LeetCode 261 - Graph Valid Tree

Given n nodes labeled from 0 to n – 1 and a list of undirected edges (each edge is a pair of nodes), write a function to check whether these edges make up a valid tree.
For example:
Given n = 5 and edges = [[0, 1], [0, 2], [0, 3], [1, 4]], return true.
Given n = 5 and edges = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [1, 3], [1, 4]], return false.
Given n = 5 and edges = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [3, 4]], what should your return? Is this case a valid tree?
According to the definition of tree on Wikipedia: “a tree is an undirected graph in which any two vertices are connected by exactly one path. In other words, any connected graph without simple cycles is a tree.”
图类的题目基本上都可以用DFS和BFS来解决,这题也不例外。同时,Union and Find- 并查集也可以很好的解决这个问题。
1. DFS
public boolean validTree(int n, int[][] edges) {
        // initialize adjacency list
        List<List<Integer>> adjList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(n);
        // initialize vertices
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            adjList.add(i, new ArrayList<Integer>());
        // add edges    
        for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
            int u = edges[i][0], v = edges[i][1];
        boolean[] visited = new boolean[n];
        // make sure there's no cycle
        if (hasCycle(adjList, 0, visited, -1))
            return false;
        // make sure all vertices are connected
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (!visited[i])
                return false;
        return true;
    // check if an undirected graph has cycle started from vertex u
    boolean hasCycle(List<List<Integer>> adjList, int u, boolean[] visited, int parent) {
        visited[u] = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < adjList.get(u).size(); i++) {
            int v = adjList.get(u).get(i);
            if ((visited[v] && parent != v) || (!visited[v] && hasCycle(adjList, v, visited, u)))
                return true;
        return false;
    public boolean validTree(int n, int[][] edges) {
        // Create an adj list
        List<List<Integer>> adjList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            adjList.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
        for (int[] edge : edges) {
        boolean[] visited = new boolean[n];
        if (!validTreeHelper(n, edges, 0, -1, visited, adjList)) {
            return false;
        // Check the islands
        for (boolean v : visited) {
            if (!v) {
                return false;
        return true;
    private boolean validTreeHelper(int n, int[][] edges, int vertexId, int parentId,
                                    boolean[] visited, List<List<Integer>> adjList) {
        if (visited[vertexId]) {
            return false;
        visited[vertexId] = true;
        List<Integer> neighbors = adjList.get(vertexId);
        for (Integer neighbor : neighbors) {
            if (neighbor != parentId && !validTreeHelper(n, edges, neighbor, vertexId, visited, adjList)) {
                return false;
        return true;
  1. # nodes = # edges + 1
  2. 不成环
    public boolean validTree(int n, int[][] edges) {
        // Create an adj list
        List<List<Integer>> adjList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            adjList.add(new ArrayList<Integer>());
        for (int[] edge : edges) {
        boolean[] visited = new boolean[n];
        Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<Integer>();
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            int vertexId = queue.poll();
            if (visited[vertexId]) {
                return false;
            visited[vertexId] = true;
            for (int neighbor : adjList.get(vertexId)) {
                if (!visited[neighbor]) {
        // Check the islands
        for (boolean v : visited) {
            if (!v) {
                return false;
        return true;
// BFS, using queue private boolean valid(int n, int[][] edges) { // build the graph using adjacent list List<Set<Integer>> graph = new ArrayList<Set<Integer>>(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) graph.add(new HashSet<Integer>()); for(int[] edge : edges) { graph.get(edge[0]).add(edge[1]); graph.get(edge[1]).add(edge[0]); } // no cycle boolean[] visited = new boolean[n]; Queue<Integer> queue = new ArrayDeque<Integer>(); queue.add(0); while(!queue.isEmpty()) { int node = queue.poll(); if(visited[node]) return false; visited[node] = true; for(int neighbor : graph.get(node)) { queue.offer(neighbor); graph.get(neighbor).remove((Integer)node); } } // fully connected for(boolean result : visited) { if(!result) return false; } return true; }
In the BFS one, while loop can't not detect loop, try{ [1, 2] [2, 3] [1, 3]}:
boolean[] visited = new boolean[n];
        Queue<Integer> queue = new ArrayDeque<Integer>();
            int node = queue.poll();
                return false;
            visited[node] = true;
            for(int neighbor : graph.get(node))
Should be:
boolean[] visited = new boolean[n];
        Queue<Integer> queue = new ArrayDeque<Integer>();
            int node = queue.poll();
            for(int neighbor : graph.get(node))
                    return false;
                visited[neighbor] = true;                
public boolean validTree(int n, int[][] edges) { // n must be at least 1 if (n < 1) return false; // create hashmap to store info of edges Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> map = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) map.put(i, new HashSet<>()); for (int[] edge : edges) { map.get(edge[0]).add(edge[1]); map.get(edge[1]).add(edge[0]); } // bfs starts with node in label "0" Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(); Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>(); queue.add(0); while (!queue.isEmpty()) { int top = queue.remove(); // if set already contains top, then the graph has cycle // hence return false if (set.contains(top)) return false; for (int node : map.get(top)) { queue.add(node); // we should remove the edge: node -> top // after adding a node into set to avoid duplicate // since we already consider top -> node map.get(node).remove(top); } set.add(top); } return set.size() == n; }
X. 并查集 Union-Find
let's say the graph has V vertices and E edges, the find( ) function takes O(V) time because in the worst case it has to go through all the vertices, and from outside we loop through all the edges, so the time complexity should be O(V*E).
    public boolean validTree(int n, int[][] edges) {
        // initialize n isolated islands
        int[] nums = new int[n];
        Arrays.fill(nums, -1);
        // perform union find
        for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
            int x = find(nums, edges[i][0]);
            int y = find(nums, edges[i][1]);
            // if two vertices happen to be in the same set
            // then there's a cycle
            if (x == y) return false;
            // union
            nums[x] = y;
        return edges.length == n - 1;
    int find(int nums[], int i) {
        if (nums[i] == -1) return i;
        return find(nums, nums[i]);
    public boolean validTree(int n, int[][] edges) {
        UnionFind uf = new UnionFind(n);
        for(int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++){
            // 如果两个节点已经在同一集合中,说明新的边将产生环路
            if(!uf.union(edges[i][0], edges[i][1])){
                return false;
        return uf.count() == 1;
    public class UnionFind {
        int[] ids;
        int cnt;
        public UnionFind(int size){
            this.ids = new int[size];
            for(int i = 0; i < this.ids.length; i++){
                this.ids[i] = i;
            this.cnt = size;
        public boolean union(int m, int n){
            int src = find(m);
            int dst = find(n);
            if(src != dst){
                for(int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++){
                    if(ids[i] == src){
                        ids[i] = dst;
                // 合并完集合后,集合数减一
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        public int find(int m){
            return ids[m];
        public boolean areConnected(int m, int n){
            return find(m) == find(n);
        public int count(){
            return cnt;

X. Union and Find。
先附上一个很经典的图。 并查集可以很简单的查询到一个图的联通情况,或者返回最少路径数。

  1. find - 找到当前连通块的根节点
  2. connect - 连接两个连通块

bool validTree(int n, vector<vector<int>>& edges) {
if (n != edges.size() + 1) {
return false;
vector<int> root(n, -1);
for (auto& edge : edges) {
int root_a = find(edge[0], root);
int root_b = find(edge[1], root);
if (root_a == root_b) {
return false;
// connect
root[root_a] = root_b;
return true;
int find(int a, vector<int>& root) {
if (root[a] == -1) {
return a;
return root[a] = find(root[a], root);

public boolean validTree(int n, int[][] edges) {
        // initialize n isolated islands
        int[] nums = new int[n];
        Arrays.fill(nums, -1);
        // perform union find
        for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
            int x = find(nums, edges[i][0]);
            int y = find(nums, edges[i][1]);
            // if two vertices happen to be in the same set
            // then there's a cycle
            if (x == y) return false;
            // union
            nums[x] = y;
        return edges.length == n - 1;
    int find(int nums[], int i) {
        if (nums[i] == -1) return i;
        return find(nums, nums[i]);
  1.     int count = 0;  
  2.     int[] id = null;  
  3.     int[] size = null;  
  4.     public boolean validTree(int n, int[][] edges) {  
  5.         initUnionFind(n);  
  6.         for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {  
  7.             int p = edges[i][0], q = edges[i][1];  
  8.             if (find(p) == find(q))  
  9.                 return false;  
  10.             union(p, q);  
  11.         }  
  12.         return count == 1 ? true : false;  
  13.     }  
  14.     public void initUnionFind(int n) {  
  15.         id = new int[n];  
  16.         size = new int[n];  
  17.         for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {  
  18.             id[i] = i;  
  19.             size[i] = 1;  
  20.         }  
  21.         count = n;  
  22.     }  
  23.     //version 4: weighted quick union with path compression, find & union, very close to O(1)  
  24.     public int find(int p) {  
  25.         while (p != id[p]) {  
  26.             id[p] = id[id[p]];  
  27.             p = id[p];  
  28.         }  
  29.         return p;  
  30.     }  
  31.     public void union(int p, int q) { //same with version 3  
  32.         int pRoot = find(p), qRoot = find(q);  
  33.         if (size[pRoot] < size[qRoot]) {  
  34.             id[pRoot] = qRoot;  
  35.             size[qRoot] += size[pRoot];  
  36.         } else {  
  37.             id[qRoot] = pRoot;  
  38.             size[pRoot] += size[qRoot];  
  39.         }  
  40.         count--;  
  41.     }  
  42.     //version 3: weighted quick union, find & union, O(logn)  
  43.     public int find3(int p) { // same with version 2  
  44.         while (p != id[p]) p = id[p];  
  45.         return p;  
  46.     }  
  47.     public void union3(int p, int q) {  
  48.         int pRoot = find(p), qRoot = find(q);  
  49.         if (size[pRoot] < size[qRoot]) {  
  50.             id[pRoot] = qRoot;  
  51.             size[qRoot] += size[pRoot];  
  52.         } else {  
  53.             id[qRoot] = pRoot;  
  54.             size[pRoot] += size[qRoot];  
  55.         }  
  56.         count--;  
  57.     }  
  58.     // version 2: quick union, find & union, O(tree height)  
  59.     public int find2(int p) {  
  60.         while (p != id[p]) p = id[p];  
  61.         return p;  
  62.     }  
  63.     public void union2(int p, int q) {  
  64.         int pRoot = find(p), qRoot = find(q);  
  65.         id[pRoot] = qRoot;  
  66.         count--;  
  67.     }  
  68.     // version 1: quick find, find O(1), union O(n)  
  69.     public int find1(int p) {  
  70.         return id[p];  
  71.     }  
  72.     public void union1(int p, int q) {  
  73.         int pId = find(p), qId = find(q);// 特别注意进入循环先保存原始值,循环过程id[p]会被更改  
  74.         for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++) {  
  75.             if (id[i] == pId)  
  76.                 id[i] = qId;  
  77.         }  
  78.         count--;  
  79.     } 
  1.     // union by rank  
  2.     public boolean union(int p, int q) {  
  3.         int pRoot = find(p), qRoot = find(q);  
  4.         if (pRoot == qRoot)  
  5.             return false;  
  6.         if (s[pRoot] < s[qRoot]) {  
  7.             s[qRoot] = pRoot;  
  8.         } else {  
  9.             if (s[pRoot] == s[qRoot])  
  10.                 s[qRoot]--;  
  11.             s[pRoot] = qRoot;  
  12.         }  
  13.         return true;  
  14.     }  
  15.     // union by size  
  16.     public boolean union1(int p, int q) {  
  17.         int pRoot = find(p), qRoot = find(q);  
  18.         if (pRoot == qRoot)  
  19.             return false;  
  20.         if (s[pRoot] < s[qRoot]) {  
  21.             s[pRoot] += s[qRoot];  
  22.             s[qRoot] = pRoot;  
  23.         } else {  
  24.             s[qRoot] += s[pRoot];  
  25.             s[pRoot] = qRoot;  
  26.         }  
  27.         return true;  
  28.     } 
      class UnionFind{
        HashMap<Integer, Integer> father = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        UnionFind(int n){
            for(int i = 0 ; i < n; i++) {
                father.put(i, i); 
        int compressed_find(int x){
            int parent =  father.get(x);
            while(parent!=father.get(parent)) {
                parent = father.get(parent);
            int temp = -1;
            int fa = father.get(x);
            while(fa!=father.get(fa)) {
                temp = father.get(fa);
                father.put(fa, parent) ;
                fa = temp;
            return parent;
        void union(int x, int y){
            int fa_x = compressed_find(x);
            int fa_y = compressed_find(y);
            if(fa_x != fa_y)
                father.put(fa_x, fa_y);
    public boolean validTree(int n, int[][] edges) {
        // tree should have n nodes with n-1 edges
        if (n - 1 != edges.length) {
            return false;
        UnionFind uf = new UnionFind(n);
        for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
            if (uf.compressed_find(edges[i][0]) == uf.compressed_find(edges[i][1])) {
                return false;
            uf.union(edges[i][0], edges[i][1]);
        return true;

n    我朋友的朋友是我的朋友;
n    我敌人的敌人是我的朋友;
已知关于 n个人的m条信息(即某2个人是朋友或者敌人),假设所有是朋友的人一定属于同一个团伙,请计算该城市最多有多少团伙?

测试输入包含若干测试用例。每个测试用例的第1行给出两个正整数,分别是城镇数目N ( < 1000 )和道路数目M;随后的M行对应M条道路,每行给出一对正整数,分别是该条道路直接连通的两个城镇的编号。为简单起见,城镇从1到N编号。
3 3
1 2
1 2
2 1

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