You are given an array-like data structure Listy which lacks a size
method. It does, however, have an elementAt ( i) method that returns the element at index i in
0( 1) time. If i is beyond the bounds of the data structure, it returns -1. (For this reason, the data
structure only supports positive integers.) Given a Listy which contains sorted, positive integers,
find the index at which an element x occurs. If x occurs multiple times, you may return any index
int search(Listy list, int value) {
int index= 1;
while (list.elementAt(index) != -1 && list.elementAt(index) < value) {
index *= 2;
return binarySearch(list, value, index/ 2, index);
int binarySearch(Listy list, int value, int low, int high) {
int mid;
while (low<= high) {
mid= (low + high)/ 2;
int middle = list.elementAt(mid);
if (middle > value || middle == -1) {
high = mid - 1;
} else if (middle < value) {
low= mid+ 1;
} else {
return mid;
return -1;