Related: LeetCode 394 - Decode String http://bookshadow.com/weblog/2016/12/11/leetcode-encode-string-with-shortest-length/ Given a non...
Greedy Algorithms | Set 3 (Huffman Coding) | GeeksforGeeks Huffman coding is a lossless data compression algorithm. The idea is to assign ...
优步面经 Email domain address typo, need to figure out and return correct domain name. e.g. yhaoo–> yahoo, giaml –> gmail, hmailot–> ...
Follow up: LeetCode 471 - Encode String with Shortest Length https://leetcode.com/problems/decode-string/ Given an encoded string, retu...
Codility and other programming lessons: Lesson 4: NumberOfDiscIntersections (Number of DiscIntersections) https://codility.com/programmers...
Buttercola: Buddy System Given a complete binary tree with nodes of values of either 1 or 0, the following rules always hold: 1. A node...
HackerRank: N Puzzle N Puzzle is a sliding blocks game that takes place on a k * k grid with ((k * k) - 1) tiles each numbered from 1 to ...
https://leetcode.com/problems/best-sightseeing-pair/ Given an array A of positive integers, A[i] represents the value of the i -th...
Uber 电面+onsite【一亩三分地论坛面经版】 - Powered by Discuz! String Break 将一个String分成若干个substring,每个substring有大小限制k,且在末尾有固定格式代表这是第几个substring Exa...