Implement 28 - Implement strStr()
function replace(string orig, string find, string repl)-- replaces every instances of string find with string repl-- returned the modified string
- After one replacing, if the suffix of replaced string is the prefix of the find string, should we replace again? For instance, replace("babcc", "abc", "cab"). We first change it to "bcabc", should we change it to "bccab" or not?
We need to first count how many times the pattern have appeared in the original string. Otherwise, we need to copy the char array many times each time we replace a string. (Since len(find) can be different from len(repl)).
Time: Suppose len(orig) = m, len(find) = n, then we need O(mn) time to count and O(m + count*n) time to replace.
Space: O(m), we need extra space to store the start index of a found pattern in the original string.
public static String replace(String orig, String find, String repl) {
List<Integer> index = findPattern(orig, find);
int count = index.size();
// compute length after replacement
int newLen = orig.length() + count * (repl.length() - find.length());
char[] result = new char[newLen];
// replace
int i = 0, k = 0;
int resultIndex = 0;
while( i < orig.length()) {
if (k < count && i == index.get(k)) {
for (int j = 0; j < repl.length(); ++j) {
result[resultIndex++] = repl.charAt(j);
i += find.length();
} else {
result[resultIndex++] = orig.charAt(i++);
return new String(result);
* find how many times the pattern string have appeared in the orig string
* @param orig original string
* @param find pattern string to find
* @return a list of the start index of a fuond pattern in the original string
private static List<Integer> findPattern(String orig, String find) {
List<Integer> index = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int i = 0, j = 0;
// count how many times "find" have appeared
while (i + find.length() <= orig.length()) {
int k = i;
j = 0;
while (j < find.length()) {
if (orig.charAt(k) != find.charAt(j)) {
if (j == find.length()) {
i += find.length();
} else {
return index;