DP - Knapsack Summary
Given a knapsack with capacity W:
Pack as many items into the knapsack such that the total value of the items packed is maximized
Recursive Version:
Running time = O(WN)
Multiple Restriction Knapsack
- f[i][v] = max(f[i - 1][v],f[i - 1][v - weight[i]] + Value[i])
- f[i][v] = max(f[i - 1][v],f[i][v - weight[i]] + Value[i]);
物品个数N = 3,背包总容量为V = 5。
i = 2,表示正在处理第2件物品。在求解f[2][4]时,如果要计算把第2件物品放入背包后的代价时,我们需要知道f[2][2],此时f[2][2]中已经尽全力放入第2件物品了(已经放入一件)。此时此刻还可以在放入一件第2件物品,在背包容量为4时,最多可以放入两件第二件物品。
总结下,f[i][v]:表示在背包容量为v时,尽全力的放入第i件物品的代价。f[i][v - weight[i]]:表示在背包容量为v - weight[i]时,尽全力的放入第i件物品的代价。因此由f[i][v - weight[i]]转换为f[i][v]时,也是在f[i][v - weight[i]]的基础上有加入了一件物品i。
代码:迭代方程:f[i][v] = max(f[i - 1][v],f[i][v - weight[i]] + Value[i]);
http://www.mathcs.emory.edu/~cheung/Courses/323/Syllabus/DynProg/knapsack2.htmlGiven a knapsack with capacity W:
Pack as many items into the knapsack such that the total value of the items packed is maximized
Recursive Version:
/* ======================================================== M(C) = max value achieved by knapsack with capacity C ======================================================== */ static int M(int[] v, int[] w, int C) { int[] sol, mySol; int i, myFinalSol; sol = new int[v.length]; mySol = new int[v.length]; /* --------------------------- Base cases --------------------------- */ if ( C == 0 ) { return(0); } /* ============================================== Divide and conquer procedure ============================================== */ /* --------------------------------------- Solve the appropriate smaller problems --------------------------------------- */ for ( i = 0; i < v.length; i++ ) { if ( C >= w[i] ) sol[i] = M( v, w, C-w[i] ); // Knapsack capacity reduced by w[i] // because it has item i packed in // it already else sol[i] = 0; // Not enough space to pack item i } /* --------------------------------------------- Use the solutions to the smaller problems to solve original problem --------------------------------------------- */ for ( i = 0; i < v.length; i++ ) { if ( C >= w[i] ) mySol[i] = sol[i] + v[i]; // Value is increased by v[i] // because it has item i packed in // it already else mySol[i] = 0; // Not enough space to pack item i } /* ************************* Find the best (maximum) ************************* */ myFinalSol = mySol[0]; for ( i = 1; i < v.length; i++ ) if ( mySol[i] > myFinalSol ) myFinalSol = mySol[i]; return myFinalSol; // Return the overal best solution }Bottom-up Dynamic Programming solution for Unbounded Knapsack
Running time = O(WN)
/* ======================================================== M_dp(W) = max value achieved by knapsack with capacity W ======================================================== */ static int M_dp(int[] v, int[] w, int W) { int[] sol, mySol; int i, myFinalSol; int[] M; // Data structure to store results int C; // Index to run through M[] sol = new int[v.length]; mySol = new int[v.length]; M = new int[W + 1]; // Create array /* --------------------------- Base cases --------------------------- */ M[0] = 0; /* ============================================== The other values M[C] ============================================== */ for ( C = 1; C <= W; C++ ) { /* --------------------------------------- Solve the appropriate smaller problems --------------------------------------- */ for ( i = 0; i < v.length; i++ ) { if ( C >= w[i] ) sol[i] = M[ C-w[i] ]; // Knapsack capacity reduced by w[i] // because it has item i packed in // it already else sol[i] = 0; // Not enough space to pack item i } /* --------------------------------------------- Use the solutions to the smaller problems to solve original problem --------------------------------------------- */ for ( i = 0; i < v.length; i++ ) { if ( C >= w[i] ) mySol[i] = sol[i] + v[i]; // Value is increased by v[i] // because it has item i packed in // it already else mySol[i] = 0; // Not enough space to pack item i } /* ************************* Find the best (maximum) ************************* */ M[C] = mySol[0]; for ( i = 1; i < v.length; i++ ) if ( mySol[i] > M[C] ) M[C] = mySol[i]; } return M[ W ]; // Return best value for knapsack of cap = W }http://times.imkrisna.com/2010/05/unbounded-knapsack-java-source-code/
Multiple Restriction Knapsack
public UnboundedKnapsack() { // initializing: for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { maxIt [i] = Math.min( (int)(sack.getWeight() / items[i].getWeight()), (int)(sack.getVolume() / items[i].getVolume()) ); } // for (i) // calc the solution: calcWithRecursion(0); // Print out the solution: NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); System.out.println("Maximum value achievable is: " + best.getValue()); System.out.print("This is achieved by carrying (one solution): "); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { System.out.print(bestAm[i] + " " + items[i].getName() + ", "); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("The weight to carry is: " + nf.format(best.getWeight()) + " and the volume used is: " + nf.format(best.getVolume()) ); } // calculation the solution with recursion method // item : the number of item in the "items" array public void calcWithRecursion(int item) { for (int i = 0; i <= maxIt[item]; i++) { iIt[item] = i; if (item < n-1) { calcWithRecursion(item+1); } else { int currVal = 0; // current value double currWei = 0.0; // current weight double currVol = 0.0; // current Volume for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { currVal += iIt[j] * items[j].getValue(); currWei += iIt[j] * items[j].getWeight(); currVol += iIt[j] * items[j].getVolume(); } if (currVal > best.getValue() && currWei <= sack.getWeight() && currVol <= sack.getVolume() ) { best.setValue (currVal); best.setWeight(currWei); best.setVolume(currVol); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) bestAm[j] = iIt[j]; } // if (...) } // else } // for (i) } // calcWithRecursion()