Extract Leaves of a Binary Tree in a Doubly Linked List | GeeksforGeeks
Given a Binary Tree, extract all leaves of it in a Doubly Linked List (DLL). Note that the DLL need to be created in-place.
We need to traverse all leaves and connect them by changing their left and right pointers. We also need to remove them from Binary Tree by changing left or right pointers in parent nodes. There can be many ways to solve this. In the following implementation, we add leaves at the beginning of current linked list and update head of the list using pointer to head pointer. Since we insert at the beginning, we need to process leaves in reverse order. For reverse order, we first traverse the right subtree then the left subtree. We use return values to update left or right pointers in parent nodes.
Read full article from Extract Leaves of a Binary Tree in a Doubly Linked List | GeeksforGeeks
We need to traverse all leaves and connect them by changing their left and right pointers. We also need to remove them from Binary Tree by changing left or right pointers in parent nodes. There can be many ways to solve this. In the following implementation, we add leaves at the beginning of current linked list and update head of the list using pointer to head pointer. Since we insert at the beginning, we need to process leaves in reverse order. For reverse order, we first traverse the right subtree then the left subtree. We use return values to update left or right pointers in parent nodes.
Node* extractLeafList(
Node *root,
Node **head_ref)
// Base cases
(root == NULL)
(root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL)
// This node is going to be added to doubly linked list
// of leaves, set right pointer of this node as previous
// head of DLL. We don't need to set left pointer as left
// is already NULL
root->right = *head_ref;
// Change left pointer of previous head
(*head_ref != NULL) (*head_ref)->left = root;
// Change head of linked list
*head_ref = root;
// Return new root
// Recur for right and left subtrees
root->right = extractLeafList(root->right, head_ref);
root->left = extractLeafList(root->left, head_ref);