Range Minimum Query | iCode

Range Minimum Query | iCode
Given an array say A[0,N-1], we are queried for the minimum element from some index 'i' to the index 'j' such that j>=i, the notation for rest of the post for this will be RMQ(i,j) s.t. j>=i.
Ex: A = [3 , 2 , -1 , 4 , 2]
RMQ(0,2) = -1
RMQ(3,4) = 2
RMQ(0,4) = -1
5. Segment Trees
Time Complexity : Construction O(N) Query O(logN) <O(N),O(logN)>
segment tree are one of the most popular and most powerful data structures for interval update and interval queries. Segment trees are mostly preferred over any other methods described above and are useful in most of the programming competitions. Segment trees are heap like data structures. The segment tree for an array of size 10 would look like this.
Segment tree can be stored in the form of an array of size ‘2^(logN+1)-1’ say M.The left and the right child of node numbered ‘x’ will be ‘2*x+1’ and ‘2*x+2’ respectively.
//node is the index of the segment tree m, start and end are the index of the the array A
void BuildTree(int node,int start,int end,int A[],int N){
int RMQ(int node,int start,int end,int s,int e,int A[]){
        return M[node];
    else if(s>end || e<start)
        return -1;
    int q1 = RMQ(2*node+1,start,(start+end)/2,s,e,A);
    int q2 = RMQ(2*node+2,(start+end)/2+1,end,s,e,A);
        return q2;
    else if(q2==-1)
        return q1;
        return q1;
    return q2;
// driver programme
int main(){
    int A[10] = {3,1,2,-1,5,4,6,0,9,8};
    int s,e;
    scanf(&quot;%d %d&quot;,&amp;s,&amp;e);
    return 0;

4. Dynamic Programming Approach 2 (Sparse Table) 
Time Complexity : Construction O(NlogN) Query O(1) <O(NlogN),O(1)>
parse tables stores the information from one index ‘i’ to the some index ‘j’ which is at a specific distance from ‘i’.
Here we use Sparse table to store the minimum of the elements between index ‘i’ to i+’2^j’. It can be better understood with the help of an example :
let us say, A = [2,4,3,1,6,7,8,9,1,7]
and the sparse table be two dimensional Array M( N*(log(N)+1) )
st[i][j] = min(st[i][j-1], st[i+2^(j-1)][j-1])
  • 以u开始,长度为2^k的一段
  • 以v结束,长度为2^k的一段(可以计算得到起始位置为v-2^k+1)
RMQ(u,v) = min(st[u][k], st[v-2^k+1][k])
const int mx = 10000 + 10;  //数组最大长度
int n, a[mx]; //数组长度,数组内容

int st[mx][30]; //DP数组
void initRMQIndex() 
 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)  st[i][0] = i;
 for (int j = 1; (1 << j) <= n; j++)
  for (int i = 0; i + (1 << j) - 1 < n; i++)
   st[i][j] = a[st[i][j-1]] < a[st[i+(1<<(j-1))][j-1]] ? 
         st[i][j-1] : st[i+(1<<(j-1))][j-1];

int RMQIndex(int s, int v) //返回最小值的下标
 int k = int(log(v-s+1.0) / log(2.0));
 return a[st[s][k]] < a[st[v-(1<<k)+1][k]] ? st[s][k] : st[v-(1<<k)+1][k];
首先是预处理,用动态规划(DP)解决。设A[i]是要求区间最值的数列,F[i, j]表示从第i个数起连续2^j个数中的最大值。例如数列3 2 4 5 6 8 1 2 9 7,F[1,0]表示第1个数起,长度为2^0=1的最大值,其实就是3这个数。 F[1,2]=5,F[1,3]=8,F[2,0]=2,F[2,1]=4……从这里可以看出F[i,0]其实就等于A[i]。这样,DP的状态、初值都已经有了,剩下的就是状态转移方程。我们把F[i,j]平均分成两段(因为f[i,j]一定是偶数个数字),从i到i+2^(j-1)-1为一段,i+2^(j-1)到i+2^j-1为一段(长度都为2^(j-1))。用上例说明,当i=1,j=3时就是3,2,4,5 和 6,8,1,2这两段。F[i,j]就是这两段的最大值中的最大值。于是我们得到了动态规划方程F[i, j]=max(F[i,j-1], F[i + 2^(j-1),j-1])。
然后是查询。取k=[log2(j-i+1)],则有:RMQ(A, i, j)=min{F[i,k],F[j-2^k+1,k]}。 举例说明,要求区间[2,8]的最大值,就要把它分成[2,5]和[5,8]两个区间,因为这两个区间的最大值我们可以直接由f[2,2]和f[5,2]得到
To compute M[i][j] we use dynamic programming
             M[i][j-1]  if(A[M[i][j-1]]<= A[M[i+2^(j-1)-1][j-1]])
M[i][j] = 
Now after precomputation of the table ‘M’ The RMQ can be solved in O(1) as follows :
let k = log(j-i+1)
             A[M[i][k]]  if(A[M[i][k]]<=A[M[j-2^k+1][k]])
RMQ(i,j) = 
void Compute_ST(int A[],int N){
    int i,j;
    for(j=1;1<<j <=N ;j++){
int RMQ(int A[],int s,int e){
    int k=e-s;
    k=31-__builtin_clz(k+1); // k = log(e-s+1)
        return A[M[s][k]];
    return A[M[e-(1<<k)+1][k]];

Segment trees are more popular, because they are more flexible than sparse tables, they can also be used for interval update which is most often clubbed with the interval query in a programming challenges while sparse table can not be used to update the array(as it is based on precomputations).

3. Split and Query 
Time Complexity : construction O(N) , Query O(sqrt(N)) <O(N),O(sqrt(N))>
Here we split the array in sqrt(N) equal parts of size sqrt(N), The idea is to store the minimum of each part in the an another array say M(0*sqrt(N)), and then for every query we traverse the array ‘M’ and the remaining elements of the array A.
Let us understand through an example :
A = [2,4,3,1,6,7,8,9,1,7]
image credits: TC
as it is clear from the image that M[0] is storing the index of the minimum element from A[0] to A[2] then M[1] will store index of the minimum element from A[3] to A[5] … ans so on till it is M[3] which will store A[9] as there are no further elements.
int M[MAXN];
/* M[i] = the index of the minimum element from A[i*sqrt(N)] to A[i*sqrt(N)+sqrt(N)-1] */
int size_m; // stores the size of the M array
void RMQ_SPLIT(int A[],int N){
    size_m =0;
    for(int i=0;i<N;){
        int minindex = i;
        for(int j=0;j<(int)sqrt(N) && i<N;j++){
int RMQ(int A[],int s,int e,int N){
    int start = s/(int)sqrt(N); // this will compute the starting index of the M array
    int ans = A[s];
    int end = e/(int)sqrt(N); // ending index of the M array
    for(int i=s;i<(start+1)*sqrt(N);i++)
        ans = A[i];
    for(int i=start+1;i<end;i++){
    for(int i=end*sqrt(N);i<=e;i++){
            ans = A[i];
    return ans;

2. Dynamic Programming Approach 1 (Trivial)
Time Complexity : Construction O(N^2) , Query O(1) <O(N^2),O(1)>
           j, if A[j] < A[M[i][j-1]]
           M[i][j-1], otherwise
int RMQ_DP(int A[],int N){
    for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
    for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
        for(int j=i+1;<N;j++){

Naive’s Approach 
Time Complexity : construction O(1) , Query O(N) <O(1),O(N)>
int RMQ(int A[],int s,int e){
    int minindex = s;
    for(int i=s;i<=e;i++)
            minindex = i;
    return A[minindex];

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