Digit DP - Summary



for(int i=le;i<=ri;i++)
        if(right(i)) ans++;


然后每一位枚举都不能让枚举的这个数超过上界213(下界就是0或者1,这个次要),当百位枚举了1,那么十位枚举就是从0到9,因为百位1已经比上界2小了,后面数位枚举什么都不可能超过上界。所以问题就在于:当高位枚举刚好达到上界是,那么紧接着的一位枚举就有上界限制了。具体的这里如果百位枚举了2,那么十位的枚举情况就是0到1,如果前两位枚举了21,最后一位之是0到3(这一点正好对于代码模板里的一个变量limit 专门用来判断枚举范围)。最后一个问题:最高位枚举0:百位枚举0,相当于此时我枚举的这个数最多是两位数,如果十位继续枚举0,那么我枚举的就是以为数咯,因为我们要枚举的是小于等于ri的所以数,当然不能少了位数比ri小的咯!(这样枚举是为了无遗漏的枚举,不过可能会带来一个问题,就是前导零的问题,模板里用lead变量表示,不过这个不是每个题目都是会有影响的,可能前导零不会影响我们计数,具体要看题目)


int main()
    long long le,ri;
w_w 是吧!统计[1,ri]数量和[1,le-1],然后相减就是区间[le,ri]的数量了,这里我写的下界是1,其实0也行,反正相减后就没了,注意题目中le的范围都是大于等于1的(不然le=0,再减一就G_G了)

typedef long long ll;
int a[20];
ll dp[20][state];//不同题目状态不同
ll dfs(int pos,/*state变量*/,bool lead/*前导零*/,bool limit/*数位上界变量*/)//不是每个题都要判断前导零
    if(pos==-1) return 1;/*这里一般返回1,表示你枚举的这个数是合法的,那么这里就需要你在枚举时必须每一位都要满足题目条件,也就是说当前枚举到pos位,一定要保证前面已经枚举的数位是合法的。不过具体题目不同或者写法不同的话不一定要返回1 */
    if(!limit && !lead && dp[pos][state]!=-1) return dp[pos][state];
    int up=limit?a[pos]:9;//根据limit判断枚举的上界up;这个的例子前面用213讲过了
    ll ans=0;
    for(int i=0;i<=up;i++)//枚举,然后把不同情况的个数加到ans就可以了
        if() ...
        else if()...
        ans+=dfs(pos-1,/*状态转移*/,lead && i==0,limit && i==a[pos]) //最后两个变量传参都是这样写的
    if(!limit && !lead) dp[pos][state]=ans;
    return ans;
ll solve(ll x)
    int pos=0;
    return dfs(pos-1/*从最高位开始枚举*/,/*一系列状态 */,true,true);//刚开始最高位都是有限制并且有前导零的,显然比最高位还要高的一位视为0嘛
int main()
    ll le,ri;




那么假设我们第一次枚举了百位是0,显然后面的枚举limit=false,也就是数位上0到9的枚举,然后当我十位枚举了1,此时考虑dp[0][1],就是枚举到个位,前一位是1的个数,显然dp[0][1]=9;(个位只有是1的时候是不满足的),这个状态记录下来,继续dfs,一直到百位枚举了2,十位枚举了1,显然此时递归到了pos=0,pre=1的层,而dp[0][1]的状态已经有了即dp[pos][pre]!=-1;此时程序直接return dp[0][1]了,然而显然是错的,因为此时是有limit的个位只能枚举0,根本没有9个数,这就是状态冲突了。有lead的时候可能出现冲突,这只是两个最基本的不同的题目可能还要加限制,反正宗旨都是让dp状态唯一

对于这个错误说两点:一是limit为true的数并不多,一个个枚举不会很浪费时间,所以我们记录下! limit的状态解决了不少子问题重叠。第二,有人可能想到把dp状态改一下dp[pos][state][limit]就是分别记录不同limit下的个数,这种方法一般是对的,关于这个具体会讲,下面有题bzoj3209会用到这个。



1.求数位和是10的倍数的个数,这里简化为数位sum%10这个状态,即dp[pos][sum]这里10 是与多组无关的,所以可以memset优化,不过注意如果题目的模是输入的话那就不能这样了。

There are many types of problems that ask to count the number of integers ‘x‘ between two integers say ‘a‘ and ‘b‘ such that x satisfies a specific property that can be related to its digits.
So, if we say G(x) tells the number of such integers between 1 to x (inclusively), then the number of such integers between a and b can be given by G(b) – G(a-1). This is when Digit DP (Dynamic Programming) comes into action. All such integer counting problems that satisfy the above property can be solved by digit DP approach.
Key Concept
  • Let given number x has n digits. The main idea of digit DP is to first represent the digits as an array of digits t[]. Let’s say a we have tntn-1tn-2 … t2t1 as the decimal representation where ti (0 < i <= n)tells the i-th digit from the right. The leftmost digit tn is the most significant digit.
  • Now, after representing the given number this way we generate the numbers less than the given number and simultaneously calculate using DP, if the number satisfy the given property. We start generating integers having number of digits = 1 and then till number of digits = n. Integers having less number of digits than n can be analyzed by setting the leftmost digits to be zero.
Given to integers a and b. Your task is to print the sum of all the digits appearing in the integers between a and b.
For example if a = 5 and b = 11, then answer is 38 (5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1)
Constraints : 1 <= a < b <= 10^18
Now we see that if we have calculated the answer for state having n-1 digits, i.e., tn-1 tn-2 … t2 t1 and we need to calculate answer for state having n digitdtn tn-1 tn-2 … t2 t1. So, clearly, we can use the result of the previous state instead of re-calculating it. Hence, it follows the overlapping property.
Let’s think for a state for this DP
Our DP state will be dp(idx, tight, sum)
1) idx
  • It tells about the index value from right in the given integer
2) tight
  • This will tell if the current digits range is restricted or not. If the current digit’s
    range is not restricted then it will span from 0 to 9 (inclusively) else it will span
    from 0 to digit[idx] (inclusively).
    Example: consider our limiting integer to be 3245 and we need to calculate G(3245)
    index : 4 3 2 1
    digits : 3 2 4 5
Unrestricted range:
Now suppose the integer generated till now is : 3 1 * * ( * is empty place, where digits are to be inserted to form the integer).
  index  : 4 3 2 1  
  digits : 3 2 4 5
 generated integer: 3 1 _ _ 
here, we see that index 2 has unrestricted range. Now index 2 can have digits from range 0 to 9(inclusively).
For unrestricted range tight = 0

Restricted range:
Now suppose the integer generated till now is : 3 2 * * ( ‘*’ is an empty place, where digits are to be inserted to form the integer).

  index  : 4 3 2 1  
  digits : 3 2 4 5
 generated integer: 3 2 _ _ 
here, we see that index 2 has a restricted range. Now index 2 can only have digits from range 0 to 4 (inclusively)
For unrestricted range tight = 1
3) sum
  • This parameter will store the sum of digits in the generated integer from msd to idx.
  • Max value for this parameter sum can be 9*18 = 162, considering 18 digits in the integer
State Relation

The basic idea for state relation is very simple. We formulate the dp in top-down fashion.
Let’s say we are at the msd having index idx. So initially sum will be 0.
Therefore, we will fill the digit at index by the digits in its range. Let’s say its range is from 0 to k (k<=9, depending on the tight value) and fetch the answer from the next state having index = idx-1 and sum = previous sum + digit chosen.
int ans = 0;
for (int i=0; i<=k; i++) {
   ans += state(idx-1, newTight, sum+i)

state(idx,tight,sum) = ans;
How to calculate the newTight value?
The new tight value from a state depends on its previous state. If tight value form the previous state is 1 and the digit at idx chosen is digit[idx](i.e the digit at idx in limiting integer) , then only our new tight will be 1 as it only then tells that the number formed till now is prefix of the limiting integer.
// digitTaken is the digit chosen
// digit[idx] is the digit in the limiting 
//            integer at index idx from right
// previouTight is the tight value form previous 
//              state

newTight = previousTight & (digitTake == digit[idx])
Time Complexity:
There are total idx*sum*tight states and we are performing 0 to 9 iterations to visit every state. Therefore, The Time Complexity will be O(10*idx*sum*tight). Here, we observe that tight = 2 and idx can be max 18 for 64 bit unsigned integer and moreover, the sum will be max 9*18 ~ 200. So, overall we have 10*18*200*2 ~ 10^5 iterations which can be easily executed in 0.01 seconds.

// Memoization for the state results
long long dp[20][180][2];
// Stores the digits in x in a vector digit
long long getDigits(long long x, vector <int> &digit)
    while (x)
        x /= 10;
// Return sum of digits from 1 to integer in
// digit vector
long long digitSum(int idx, int sum, int tight,
                          vector <int> &digit)
    // base case
    if (idx == -1)
       return sum;
    // checking if already calculated this state
    if (dp[idx][sum][tight] != -1 and tight != 1)
        return dp[idx][sum][tight];
    long long ret = 0;
    // calculating range value
    int k = (tight)? digit[idx] : 9;
    for (int i = 0; i <= k ; i++)
        // caclulating newTight value for next state
        int newTight = (digit[idx] == i)? tight : 0;
        // fetching answer from next state
        ret += digitSum(idx-1, sum+i, newTight, digit);
    if (!tight)
      dp[idx][sum][tight] = ret;
    return ret;
// Returns sum of digits in numbers from a to b.
int rangeDigitSum(int a, int b)
    // initializing dp with -1
    memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));
    // storing digits of a-1 in digit vector
    vector<int> digitA;
    getDigits(a-1, digitA);
    // Finding sum of digits from 1 to "a-1" which is passed
    // as digitA.
    long long ans1 = digitSum(digitA.size()-1, 0, 1, digitA);
    // Storing digits of b in digit vector
    vector<int> digitB;
    getDigits(b, digitB);
    // Finding sum of digits from 1 to "b" which is passed
    // as digitB.
    long long ans2 = digitSum(digitB.size()-1, 0, 1, digitB);
    return (ans2 - ans1);


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