一道用叶子过河题 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)
- A bug is trying to cross the river start from position 0 to position X
- Every time bug can jump no more than the D steps (1 to D steps);
- Leaves will fall from the tree to the river based on schedule A. A[0] = 1
means a leaf will fall on position 1 at time 0;
- Need to find the earliest time that the bug can jump from position 0 to x
using leaves; If there is no answer, return -1;
A = [1, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5]
X = 7
D = 3
Answer: 3
Explanation: At time 3, there will be leaves on position 1,3, and 4; bug can
jump 1 step, 3 step, and then 3 steps to cross the river;
Expected time complexity is O(n)
Read full article from 一道用叶子过河题 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)
- A bug is trying to cross the river start from position 0 to position X
- Every time bug can jump no more than the D steps (1 to D steps);
- Leaves will fall from the tree to the river based on schedule A. A[0] = 1
means a leaf will fall on position 1 at time 0;
- Need to find the earliest time that the bug can jump from position 0 to x
using leaves; If there is no answer, return -1;
A = [1, 3, 1, 4, 2, 5]
X = 7
D = 3
Answer: 3
Explanation: At time 3, there will be leaves on position 1,3, and 4; bug can
jump 1 step, 3 step, and then 3 steps to cross the river;
Expected time complexity is O(n)
int jump1(int X, int D, vector<int> A){
int cur = 0;
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> leavesPositions;
(int i=0; i<A.size(); ++i){
(!leavesPositions.empty() && cur+D>=leavesPositions.top()){
cur = max(leavesPositions.top(), cur);
int main(){
//vector<int> A = {5, 2};
vector<int> A = {1,3,1,4,2,5};
cout<<jump1(7, 3, A)<<endl;
Read full article from 一道用叶子过河题 - 未名空间(mitbbs.com)