick up an endpoint stone and move it to an unoccupied position so that it is no longer an endpoint stone.
In particular, if the stones are at say, stones = [1,2,5], you cannot move the endpoint stone at position 5, since moving it to any position (such as 0, or 3) will still keep that stone as an endpoint stone.
The game ends when you cannot make any more moves, ie. the stones are in consecutive positions.
When the game ends, what is the minimum and maximum number of moves that you could have made?  Return the answer as an length 2 array: answer = [minimum_moves, maximum_moves]

Example 1:
Input: [7,4,9]
Output: [1,2]
We can move 4 -> 8 for one move to finish the game.
Or, we can move 9 -> 5, 4 -> 6 for two moves to finish the game.
Example 2:
Input: [6,5,4,3,10]
Output: [2,3]
We can move 3 -> 8 then 10 -> 7 to finish the game.
Or, we can move 3 -> 7, 4 -> 8, 5 -> 9 to finish the game.
Notice we cannot move 10 -> 2 to finish the game, because that would be an illegal move.
Example 3:
Input: [100,101,104,102,103]
Output: [0,0]


  1. 3 <= stones.length <= 10^4
  2. 1 <= stones[i] <= 10^9
  3. stones[i] have distinct values.

Lower Bound

As I mentioned in my video last week,
in case of n stones,
we need to find a consecutive n positions and move the stones in.
This idea led the solution with sliding windows.
Slide a window of size N, and find how many stones are already in this window.
We want moves other stones into this window.
For each missing stone, we need at least one move.
Generally, the number of missing stones and the moves we need are the same.
Only one corner case in this problem, we need to move the endpoint to no endpoint.
For case 1,2,4,5,10,
1 move needed from 10 to 3.
For case 1,2,3,4,10,
2 move needed from 1 to 6, then from 10 to 5.

Upper Bound

We try to move all stones to leftmost or rightmost.
For example of to rightmost.
We move the A[0] to A[1] + 1.
Then each time, we pick the stone of left endpoint, move it to the next empty position.
During this process, the position of leftmost stones increment 1 by 1 each time.
Until the leftmost is at A[n - 1] - n + 1.


Time of quick sorting O(NlogN)
Time of sliding window O(N)
Space O(1)

    public int[] numMovesStonesII(int[] A) {
        int i = 0, n = A.length, low = n;
        int high = Math.max(A[n - 1] - n + 2 - A[1], A[n - 2] - A[0] - n + 2);
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
            while (A[j] - A[i] >= n) ++i;
            if (j - i + 1 == n - 1 && A[j] - A[i] == n - 2)
                low = Math.min(low, 2);
                low = Math.min(low, n - (j - i + 1));
        return new int[] {low, high};

Knees. And trying to explain upper bound in a more continuous way.
  1. The first step(as in each step) has to be moving rightmost or leftmost stone.
  2. Starting the second step, the optimal way is to increment leftmost or decrement rightmost by ONE for each move.
  3. To do so, we need two OR MORE adjacent stones that contain either the leftmost or the rightmost stone. e.g. [1,2,3,4,10] ->[2,3,4,5,10]->[3,4,5,6,10] ...
  4. In the first step, we need to move leftmost or rightmost stone to somewhere that could form this adjacent structure.
    To move A[0], it hasn't to be A[1]+1 since that may have already been occupied. So move A[0] to the first unoccupied slot to the right of A[1]. e.g[1,4,5,6,10]->[4,5,6,7,10]. It's certainly possible that no such slot exists when A[1]~A[n-1] are adjacent. That means we cannot move A[0]. If neither A[0] or A[n-1] is movable, the answer is 0.
    Therefore, the unoccupied slots between A[1] and A[n-1] OR A[0] and A[n-2] are the maximum steps to move.

I tried my best to translate it into English.
First, sort the position of stones in ascending order.
  1. How to find the maximum:
Each time you can move the leftmost or rightmost, so the maximum value must come from either move the leftmost first or the rightmost first;
If you move the rightmost for the first time, the first step must be to move it to the left of stones[n-2], where n is the length of stones, and the leftmost position is stones[0],
Therefore, the moving distance is stones[n-2]-stones[0]-1-(n-3), which is the position inside the current interval, minus the number of stones already in the interior (there are 3 not in the interval, they are left and right ends of the interval and stones[n-1]), and the remaining empty position is the position where the stone can be moved.
For example: [1,3,5,7,12,65], there are 7 empty slots between 1 and 12, that is, move the right end first, and can move up to 7 times.
Similarly, if you move the leftmost end for the first time, the first step must be to move it to the right of the stones[1], the rightmost end of which is stones[n-1],
Therefore the moving distance is stones[n-1]-stones[1]-1-(n-3);
For example: [1,3,5,7,12,65], there are 58 empty slots left between 3 and 65, that is, the left end is moved first, and the maximum movement is 58 times.
The maximum value of the above two values ​​is the two number of steps that can be moved currently.
  1. How to find the minimum:
idea comes from sliding window, continuously constructing an interval, this interval [i, j] will satisfy: the length of the interval should not be greater than the number of stones, that is, this interval can be filled with stones outside the interval (some stones can still be outside the interval) .
Then check if this interval is consecutive and there is only one leftmost or rightmost stone not in this consecutive interval, then this is the corner case, returning 2.
For example, [1, 2, 3, 4, 10], the interval [1, 2, 3, 4] is consecutive, but there is only one external stone, you need to put 1 to the position 6, then put 10 to position 5.
If it isn't the corner case mentioned above, then it is not necessary to check whether the stones positions in the interval is consecutive or not, that is, put the numbers other than the [i, j] interval into the [i, j] interval, and let them be consecutive, only need n - (j-i+1) step.
Intervalis not consecutive inside:
[1,4,7,9,20,30], the current i is 0, j is 1, we need only 4 steps to make [7,9,20,30] and [1,4] consecutive.
  1. Put 30 in the 6 position, [1,4,6,7,9,20];
  2. Put 20 in the 5 position, [1,4,5,6,7,9];
  3. Put 9 in the position of 3, [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
    4 .Put 7 in the 2 position, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] and end.
Interval is consecutive inside:
[1,2,3,56,89], i is 0, j is 2, only 2 steps
  1. Put 89 in the position of 5, [1, 2, 3, 5, 56];
  2. Put 56 into the 4 position, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and end
在一个长度无限的数轴上,第 i 颗石子的位置为 stones[i]。如果一颗石子的位置最小/最大,那么该石子被称作端点石子。
值得注意的是,如果石子像 stones = [1,2,5] 这样,你将无法移动位于位置 5 的端点石子,因为无论将它移动到任何位置(例如 0 或 3),该石子都仍然会是端点石子。
要使游戏结束,你可以执行的最小和最大移动次数分别是多少? 以长度为 2 的数组形式返回答案:answer = [minimum_moves, maximum_moves] 。
示例 1:
我们可以移动一次,4 -> 8,游戏结束。
或者,我们可以移动两次 9 -> 5,4 -> 6,游戏结束。
示例 2:
我们可以移动 3 -> 8,接着是 10 -> 7,游戏结束。
或者,我们可以移动 3 -> 7, 4 -> 8, 5 -> 9,游戏结束。
注意,我们无法进行 10 -> 2 这样的移动来结束游戏,因为这是不合要求的移动。
示例 3:

思路:最终的状态是连续的一段区间,可以等价为 用一段连续区间(长度为len(stones))去覆盖原始数组,分别求最多,最少覆盖的element个数, 很容易想到sliding window
1. 但是要考虑corner case,比如对于下界:3,4,5,6,10  长度为5的区间最多覆盖4个element(3,4,5,6,比如可以用3-7,4-8区间),但是这些区间确是非法的,因为边界点(7,8)无法通过10移动得到(10移动到7,8还是end point),
所以在sliding window要侦测这种情况,并特殊处理
2. 如果上界用上述方法求解,corner case更多,但是有一种方法比较简单,即:上界是以下2者之一:全移到左边,全移到右边

window slide,不断构造一个区间,这个区间[i,j]满足,区间的长度不会大于石头的数量,即这个区间是可以被区间外部的石头塞满的(可以塞不下,但不能有空隙)。
  1. 30放入6的位置,[1,4,6,7,9,20]
  2. 20放入5的位置,[1,4,5,6,7,9]
  3. 9放入3的位置,[1,3,4,5,6,7]
  4. 7放入2的位置,[1,2,3,4,5,6],结束。
  1. 89放入5的位置,[1,2,3,5,56]
  2. 56放入4的位置,[1,2,3,4,5],结束
X 枚举+二分 或 滑动窗口+贪心

假设最终目标区间是 [a,b],我们分别计算小于等于a的个数与大于等于b的个数。
如果ab有都没值,且只有一个数字小于a一个数字大于b, 则肯定没有答案(最值无法移动到最值)。
如果ab至少有一个没值,例如a没值,且只有一个数字小于a, 则肯定没有答案(最值无法移动到最值)。



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