Print the Bottom View of the Binary Tree. | Algorithms
Objective: - Given a binary tree, print it in Bottom View of it.
What is Bottom View: Bottom view means when you look the tree from the bottom the nodes you will see will be called the bottom view of the tree. See the example below.
8,4, 9, 5, 3, 7 is the bottom view of the given binary tree.
public static TreeMap<Integer, Integer> ht = new TreeMap<>();;
public static void bottomView(Node root, int level) {
if (root == null)
// create a queue for level order traversal
Queue<QueuePack> queue = new LinkedList<>();
// add root with level 0 (create a queue item pack)
queue.add(new QueuePack(level, root));
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
QueuePack q = queue.remove();
// take out the items from the package
Node tnode = q.tnode;
int lvl = q.level;
// keep updating the Map so that it will have the last entry from
// each level(vertically) and that will the bottom view of the tree
// add the left and right children of visiting nodes to the queue
if (tnode.left != null) {
queue.add(new QueuePack(lvl - 1, tnode.left));
if (tnode.right != null) {
queue.add(new QueuePack(lvl + 1, tnode.right));
public static void display() { // print the bottom view.
Set<Integer> keys = ht.keySet();
for (Integer key : keys) {
System.out.print(ht.get(key) + " ");
class Node {
int data;
Node left;
Node right;
public Node(int data) { = data;
left = null;
right = null;
// this class' represents the items stored in queue (used for level order
// traversal). Objects will store the nodes and its level
class QueuePack {
int level;
Node tnode;
public QueuePack(int level, Node tnode) {
this.level = level;
this.tnode = tnode;
Read full article from Print the Bottom View of the Binary Tree. | Algorithms
Objective: - Given a binary tree, print it in Bottom View of it.
What is Bottom View: Bottom view means when you look the tree from the bottom the nodes you will see will be called the bottom view of the tree. See the example below.
8,4, 9, 5, 3, 7 is the bottom view of the given binary tree.
This Approach is quite similar to the - Print the Binary Tree in Vertical Order Path.and Print The Top View of a Binary Tree. Just modified the code so that it will print only the last element it will encounter in the vertical order. That will be the bottom view.
How will you know that you are visiting the last node at every level(Vertically)?
- Take a variable called level, whenever you go left, do level++ AND whenever you go right do level–.
- With step above we have separated out the levels vertically.
- Now you need to store the elements of each level, so create a TreeMap and the (key,value) pair will be (level,element at that level).
- Now all we need to do the level order traversal and store only recent visited node at each level(vertically), this way you will be storing only the last element at each level.
- We will use simple queue technique for level order traversal or BFS.
- we will create a class QueuePack, this will store the objects containing node and its level.
- At the end traverse through TreeMap and print all the values in it, it will be the bottom view of a tree.
public static TreeMap<Integer, Integer> ht = new TreeMap<>();;
public static void bottomView(Node root, int level) {
if (root == null)
// create a queue for level order traversal
Queue<QueuePack> queue = new LinkedList<>();
// add root with level 0 (create a queue item pack)
queue.add(new QueuePack(level, root));
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
QueuePack q = queue.remove();
// take out the items from the package
Node tnode = q.tnode;
int lvl = q.level;
// keep updating the Map so that it will have the last entry from
// each level(vertically) and that will the bottom view of the tree
// add the left and right children of visiting nodes to the queue
if (tnode.left != null) {
queue.add(new QueuePack(lvl - 1, tnode.left));
if (tnode.right != null) {
queue.add(new QueuePack(lvl + 1, tnode.right));
public static void display() { // print the bottom view.
Set<Integer> keys = ht.keySet();
for (Integer key : keys) {
System.out.print(ht.get(key) + " ");
class Node {
int data;
Node left;
Node right;
public Node(int data) { = data;
left = null;
right = null;
// this class' represents the items stored in queue (used for level order
// traversal). Objects will store the nodes and its level
class QueuePack {
int level;
Node tnode;
public QueuePack(int level, Node tnode) {
this.level = level;
this.tnode = tnode;
If there are multiple bottom-most nodes for a horizontal distance from root, then print the later one in level traversal. For example, in the below diagram, 3 and 4 are both the bottom-most nodes at horizontal distance 0, we need to print 4.
20 / \ 8 22 / \ / \ 5 3 4 25 / \ 10 14
For the above tree the output should be 5, 10, 4, 14, 25.
//data of the node
//horizontal distance of the node
TreeNode left, right;
//left and right references
// Constructor of tree node
data = key;
hd = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
left = right =
//Tree class
TreeNode root;
//root node of tree
// Default constructor
Tree() {}
// Parameterized tree constructor
Tree(TreeNode node)
root = node;
// Method that prints the bottom view.
(root ==
// Initialize a variable 'hd' with 0 for the root element.
hd =
// TreeMap which stores key value pair sorted on key value
Map<Integer, Integer> map =
// Queue to store tree nodes in level order traversal
Queue<TreeNode> queue =
// Assign initialized horizontal distance value to root
// node and add it to the queue.
root.hd = hd;
// Loop until the queue is empty (standard level order loop)
TreeNode temp = queue.remove();
// Extract the horizontal distance value from the
// dequeued tree node.
hd = temp.hd;
// Put the dequeued tree node to TreeMap having key
// as horizontal distance. Every time we find a node
// having same horizontal distance we need to replace
// the data in the map.
// If the dequeued node has a left child add it to the
// queue with a horizontal distance hd-1.
(temp.left !=
temp.left.hd = hd-
// If the dequeued node has a left child add it to the
// queue with a horizontal distance hd+1.
(temp.right !=
temp.right.hd = hd+
// Extract the entries of map into a set to traverse
// an iterator over that.
Set<Entry<Integer, Integer>> set = map.entrySet();
// Make an iterator
Iterator<Entry<Integer, Integer>> iterator = set.iterator();
// Traverse the map elements using the iterator.
Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> me =;
" "
Exercise: Extend the above solution to print all bottommost nodes at a horizontal distance if there are multiple bottommost nodes. For the above second example, the output should be 5 10 3 4 14 25. full article from Print the Bottom View of the Binary Tree. | Algorithms