dp(k,i,n)的含义是 从[i..n]取k个不同的数,加起来和为n,有几种取法。
How many unique n-tuples of positive integers are there that sum up to 10000? (where n is the number of elements in given tuple and can take any arbitrary value between 1 and 10000; "unique" tuple is defined as a list of distinct numbers) Example of such n-tuples: n=2: (1,9999) n=3: (2000, 3000, 5000) n=4: (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000) .... Reminder note that (1,9999) and (9999,1) still count as one (unique) tuple. |
- dp(k,i,n) = sum( dp(k-1,j+1,n-j) j in [i..n])
- if(i>n) return 0
- if(k==1) return 1