Maximum Flow - Summary
1. Naive Greedy Algorithm Approach (May not produce optimal or correct result)

Greedy approach to the maximum flow problem is to start with the all-zero flow and greedily produce flows with ever-higher value. The natural way to proceed from one to the next is to send more flow on some path from s to t
How Greedy approach work to find the maximum flow :
E number of edge 
f(e) flow of edge 
C(e) capacity of edge 

1) Initialize : max_flow = 0  
                f(e) = 0 for every edge 'e' in E 
2) Repeat search for an s-t path P while it exists.   
   a) Find if there is a path from s to t using BFS
      or DFS. A path exists if f(e) < C(e) for 
      every edge e on the path.
   b) If no path found, return max_flow.
   c) Else find minimum edge value for path P
      // Our flow is limited by least remaining
      // capacity edge on path P.
      (i) flow = min(C(e)- f(e)) for path P ]
             max_flow += flow
      (ii) For all edge e of path increment flow 
             f(e) += flow

3) Return max_flow 
Note that the path search just needs to determine whether or not there is an s-t path in the subgraph of edges e with f(e) < C(e). This is easily done in linear time using BFS or DFS.
There is a path from source (s) to sink(t) [ s -> 1 -> 2 -> t] with maximum flow 3 unit ( path show in blue color )
After removing all useless edge from graph it’s look like
For above graph there is no path from source to sink so maximum flow : 3 unit But maximum flow is 5 unit. to over come form this issue we use residual Graph.
2. Residual Graphs
The idea is to extend the naive greedy algorithm by allowing “undo” operations. For example, from the point where this algorithm gets stuck in above image, we’d like to route two more units of flow along the edge (s, 2), then backward along the edge (1, 2), undoing 2 of the 3 units we routed the previous iteration, and finally along the edge (1,t)
backward edge : ( f(e) ) and forward edge : ( C(e) – f(e) )
We need a way of formally specifying the allowable “undo” operations. This motivates the following simple but important defnition, of a residual network. The idea is that, given a graph G and a flow f in it, we form a new flow network Gf that has the same vertex set of G and that has two edges for each edge of G. An edge e = (1,2) of G that carries ?ow f(e) and has capacity C(e) (for above image ) spawns a “forward edge” of Gf with capacity C(e)-f(e) (the room remaining) and a “backward edge” (2,1) of Gf with capacity f(e) (the amount of previously routed ?ow that can be undone). source(s)- sink(t) paths with f(e) < C(e) for all edges, as searched for by the naive greedy algorithm, correspond to the special case of s-t paths of Gf that comprise only forward edges.
The idea of residual graph is used The Ford-Fulkerson and Dinic’s algorithms
Given a graph which represents a flow network where every edge has a capacity. Also given two vertices source ‘s’ and sink ‘t’ in the graph, find the maximum possible flow from s to t with following constraints:
a) Flow on an edge doesn’t exceed the given capacity of the edge.
b) Incoming flow is equal to outgoing flow for every vertex except s and t.

For example, consider the following graph from CLRS book.
The maximum possible flow in the above graph is 23.

The following is simple idea of Ford-Fulkerson algorithm:
1) Start with initial flow as 0.
2) While there is a augmenting path from source to sink. 
           Add this path-flow to flow.
3) Return flow.
Time Complexity: Time complexity of the above algorithm is O(max_flow * E). We run a loop while there is an augmenting path. In worst case, we may add 1 unit flow in every iteration. Therefore the time complexity becomes O(max_flow * E).
How to implement the above simple algorithm? 
Let us first define the concept of Residual Graph which is needed for understanding the implementation.
Residual Graph of a flow network is a graph which indicates additional possible flow. If there is a path from source to sink in residual graph, then it is possible to add flow. Every edge of a residual graph has a value called residual capacity which is equal to original capacity of the edge minus current flow. Residual capacity is basically the current capacity of the edge.
Let us now talk about implementation details. Residual capacity is 0 if there is no edge between two vertices of residual graph. We can initialize the residual graph as original graph as there is no initial flow and initially residual capacity is equal to original capacity. To find an augmenting path, we can either do a BFS or DFS of the residual graph. We have used BFS in below implementation. Using BFS, we can find out if there is a path from source to sink. BFS also builds parent[] array. Using the parent[] array, we traverse through the found path and find possible flow through this path by finding minimum residual capacity along the path. We later add the found path flow to overall flow.
The important thing is, we need to update residual capacities in the residual graph. We subtract path flow from all edges along the path and we add path flow along the reverse edges We need to add path flow along reverse edges because may later need to send flow in reverse direction (See following link for example).

    static final int V = 6;    //Number of vertices in graph
    /* Returns true if there is a path from source 's' to sink
      't' in residual graph. Also fills parent[] to store the
      path */
    boolean bfs(int rGraph[][], int s, int t, int parent[])
        // Create a visited array and mark all vertices as not
        // visited
        boolean visited[] = new boolean[V];
        for(int i=0; i<V; ++i)
        // Create a queue, enqueue source vertex and mark
        // source vertex as visited
        LinkedList<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
        visited[s] = true;
        // Standard BFS Loop
        while (queue.size()!=0)
            int u = queue.poll();
            for (int v=0; v<V; v++)
                if (visited[v]==false && rGraph[u][v] > 0)
                    parent[v] = u;
                    visited[v] = true;
        // If we reached sink in BFS starting from source, then
        // return true, else false
        return (visited[t] == true);
    // Returns tne maximum flow from s to t in the given graph
    int fordFulkerson(int graph[][], int s, int t)
        int u, v;
        // Create a residual graph and fill the residual graph
        // with given capacities in the original graph as
        // residual capacities in residual graph
        // Residual graph where rGraph[i][j] indicates
        // residual capacity of edge from i to j (if there
        // is an edge. If rGraph[i][j] is 0, then there is
        // not)
        int rGraph[][] = new int[V][V];
        for (u = 0; u < V; u++)
            for (v = 0; v < V; v++)
                rGraph[u][v] = graph[u][v];
        // This array is filled by BFS and to store path
        int parent[] = new int[V];
        int max_flow = 0// There is no flow initially
        // Augment the flow while tere is path from source
        // to sink
        while (bfs(rGraph, s, t, parent))
            // Find minimum residual capacity of the edhes
            // along the path filled by BFS. Or we can say
            // find the maximum flow through the path found.
            int path_flow = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            for (v=t; v!=s; v=parent[v])
                u = parent[v];
                path_flow = Math.min(path_flow, rGraph[u][v]);
            // update residual capacities of the edges and
            // reverse edges along the path
            for (v=t; v != s; v=parent[v])
                u = parent[v];
                rGraph[u][v] -= path_flow;
                rGraph[v][u] += path_flow;
            // Add path flow to overall flow
            max_flow += path_flow;
        // Return the overall flow
        return max_flow;

  •容量网络(capacity network)&流量网络(flow network)&残留网络(residual network)
    • 网络就是有源、汇的有向图,关于什么的网络就是指边权的含义是什么。
    • 容量网络就是关于容量的网络。在求解问题的过程中,容量网络基本是不改变的。
    • 流量网络就是关于流量的网络。在求解问题的过程中,流量网络通常在不断改变,但是总是满足上述三个性质;调整到最后就是最大流网络,同时也可以得到最大流值。
    • 残量网络往往概括了容量网络和流量网络,是最为常用的,残量网络=容量网络-流量网络。
  • 增广路径(Augmenting path):增广路径顾名思义就是能够增加流量的路径。增广路径 p 是残量网络中一条从源点 s 到汇点 t 的简单路径,在一条增广路径 p 上能够为每条边增加的流量的最大值为路径 p 的 残存容量(remaining capacity)


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