(1)返回第 N 个神奇数字?很显然,这个神奇数字里面应该包含N个数字可以被 A 或 B 整除(这里的包含可以理解为神奇数字前面的数字,不太严谨哈)。
(2)现在,我们可以设置两个界限,一个最小下界 0,一个最大上界10**15。
(4)如何确定这个神奇数字包含的个数?有数学方法可以求出来,简单理解就是求出这个神奇数字的能被A整除的个数+被B整除的个数-能同时被A、B整除的个数 (也就用到容斥原理,具体的可以去网上深入学习哦),即可。
其实之后才想到官方题解中复杂度更高的那个算法,也就是在每lcm(A, B)个数出现的Magical Number模式(个数)是一样的,因此可以看看lcm(A, B)内有多少个,然后取个模,枚举剩下的。
本题求的是第N个Magical Number,我们可以很轻松的知道这个数的取值范围 [min(A,B), N*max(A,B)]。对于知道上下界求具体数字的题目,可以考虑用二分查找。这样题目就从找出第N个Magical Number变成判断一个数是否是第N个Magical Number。假设n是其中一个Magical Number,显然n满足 n % A == 0 或者 n % B == 0。对于A来说,从A到n之间有n/A个Magical Number,而对B来说是n/B个Magical Number。但是n却并不是第(n/A + n/B)个Magical Number,因为这两者之间会有满足A * i == B * j数字出现,这样会造成重复,这样的数字有多少个呢?和A与B的最小公倍数有关,有n/LCM(A,B)个
Time Complexity: .
Approach 1: Mathematical
Approach 1: Mathematical
A positive integer is magical if it is divisible by either A or B.
Return the N-th magical number. Since the answer may be very large, return it modulo
10^9 + 7
Example 1:
Input: N = 1, A = 2, B = 3 Output: 2
Example 2:
Input: N = 4, A = 2, B = 3 Output: 6
Example 3:
Input: N = 5, A = 2, B = 4 Output: 10
Example 4:
Input: N = 3, A = 6, B = 4 Output: 8
1 <= N <= 10^9
2 <= A <= 40000
2 <= B <= 40000
(1)返回第 N 个神奇数字?很显然,这个神奇数字里面应该包含N个数字可以被 A 或 B 整除(这里的包含可以理解为神奇数字前面的数字,不太严谨哈)。
(2)现在,我们可以设置两个界限,一个最小下界 0,一个最大上界10**15。
(4)如何确定这个神奇数字包含的个数?有数学方法可以求出来,简单理解就是求出这个神奇数字的能被A整除的个数+被B整除的个数-能同时被A、B整除的个数 (也就用到容斥原理,具体的可以去网上深入学习哦),即可。
Let n denote the number of numbers <= X that are divisible by either A or B.
n = X / A + X / B – X / lcm(A, B) = X / A + X / B – X / (A * B / gcd(A, B))
Binary search for the smallest X such that n >= N
第一反应就是二分答案,判定一个数x内有多少个Magical Number很容易,稍微容斥一下,即只需要二分内的数即可,因为必有N个A或B。
其实之后才想到官方题解中复杂度更高的那个算法,也就是在每lcm(A, B)个数出现的Magical Number模式(个数)是一样的,因此可以看看lcm(A, B)内有多少个,然后取个模,枚举剩下的。
int gcd(int u, int v) { if (v == 0) { return u; } return gcd(v, u % v); } int nthMagicalNumber(int N, int A, int B) { long long u = 0, v = static_cast<long long>(N) * min(A, B); int lcm = A / gcd(A, B) * B; while (u < v) { long long m = u + (v - u) / 2; if (m / A + m / B - m / lcm < N) { u = m + 1; } else { v = m; } } return u % kModule; }
本题求的是第N个Magical Number,我们可以很轻松的知道这个数的取值范围 [min(A,B), N*max(A,B)]。对于知道上下界求具体数字的题目,可以考虑用二分查找。这样题目就从找出第N个Magical Number变成判断一个数是否是第N个Magical Number。假设n是其中一个Magical Number,显然n满足 n % A == 0 或者 n % B == 0。对于A来说,从A到n之间有n/A个Magical Number,而对B来说是n/B个Magical Number。但是n却并不是第(n/A + n/B)个Magical Number,因为这两者之间会有满足A * i == B * j数字出现,这样会造成重复,这样的数字有多少个呢?和A与B的最小公倍数有关,有n/LCM(A,B)个
- Get gcd (greatest common divisor) and lcm (least common multiple) of (A, B).
(a, b) = (A, B) while b > 0: (a, b) = (b, a % b)
then, gcd = a and lcm = A * B / a - How many magic numbers
<= x
By inclusion exclusion principle, we have:
x / A + x / B - x / lcm
- Set our binary search range
Lower bound ismin(A, B)
, I just setleft = 2
Upper bound isN * min(A, B)
, I just setright = 10 ^ 14
. - binary search, find the smallest
thatx / A + x / B - x / lcm = N
public int nthMagicalNumber(int N, int A, int B) {
long a = A, b = B, tmp, l = 2, r = (long)1e14, mod = (long)1e9 + 7;
while (b > 0) {
tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp % b;
while (l < r) {
long m = (l + r) / 2;
if (m / A + m / B - m / (A * B / a) < N) l = m + 1;
else r = m;
return (int)(l % mod);
Approach 2: Binary Search
The number of magical numbers less than or equal to is a monotone increasing function in , so we can binary search for the answer.
Say , the least common multiple of and ; and let be the number of magical numbers less than or equal to . A well known result says that , and that we can calculate the function . For more information on least common multiples and greatest common divisors, please visit Wikipedia - Lowest Common Multiple.
Then . Why? There are numbers that are divisible by , there are numbers divisible by , and we need to subtract the numbers divisible by and that we double counted.
Finally, the answer must be between and . Without loss of generality, suppose , so that it remains to show
as desired.
Afterwards, the binary search on is straightforward. For more information on binary search, please visit [LeetCode Explore - Binary Search].
public int nthMagicalNumber(int N, int A, int B) {
int MOD = 1_000_000_007;
int L = A / gcd(A, B) * B;
long lo = 0;
long hi = (long) 1e15;
while (lo < hi) {
long mi = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
// If there are not enough magic numbers below mi...
if (mi / A + mi / B - mi / L < N)
lo = mi + 1;
hi = mi;
return (int) (lo % MOD);
public int gcd(int x, int y) {
if (x == 0)
return y;
return gcd(y % x, x);
Approach 1: Mathematical
Let's try to count to the -th magical number mathematically.
First, the pattern of magical numbers repeats. Let be the least common multiple of and . If is magical, then is magical, because (for example) and implies , and similarly if were the divisor.
There are magical numbers less than or equal to : of them are divisible by , of them are divisible by , and of them is divisible by both. So instead of counting one at a time, we can count by at a time.
Now, suppose (with ). The first numbers contain magical numbers, and within the next numbers we want to find more magical ones.
For this task, we can use brute force. The next magical number (less ) will either be or . If for example it is , then the next number will either be or , and so on.
If the -th such magical number is , then the final answer is . Care must also be taken in the case that is .
Time Complexity: , assuming a model where integer math operations are . The calculation of
q * L
is . The calculation of the -th magical number after is which is .
public int nthMagicalNumber(int N, int A, int B) {
int MOD = 1_000_000_007;
int L = A / gcd(A, B) * B;
int M = L / A + L / B - 1;
int q = N / M, r = N % M;
long ans = (long) q * L % MOD;
if (r == 0)
return (int) ans;
int[] heads = new int[] { A, B };
for (int i = 0; i < r - 1; ++i) {
if (heads[0] <= heads[1])
heads[0] += A;
heads[1] += B;
ans += Math.min(heads[0], heads[1]);
return (int) (ans % MOD);
public int gcd(int x, int y) {
if (x == 0)
return y;
return gcd(y % x, x);
I have seen most of the solutions contain binary search or brute force search. Actually we can solve it with pure math solution.
First we need to find count of the LCM blocks as each LCM block contains fixed number of magic numbers. For the remain part, instead of using brute force or binary search. Actually there's linear relationship between count of magic number (F(x)) and the number (x) in following formular:
As within an LCD block, there's no overlapping between x/A and x/B.
First we need to find count of the LCM blocks as each LCM block contains fixed number of magic numbers. For the remain part, instead of using brute force or binary search. Actually there's linear relationship between count of magic number (F(x)) and the number (x) in following formular:
f(x) = floor(x/A) + floor(x/B)
As within an LCD block, there's no overlapping between x/A and x/B.
If we plot this in a chart, it's very close to linear furmular:
But it's always below this line.
following is the chart exmple for A=3, B=5

f(x) = x/A + x/B.
But it's always below this line.
following is the chart exmple for A=3, B=5

So solution to get the number within an LCM block is very simple:
The minimum integer number great than: N / ( 1/A + 1 /B ), that can be divided either by A or B.
The minimum integer number great than: N / ( 1/A + 1 /B ), that can be divided either by A or B.
import static java.lang.Math.ceil;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
class Solution {
public int nthMagicalNumber(int N, int A, int B) {
int MOD = 1_000_000_007;
long lcm = A * B / gcd(A, B);
long cntPerLcm = lcm / A + lcm / B - 1;
long cntLcm = N / cntPerLcm;
long remain = N % cntPerLcm;
double nearest = remain / (1./A + 1./B);
int remainIdx = (int)min(ceil(nearest / A) * A, ceil(nearest / B) * B);
return (int)((cntLcm * lcm + remainIdx) % MOD);
public static int gcd(int A, int B) {
return B == 0 ? A : gcd(B, A % B);
假设两个数的最小公倍数$L = LCM(A, B)$, 那么对于
[1, L]
这个区间里的数, 能被A整除的有$\lfloor \frac{L}{A} \rfloor$, 能被B整数的有$\lfloor \frac{L}{B} \rfloor$, 这两部分除了L之外不会有重合的, 因为L是最小公倍数, 因此在$[1, L]$这个区间内有$M = \lfloor \frac{L}{A} \rfloor + \lfloor \frac{L}{B} \rfloor - 1$。
而$[L + 1, 2L]$这段区间中的magic number数目和第一段区间是一样的, 所以至少有$\lfloor \frac{min(A, B)}{L} \rfloor$个 magic number。但是最后还有一小段余数, 这一段直接暴力一个一个判断就好了, 反正最多不超过L个。
代码如下, gcd可以用辗转相除法得到, 然后$lcm = \frac{A \times B}{gcd(A, B)}$
Let's try to count to the -th magical number mathematically.
First, the pattern of magical numbers repeats. Let be the least common multiple of and . If is magical, then is magical, because (for example) and implies , and similarly if were the divisor.
There are magical numbers less than or equal to : of them are divisible by , of them are divisible by , and of them is divisible by both. So instead of counting one at a time, we can count by at a time.
Now, suppose (with ). The first numbers contain magical numbers, and within the next numbers we want to find more magical ones.
For this task, we can use brute force. The next magical number (less ) will either be or . If for example it is , then the next number will either be or , and so on.
If the -th such magical number is , then the final answer is . Care must also be taken in the case that is .
Time Complexity: , assuming a model where integer math operations are . The calculation of
q * L
is . The calculation of the -th magical number after is which is .
public int nthMagicalNumber(int N, int A, int B) {
int MOD = 1_000_000_007;
int L = A / gcd(A, B) * B;
int M = L / A + L / B - 1;
int q = N / M, r = N % M;
long ans = (long) q * L % MOD;
if (r == 0)
return (int) ans;
int[] heads = new int[] { A, B };
for (int i = 0; i < r - 1; ++i) {
if (heads[0] <= heads[1])
heads[0] += A;
heads[1] += B;
ans += Math.min(heads[0], heads[1]);
return (int) (ans % MOD);
public int gcd(int x, int y) {
if (x == 0)
return y;
return gcd(y % x, x);