Fibonacci heaps - 斐波那契堆
This allows algorithms that rely heavily on decrease-key
* to gain significant performance boosts. For example, Dijkstra's algorithm
* for single-source shortest paths can be shown to run in O(m + n lg n) using
* a Fibonacci heap, compared to O(m lg n) using a standard binary or binomial
* heap.
* Internally, a Fibonacci heap is represented as a circular, doubly-linked
* list of trees obeying the min-heap property. Each node stores pointers
* to its parent (if any) and some arbitrary child. Additionally, every
* node stores its degree (the number of children it has) and whether it
* is a "marked" node. Finally, each Fibonacci heap stores a pointer to
* the tree with the minimum value.
* To insert a node into a Fibonacci heap, a singleton tree is created and
* merged into the rest of the trees. The merge operation works by simply
* splicing together the doubly-linked lists of the two trees, then updating
* the min pointer to be the smaller of the minima of the two heaps. Peeking
* at the smallest element can therefore be accomplished by just looking at
* the min element. All of these operations complete in O(1) time.
斐波那契堆同二项堆一样,也是一种可合并堆。斐波那契堆的优势是:不涉及删除元素的操作仅需要O(1)的平摊运行时间。和二项堆一样,斐波那契堆由一组树构成。这种堆松散地基于二项堆,说松散是因为:如果不对斐波那契堆做任何DECREASE-KEY 或 DELETE 操作,则堆中每棵树就和二项树一样;但是如果执行这两种操作,在一些状态下必须要破坏二项树的特征,比如DECREASE-KEY或DELETE 后,有的树高为k,但是结点个数却少于2k。这种情况下,堆中的树不是二项树。
This allows algorithms that rely heavily on decrease-key
* to gain significant performance boosts. For example, Dijkstra's algorithm
* for single-source shortest paths can be shown to run in O(m + n lg n) using
* a Fibonacci heap, compared to O(m lg n) using a standard binary or binomial
* heap.
* Internally, a Fibonacci heap is represented as a circular, doubly-linked
* list of trees obeying the min-heap property. Each node stores pointers
* to its parent (if any) and some arbitrary child. Additionally, every
* node stores its degree (the number of children it has) and whether it
* is a "marked" node. Finally, each Fibonacci heap stores a pointer to
* the tree with the minimum value.
* To insert a node into a Fibonacci heap, a singleton tree is created and
* merged into the rest of the trees. The merge operation works by simply
* splicing together the doubly-linked lists of the two trees, then updating
* the min pointer to be the smaller of the minima of the two heaps. Peeking
* at the smallest element can therefore be accomplished by just looking at
* the min element. All of these operations complete in O(1) time.
Operations | Linked List | Fibonacci Heap ------------------------------------------- insert | O(1) | O(1) minimum | O(n) | O(1) extractMin | O(n) | O(log n) union | O(1) | O(1) ------------------------------------------- decreaseKey | O(1) | O(l)* delete | O(1) | O(log n)*
- extractMin() deletes the node with minimum key from the heap.
- union(H) merge heap H and create a new one.
- decreaseKey(x,k) assigns to node x within the heap the new key value k, which is assumed to be no greater than its current key value.
- delete(x) deletes node x from the heap.
Please read full article from Fibonacci heaps - 斐波那契堆