Sudoku Solver and Generator

Sudoku Generator
  • Randomly choose a cell with more than one candidate
  • Populate that cell with a random value from among its candidates
  • Try solving the puzzle
    • If no solutions exist, reject this placement and try again
    • If exactly one solution exists, we are done
    • If multiple solutions exist, keep this placement and return to step one.
Sudoku Algorithm: Generates a Valid Sudoku in 0.018 seconds


Solving a Sudoku Puzzle
Rules:  ===> Java implementation: HumanizedSudokuSolver
Full House/Last Digit
Naked Single (Singleton, Sole Candidate)
Whilst solving Sudoku puzzles, it is often the case that a cell can only possibly take a single value, when the contents of the other cells in the same row, column and block are considered. This is when, between them, the row, column and block use eight different digits, leaving only a single digit available for the cell.

Hidden Single (Unique Candidate)
If a cell is the only one in a row, column or block that can take a particular value, then it must have that value. All rows, columns and blocks, must contain each of the digits 1 to 9, so if there is only one cell that can hold a particular value, then it must hold that value.

For example, in the partial Sudoku puzzle below, the marked cell is the only one in block five that can hold a 2, and so it must hold a 2.

Naked Pair, Triplet, Quad (Naked Subset, Disjoint Subset)
This technique is known as "naked pair" if two candidates are involved, "naked triplet" if three, or "naked quad" if four.

If two cells in the same row, column or block have only the same two candidates, then those candidates can be removed from the candidates of the other cells in that row, column or block. This is because one of the cells must hold one of the candidates, and the other cell must hold the other candidate - so neither can go in any of the other cells.

This technique can be applied to more than two cells at once, but in all cases, the number of cells must be the same as the number of different candidates. Each cell doesn't need to have every member of the subset as candidates, but no cell can have any candidates outside the subset.
 A difficult puzzle will provide a minimal amount of information, just a few seemingly random spaces filled in, but the rules regarding each space, row, column and 3-by-3 region mean there’s only one correct way to complete the whole puzzle. Applying such an algorithm to systems with similar rules in place could mean even faster prediction of how those systems will evolve or what shape they’ll ultimately take.

There are a couple of transformations that we can apply on a Sudoku grid while still keeping it in a valid state. They are:

swapping two rows in same group: when you swap 2 rows within the same ‘group’ (within the 3×3 borders), the Sudoku requirements remain fulfilled

swapping two columns in same group: the vertical version of the previous one.
swapping two groups of rows: when you swap two 9×3 groups of cells, that keeps the grid valid too.

swapping two groups of columns: vertical version of the previous one
transposing the whole grid (the columns become the rows and vice versa)

number of cells to erase: this is one of the most important factors that define the difficulty level of a Sudoku puzzle.



Backtracking | Set 7 (Sudoku) | GeeksforGeeks
/* Takes a partially filled-in grid and attempts to assign values to
  all unassigned locations in such a way to meet the requirements
  for Sudoku solution (non-duplication across rows, columns, and boxes) */
bool SolveSudoku(int grid[N][N])
    int row, col;
    // If there is no unassigned location, we are done
    if (!FindUnassignedLocation(grid, row, col))
       return true; // success!
    // consider digits 1 to 9
    for (int num = 1; num <= 9; num++)
        // if looks promising
        if (isSafe(grid, row, col, num))
            // make tentative assignment
            grid[row][col] = num;
            // return, if success, yay!
            if (SolveSudoku(grid))
                return true;
            // failure, unmake & try again
            grid[row][col] = UNASSIGNED;
    return false; // this triggers backtracking
LeetCode - Valid Sudoku | Darren's Blog
  1. In all 9 sub matrices 3×3 the elements should be 1-9, without repetition.
  2. In all rows there should be elements between 1-9 , without repetition.
  3. In all columns there should be elements between 1-9 , without repetition.
simple naive solution can be.
  1. Randomly take any number 1-9.
  2. Check if it is safe to put in the cell.(row , column and box)
  3. If safe, place it and increment to next location and go to step 1.
  4. If not safe, then without incrementing go to step 1.
  5. Once matrix is fully filled, remove k no. of elements randomly to complete game.
Improved Solution : We can improve the solution, if we understand a pattern in this game. We can observe that all 3 x 3 matrices, which are diagonally present are independent of other 3 x 3 adjacent matrices initially, as others are empty.
   3 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 
   9 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 
   6 4 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 
   0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0 
   0 0 0 7 8 4 0 0 0 
   0 0 0 6 9 5 0 0 0 
   0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 3 
   0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 2 
   0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 5 
(We can observe that in above matrix, the diagonal matrices are independent of other empty matrices initially). So if we fill them first, then we will only have to do box check and thus column/row check not required.
Secondly, while we fill rest of the non-diagonal elements, we will not have to use random generator, but we can fill recursively by checking 1 to 9.

Following is the improved logic for the problem.
1. Fill all the diagonal 3x3 matrices.
2. Fill recursively rest of the non-diagonal matrices.
   For every cell to be filled, we try all numbers until
   we find a safe number to be placed.  
3. Once matrix is fully filled, remove K elements
   randomly to complete game.
    int[] mat[];
    int N; // number of columns/rows.
    int SRN; // square root of N
    int K; // No. Of missing digits
    // Constructor
    Sudoku(int N, int K)
        this.N = N;
        this.K = K;
        // Compute square root of N
        Double SRNd = Math.sqrt(N);
        SRN = SRNd.intValue();
        mat = new int[N][N];
    // Sudoku Generator
    public void fillValues()
        // Fill the diagonal of SRN x SRN matrices
        // Fill remaining blocks
        fillRemaining(0, SRN);
        // Remove Randomly K digits to make game
    // Fill the diagonal SRN number of SRN x SRN matrices
    void fillDiagonal()
        for (int i = 0; i<N; i=i+SRN)
            // for diagonal box, start coordinates->i==j
            fillBox(i, i);
    // Returns false if given 3 x 3 block contains num.
    boolean unUsedInBox(int rowStart, int colStart, int num)
        for (int i = 0; i<SRN; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j<SRN; j++)
                if (mat[rowStart+i][colStart+j]==num)
                    return false;
        return true;
    // Fill a 3 x 3 matrix.
    void fillBox(int row,int col)
        int num;
        for (int i=0; i<SRN; i++)
            for (int j=0; j<SRN; j++)
                    num = randomGenerator(N);
                while (!unUsedInBox(row, col, num));
                mat[row+i][col+j] = num;
    // Random generator
    int randomGenerator(int num)
        return (int) Math.floor((Math.random()*num+1));
    // Check if safe to put in cell
    boolean CheckIfSafe(int i,int j,int num)
        return (unUsedInRow(i, num) &&
                unUsedInCol(j, num) &&
                unUsedInBox(i-i%SRN, j-j%SRN, num));
    // check in the row for existence
    boolean unUsedInRow(int i,int num)
        for (int j = 0; j<N; j++)
           if (mat[i][j] == num)
                return false;
        return true;
    // check in the row for existence
    boolean unUsedInCol(int j,int num)
        for (int i = 0; i<N; i++)
            if (mat[i][j] == num)
                return false;
        return true;
    // A recursive function to fill remaining
    // matrix
    boolean fillRemaining(int i, int j)
        //  System.out.println(i+" "+j);
        if (j>=N && i<N-1)
            i = i + 1;
            j = 0;
        if (i>=N && j>=N)
            return true;
        if (i < SRN)
            if (j < SRN)
                j = SRN;
        else if (i < N-SRN)
            if (j==(int)(i/SRN)*SRN)
                j =  j + SRN;
            if (j == N-SRN)
                i = i + 1;
                j = 0;
                if (i>=N)
                    return true;
        for (int num = 1; num<=N; num++)
            if (CheckIfSafe(i, j, num))
                mat[i][j] = num;
                if (fillRemaining(i, j+1))
                    return true;
                mat[i][j] = 0;
        return false;
    // Remove the K no. of digits to
    // complete game
    public void removeKDigits()
        int count = K;
        while (count != 0)
            int cellId = randomGenerator(N*N);
            // System.out.println(cellId);
            // extract coordinates i  and j
            int i = (cellId/N);
            int j = cellId%9;
            if (j != 0)
                j = j - 1;
            // System.out.println(i+" "+j);
            if (mat[i][j] != 0)
                mat[i][j] = 0;


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