# 2) Binary Search, define left and right pointers and compute mid for each iteration. When A[mid]<A[mid+1] , indicating the numbers are still increasing, so the peak shall occur on the right side of mid , hence we update left pointer; Otherwise it indicates peak shall occur on the left side of mid , we update the right pointer. Eventually, two pointers meet and the peak index is located. Olog(N) time complexity, much faster if we have a large input.
:type A: List[int]
:rtype: int
left, right = 0, len(A) - 1
while left < right:
mid = (left + right) / 2
if A[mid - 1] < A[mid] and A[mid] < A[mid + 1]:
left = mid
elif A[mid - 1] > A[mid] and A[mid] > A[mid + 1]:
right = mid
return mid
:type A: List[int]
:rtype: int
N = len(A)
left, right = 0, N
while left < right:
mid = left + (right - left) // 2
if A[mid - 1] < A[mid] and A[mid] > A[mid + 1]:
return mid
if A[mid] < A[mid + 1]:
left = mid + 1
right = mid
return -1
return A.index(max(A))
:type A: List[int]
:rtype: int
for i in range(len(A) - 1):
if A[i + 1] < A[i]:
return i
return -1
Let's call an array
a mountain if the following properties hold:A.length >= 3
- There exists some
0 < i < A.length - 1
such thatA[0] < A[1] < ... A[i-1] < A[i] > A[i+1] > ... > A[A.length - 1]
Given an array that is definitely a mountain, return any
such that A[0] < A[1] < ... A[i-1] < A[i] > A[i+1] > ... > A[A.length - 1]
# 2) Binary Search, define left and right pointers and compute mid for each iteration. When A[mid]<A[mid+1] , indicating the numbers are still increasing, so the peak shall occur on the right side of mid , hence we update left pointer; Otherwise it indicates peak shall occur on the left side of mid , we update the right pointer. Eventually, two pointers meet and the peak index is located. Olog(N) time complexity, much faster if we have a large input.
We can solve this problem with binary search. First, we find the middle value of the array A[mid] (mid = (A.length - 1) // 2). If A[mid-1] < A[mid] > A[mid+1], then A[mid] is the peak, just return mid. If A[mid-1] < A[mid] < A[mid+1], then the peak is in A[mid+1:]. If A[mid-1] > A[mid] > A[mid+1], then the peak is in A[:mid]. As a result, we reduce the range we search for the peak. Similarly, we can repeat finding the middle value, reducing the search range and finding new middle value until we find the peak.
可以用二分法来解决。先找到整个数组的中间值A[mid] (mid = (A.length - 1) // 2),如果A[mid-1] < A[mid] > A[mid+1],A[mid]就是山峰,直接返回mid。如果A[mid-1] < A[mid] < A[mid+1],则峰值落于A[mid+1:]。如果A[mid-1] > A[mid] > A[mid+1],则峰值位于A[:mid]。然后就可以缩小范围,继续寻找。总之,可以先找中间值,然后缩小范围,再找中间值,缩小范围,不停反复,直到找到我们要的峰值,输出其索引。
这个比普通二叉搜索的改进地方就是不再判断left, mid, right三者之间的关系。而是对于中间的mid,去判断mid和其相邻的两个元素的关系。根据是否符合山峰的上坡和下坡,去移动指针。
def peakIndexInMountainArray(self, A):"""
:type A: List[int]
:rtype: int
left, right = 0, len(A) - 1
while left < right:
mid = (left + right) / 2
if A[mid - 1] < A[mid] and A[mid] < A[mid + 1]:
left = mid
elif A[mid - 1] > A[mid] and A[mid] > A[mid + 1]:
right = mid
return mid
def peakIndexInMountainArray(self, A):"""
:type A: List[int]
:rtype: int
N = len(A)
left, right = 0, N
while left < right:
mid = left + (right - left) // 2
if A[mid - 1] < A[mid] and A[mid] > A[mid + 1]:
return mid
if A[mid] < A[mid + 1]:
left = mid + 1
right = mid
return -1
def peakIndexInMountainArray(self, A):return A.index(max(A))
def peakIndexInMountainArray(self, A):"""
:type A: List[int]
:rtype: int
for i in range(len(A) - 1):
if A[i + 1] < A[i]:
return i
return -1
The comparison
A[i] < A[i+1]
in a mountain array looks like [True, True, True, ..., True, False, False, ..., False]
: 1 or more boolean True
s, followed by 1 or more boolean False
. For example, in the mountain array [1, 2, 3, 4, 1]
, the comparisons A[i] < A[i+1]
would be True, True, True, False
We can binary search over this array of comparisons, to find the largest index
such that A[i] < A[i+1]
. public int peakIndexInMountainArray(int[] A) {
int l = 0, r = A.length - 1, mid;
while (l < r) {
mid = (l + r) / 2;
if (A[mid] < A[mid + 1]) l = mid;
else if (A[mid - 1] > A[mid]) r = mid;
else return mid;
return 0;
public int peakIndexInMountainArray(int[] A) {
for (int i = 1; i + 1 < A.length; ++i) if (A[i] > A[i + 1]) return i;
// for (int i = A.length - 1; i > 0; --i) if (A[i] > A[i - 1]) return i;
return 0;