Key Point: Using Stack
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Read full article from Algorithms and Me: Stacks : Infix to postfix conversionint is_operand(char op){if(op == '+' || op == '-' || op == '*' || op == '/' || op =='%')return 1;return 0;}/* This function returns associated precedence to an operator */int precedence(char op){switch (op){case '+' :case '-' :return 1;case '/' :case '*' :return 2;case '%' :return 3;default :return 4;}}/* This function tell if the op1 has lower precedence than op2 */int lower_precedence(char op1, char op2){if(precedence (op1) < precedence(op2))return 1;return 0;}void infix_to_postfix(cahr *s){stack ms;char *post = p;char temp;/* Wrong input */if(s== NULL) return ;if(*s == '\0') return ;/* Case 1. If '(', push on to stack */if(*s == '('){push(&ms, *s);}/* Case 2. If ')', pop all op from stack till we see ')', Discard ')' */else if(*s == ')'){while(!is_empty(ms) && peek(ms) != '('){*p = pop(&ms);p++;}if(!is_empty(ms))pop(&ms);}/* Case 3. If it is operator, pop all op on stack which are of higherprecedence than it. Push this onto stack */else if(is_operand(*s)){while(!is_empty(ms) && (!lower_precedence(peek(ms), *s))){*p = pop(&ms);p++;}push(&ms, *s);}/* Case 4. If it neither of above, add it to postfix expression */else{*p = *s;p++;}s++;}/*Flush all ops from stack once infix is completely visited */while(!is_empty(ms)){*p = pop(&ms);p++;}printf("\nPostfix expression is : ");printf("%s\n" , post);}