Problem: Implement a function to find the first character in a string which only appears once.
For example: It returns ‘b’ when the input is “abaccdeff”.
Use Hashtab, int array: hashTable[256] or bitset to store found info.
char FirstNotRepeatingChar(char* pString)
if(pString == NULL)
return '\0';
const int tableSize = 256;
unsigned int hashTable[tableSize];
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<tableSize; ++ i)
hashTable[i] = 0;
char* pHashKey = pString;
while(*(pHashKey) != '\0')
hashTable[*(pHashKey++)] ++;
pHashKey = pString;
while(*pHashKey != '\0')
if(hashTable[*pHashKey] == 1)
return *pHashKey;
return '\0';
Read full article from Coding Interview Questions: No. 13 - First Character Appearing Only Once