How to check if a given number is Fibonacci number? | GeeksforGeeks
Given a number ‘n’, how to check if n is a Fibonacci number.
A simple way is to generate Fibonacci numbers until the generated number is greater than or equal to ‘n’. Following is an interesting property about Fibonacci numbers that can also be used to check if a given number is Fibonacci or not.
A number is Fibonacci if and only if one or both of (5*n2 + 4) or (5*n2 – 4) is a perfect square (Source: Wiki).
Why This Rule Works
To see why the rule "5F² ± 4 = square" is enough to determine if a number is Fibonacci, we have to prove (1) that all Fibonacci numbers satisfy this relation, and (2) that only Fibonacci numbers do.
Given a number ‘n’, how to check if n is a Fibonacci number.
A simple way is to generate Fibonacci numbers until the generated number is greater than or equal to ‘n’. Following is an interesting property about Fibonacci numbers that can also be used to check if a given number is Fibonacci or not.
A number is Fibonacci if and only if one or both of (5*n2 + 4) or (5*n2 – 4) is a perfect square (Source: Wiki).
s =
(s*s == x);
// Returns true if n is a Fibinacci Number, else false
// n is Fibinacci if one of 5*n*n + 4 or 5*n*n - 4 or both
// is a perferct square
isPerfectSquare(5*n*n + 4) ||
isPerfectSquare(5*n*n - 4);
Why This Rule Works
To see why the rule "5F² ± 4 = square" is enough to determine if a number is Fibonacci, we have to prove (1) that all Fibonacci numbers satisfy this relation, and (2) that only Fibonacci numbers do.
If F = F(2k) is an even-indexed Fibonacci number, i.e., part of the subsequence 0, 1, 3, 8, 21, 55, 144,..., then F satisfies the "+" relation:
5*F^2 + 4 = a square number
and if F = F(2k-1) is an odd-indexed Fibonacci number, i.e., part of the subsequence 1, 2, 5, 13, 34, 89, 233,..., then F satisfies the "-" relation:
5*F^2 - 4 = a square number
Read full article from How to check if a given number is Fibonacci number? | GeeksforGeeksdef isFibonacci(num):if num < 2:return Trueelse:first = 0second = 1while (first + second) <= num:third = first + secondfirst = secondsecond = thirdif third == num:return Trueelse:return False