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April 2021
LeetCode 1766 - Tree of Coprimes
LeetCode 1768 - Merge Strings Alternately
LeetCode 1769 - Minimum Number of Operations to Move All Balls to Each Box

January 2021
Algorithm Interview
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February 2020
Google | Onsite | Timer

January 2020
Google Interview Questions
LeetCode 1246 - Palindrome Removal
LeetCode 1245 - Tree Diameter
LeetCode 1243 - Array Transformation
LeetCode 1250 - Check If It Is a Good Array
LeetCode 1255 - Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters
LeetCode 1254 - Number of Closed Islands
LeetCode 1253 - Reconstruct a 2-Row Binary Matrix
LeetCode 1252 - Cells with Odd Values in a Matrix

December 2019
Google Interview Questions Deconstructed
How to Conduct Algorithm interview
LeetCode 1256 - Encode Number
LeetCode 1257 - Smallest Common Region
LeetCode 1258 - Synonymous Sentences
LeetCode 1259 - Handshakes That Don't Cross
LeetCode 1260 - Shift 2D Grid
LeetCode 1284 - Minimum Number of Flips to Convert Binary Matrix to Zero Matrix

November 2019
LeetCode 1227 - Airplane Seat Assignment Probability
LeetCode 1228 - Missing Number In Arithmetic Progression
LeetCode 1229 - Meeting Scheduler
LeetCode 1230 - Toss Strange Coins

September 2019
LeetCode 1145 - Binary Tree Coloring Game
LeetCode 1146 - Snapshot Array
LeetCode 1147 - Longest Chunked Palindrome Decomposition
LeetCode 1150 - Check If a Number Is Majority Element in a Sorted Array
LeetCode - 1152 Analyze User Website Visit Pattern
LeetCode 1153 - String Transforms Into Another String
LeetCode 1155 - Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum
LeetCode 1156 - Swap For Longest Repeated Character Substring
LeetCode 1157 - Online Majority Element In Subarray

June 2019
LeetCode 589 - N-ary Tree Preorder Traversal
LeetCode 590 - N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal
LeetCode 601 - Human Traffic of Stadium
LeetCode 600 - Non-negative Integers without Consecutive Ones
LeetCode 618 - Students Report By Geography
LeetCode 620 - Not Boring Movies
LeetCode 622 - Design Circular Queue
LeetCode 626 - Exchange Seats
LeetCode 627 - Swap Salary
LeetCode 641 - Design Circular Deque
LeetCode 691 - Stickers to Spell Word
LeetCode 675 - Cut Off Trees for Golf Event
LeetCode 657 - Robot Return to Origin
LeetCode 730 - Count Different Palindromic Subsequences
LeetCode 726 - Number of Atoms
LeetCode 709 - To Lower Case
LeetCode 705 - Design HashSet
LeetCode 701 - Insert into a Binary Search Tree
LeetCode 700 - Search in a Binary Search Tree
LeetCode 757 - Set Intersection Size At Least Two
Data Structure and Algorithm/leetcode/lintcode
How to Prepare Yourself for an Interview with Google
Google Interview Summary
Coding Interview Preparation
Facebook Algorithm Interview Summary and Follow up
LeetCode 760 - Find Anagram Mappings
LeetCode 761 - Special Binary String
LeetCode 770 - Basic Calculator IV
LeetCode 773 - Sliding Puzzle
LeetCode 798 - Smallest Rotation with Highest Score
LeetCode 800 - Similar RGB Color
LeetCode 810 - Chalkboard XOR Game
LeetCode 854 - K-Similar Strings
LeetCode 882 - Reachable Nodes In Subdivided Graph
LeetCode 949 - Largest Time for Given Digits
LeetCode 1036 - Escape a Large Maze
LeetCode 1035 - Uncrossed Lines
LeetCode 1034 - Coloring A Border
LeetCode 1032 - Stream of Characters
LeetCode 1031 - Maximum Sum of Two Non-Overlapping Subarrays
LeetCode 1030 - Matrix Cells in Distance Order
LeetCode 1029 - Two City Scheduling
LeetCode 1040 - Moving Stones Until Consecutive II
LeetCode 1033 - moving stones until consecutive
LeetCode 1039 - Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon
LeetCode 1038 - Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree
LeetCode 1037 - Valid Boomerang
LeetCode 1041 - Robot Bounded In Circle
LeetCode 1042 - Flower Planting With No Adjacent
LeetCode 1043 - Partition Array for Maximum Sum
LeetCode 1044 - Longest Duplicate Substring
LeetCode 1045 - Customers Who Bought All Products
LeetCode 1046 - Last Stone Weight

April 2019
Prime XOR - HackerRank
LCA of Deepest Nodes in Binary Tree - Facebook
Difference of two large numbers
LeetCode 674 - Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence
Friend Recommendation
Tax Calculator - Facebook
Check Words Order - Facebok
LeetCode 211 - Add and Search Word - Data structure design
LeetCode 67 - Add Binary
Facebook Interview Summary
Facebook Algorithm Interview Summary
Combination Sum Of Coins
Implement Queue with Limited Size of Array - Airbnb
Minimum Vertices to Traverse Directed Graph - Airbnb
Minimum number of edges between two vertices of a Graph
Finding Ocean - Airbnb
Menu Combination Sum - Airbnb
Maximum Number of Nights You Can Accommodate - Airbnb
No Meeting Time - Airbnb
LeetCode 755 - Pour Water
Airbnb - File System
Marathon - Bloomberg
LeetCode 1028 - Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal
LeetCode 1027 - Longest Arithmetic Sequence
LeetCode 1026 - Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor
LeetCode 1025 - Divisor Game
[LintCode 629: Minimum Spanning Tree - Summary
Top K with Label
Essential Building in Street - Google
Skip Iterator - Google
Generate Matrix
String Deduplicate - Google
Snapshot - Google
Logger - Google
Google Interview Summary 4
Delete nodes and return lists of nodes
Conquer on Tree (二叉树上的占领游戏) - 1point3acres
LeetCode 753 - Cracking the Safe
Google Interview Summary 3
Generate Random Tree - Google
Google Interview Summary 2
Recover Picture - Google
LeetCode 558 - Quad Tree Intersection
LeetCode 427 - Construct Quad Tree
Google Interview Question #9
Maze Generation - Google
Google Interview - Summary Part 1
Robot Matrix
Maze Generation - Kruskal's Algorithm
Maze Generation - DFS

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