LeetCode 430 - Flatten a multilevel linked list

Related: LeetCode 114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
You are given a doubly linked list which in addition to the next and previous pointers, it could have a child pointer, which may or may not point to a separate doubly linked list. These child lists may have one or more children of their own, and so on, to produce a multilevel data structure, as shown in the example below.
Flatten the list so that all the nodes appear in a single-level, doubly linked list. You are given the head of the first level of the list.



Explanation for the above example:
Given the following multilevel doubly linked list:

We should return the following flattened doubly linked list:
X. Stack

    public Node flatten(Node h) {
        if (h == null) return h;
        Stack<Node> st = new Stack<>();
        Node prev = null;
        while (!st.isEmpty()){
            Node cur = st.pop();
            if (prev != null) {
                prev.next = cur;
                cur.prev = prev;
                prev.child = null;
            if (cur.next != null) st.push(cur.next);
            if (cur.child != null) st.push(cur.child);
            prev = cur;
        return h;
X. Iterative - O(N^2)
如果当前点cur 没有child, 直接跳到cur.next 进行下次计算.
如果cur 有child, 目标是把cur.child这个level提到cur这个level上. 至于cur.child 这个level上有没有点有child 先不管. 
做法就是cur.child 一直只按next找到tail, 然后这一节插在cur 和 cur.next之间, cur再跳到更新的cur.next上.
Time Complexity: O(n). n是所有点的个数, 每个点只走过constant次数.
20     public Node flatten(Node head) {
21         if(head == null){
22             return head;
23         }
25         Node cur = head;
26         while(cur != null){
27             if(cur.child == null){
28                 cur = cur.next;
29                 continue;
30             }
32             Node child = cur.child;
33             Node childTail = child;
34             while(childTail.next != null){
35                 childTail = childTail.next;
36             }
38             cur.child = null;
39             child.prev = cur;
40             childTail.next = cur.next;
41             if(cur.next != null){
42                 cur.next.prev = childTail;
43             }
44             cur.next = child;
45             cur = cur.next;
46         }
48         return head;
49     }
  1. Start form the head , move one step each time to the next node
  2. When meet with a node with child, say node p, follow its child chain to the end and connect the tail node with p.next, by doing this we merged the child chainback to the main thread
  3. Return to p and proceed until find next node with child.
  4. Repeat until reach null
It seems still to be an O(n) solution. Since we need to visit each node at most twice, one for find the tail of the current branch, and the other for flatten the current node. Correct me if I am wrong.
If so, this is a really nice solution with O(n) time and O(1) space!
This is more like a top down flattening, when encounter a node with child node, we directly flatten the current node, then move to the next node.
the recursive method is more like bottom up flattening, means when we encounter a node with child node, we flatten the child node first, then flatten the current node.
    public Node flatten(Node head) {
        if( head == null) return head;
 // Pointer
        Node p = head; 
        while( p!= null) {
            /* CASE 1: if no child, proceed */
            if( p.child == null ) {
                p = p.next;
            /* CASE 2: got child, find the tail of the child and link it to p.next */
            Node temp = p.child;
            // Find the tail of the child
            while( temp.next != null ) 
                temp = temp.next;
            // Connect tail with p.next, if it is not null
            temp.next = p.next;  
            if( p.next != null )  p.next.prev = temp;
            // Connect p with p.child, and remove p.child
            p.next = p.child; 
            p.child.prev = p;
            p.child = null;
        return head;
Flatten a multilevel linked list | GeeksforGeeks
We approach this problem level by level, first scan all the nodes in the first level, append any list we found in the second level to the end of first level. after we scan to the end of the first level, we will have all the second level appended to the tail. Then we keep going and when we reached the end of the second level, the third level will be appended to the end of the list, and so on. When we finished all the nodes, then we are done.
class ListNode {
    int label;
    ListNode child;
    ListNode next;
    public ListNode(int l) {
        label = l;

    public ListNode flattenList(ListNode head) {
        if (head == null)
            return null;
        ListNode curr = head;
        ListNode tail = head;
        // find the tail of the list
        while(tail.next != null) {
            tail = tail.next;
        while(curr != null) {
            if (curr.child != null) {
                tail.next = curr.child;
                // move tail to the end tail
                while(tail.next != null)
                    tail = tail.next;
                curr.child = null;
            curr = curr.next;
        return head;
1) Take "cur" pointer, which will point to head of the fist level of the list
2) Take "tail" pointer, which will point to end of the first level of the list
3) Repeat the below procedure while "curr" is not NULL.
    I) if current node has a child then
 a) append this new child list to the "tail"
  tail->next = cur->child
 b) find the last node of new child list and update "tail"
  tmp = cur->child;
  while (tmp->next != NULL)
   tmp = tmp->next;
  tail = tmp;
    II) move to the next node. i.e. cur = cur->next 
void flattenList(struct node *head)
    /*Base case*/
    if (head == NULL)
    struct node *tmp;
    /* Find tail node of first level linked list */
    struct node *tail = head;
    while (tail->next != NULL)
        tail = tail->next;
    // One by one traverse through all nodes of first level
    // linked list till we reach the tail node
    struct node *cur = head;
    while (cur != tail)
        // If current node has a child
        if (cur->child)
            // then append the child at the end of current list
            tail->next = cur->child;
            // and update the tail to new last node
            tmp = cur->child;
            while (tmp->next)
                tmp = tmp->next;
            tail = tmp;
        // Change current node
        cur = cur->next;
X. Recursive
Traverse through the linked list and whenever you find a node with a child, call flatten function recursively on that child node.
Also, don't forget to maintain a class variable which will keep last visited node which will act as a tail pointer.
Time Complexity: O(2n) since in worst case we will visit each node twice. so O(n)

Go through the linked list;
  1. Node cur.child == null, skip, don't go into recursion.
  2. Node cur.child != null, recurse and get child's tail node. Node tmp = cur.next, (1)connect cur <-> child, (2)connect child's tail <->tmp.
The helper function returns the tail node of current level.
public Node flatten(Node head) {
    return head;

private Node helper(Node head) {
    Node cur = head, pre = head;
    while(cur != null) {
        if(cur.child == null) {
            pre = cur;
            cur = cur.next;
        } else {
            Node tmp = cur.next;
            Node child = helper(cur.child);
            cur.next = cur.child;
            cur.child.prev = cur;
            cur.child = null;
            child.next = tmp;
            if(tmp != null) tmp.prev = child;
            pre = child;
            cur = tmp;
    return pre;
The idea is simple. We always keep a pre global variable to keep track of the last node we visited and connect current node head with this pre node. So for each recursive call, we do
  • Connect last visited node with current node by letting pre.next point to current node head and current node's prev point to pre
  • Mark current node as pre. pre = head
  • If there is head.child, we recursively visit and flatten its child node
  • Recursively visit and flatten its next node
/*Global variable pre to track the last node we visited */
    Node pre = null;
    public Node flatten(Node head) {
        if (head == null) {
            return null; 
/*Connect last visted node with current node */
        if (pre != null) {
            pre.next = head; 
            head.prev = pre;

        pre = head; 
/*Store head.next in a next pointer in case recursive call to flatten head.child overrides head.next*/
        Node next = head.next; 

        head.child = null;

        return head; 

2. 双向链表,但是每一个点还可以有up,down pointer, 已知一个链表里没有环,要求把这个链表变成标准双向链表,每个点的具体位置排列无所谓。楼主开始反应是递归,写好后面试官说优化一下,,空间要求是constant space,然后尽管面试官一直在提示tail recursion,还是没想出来(据说地里有原题,可惜当时楼主没看到。。。跪了= =!)

Flattening a Linked List | GeeksforGeeks
Given a linked list where every node represents a linked list and contains two pointers of its type:
(i) Pointer to next node in the main list (we call it ‘right’ pointer in below code)
(ii) Pointer to a linked list where this node is head (we call it ‘down’ pointer in below code).
All linked lists are sorted. See the following example
       5 -> 10 -> 19 -> 28
       |    |     |     |
       V    V     V     V
       7    20    22    35
       |          |     |
       V          V     V
       8          50    40
       |                |
       V                V
       30               45
Write a function flatten() to flatten the lists into a single linked list. The flattened linked list should also be sorted. For example, for the above input list, output list should be 5->7->8->10->19->20->22->28->30->35->40->45->50.
The idea is to use Merge() process of merge sort for linked lists. We use merge() to merge lists one by one. We recursively merge() the current list with already flattened list.
The down pointer is used to link nodes of the flattened list.
Read full article from Flatten a multilevel linked list | GeeksforGeeks


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