Cracking the coding interview--Q20.2
Write a method to shuffle a deck of cards. It must be a perfect shuffle - in other words, each 52! permutations of the deck has to be equally likely. Assume that you are given a random number generator which is perfect.
写一个随机洗牌函数。要求洗出的52!种组合都是等概率的。 也就是你洗出的一种组合的概率是1/(52!)。假设已经给你一个完美的随机数发生器。
int rand(int lower, int higher) {
return lower + (int)(Math.random() * (higher - lower + l));
int[] shuffleArrayRecursively(int[] cards, int i) {
if (i == 0) return cards;
shuffleArrayRecursively(cards, i - 1); // Shuffle earlier part
int k = rand(0, i); // Pick random index to swap with
/* Swap element k and i */
int temp= cards[k];
cards(k] cards(i];
cards[i) = temp;
/* Return shuffled array*/
return cards;
public static void shuffleArrayIteratively(int[] cards) {
for (int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
int k = rand(0, i);
int temp = cards[k];
cards[k] = cards[i];
cards[i] = temp;
最直观的思路是什么?很简单,每次从牌堆中随机地拿一张出来。那么, 第一次拿有52种可能,拿完后剩下51张;第二次拿有51种可能,第三次拿有50种可能, …,一直这样随机地拿下去直到拿完最后1张,我们就从52!种可能中取出了一种排列, 这个排列对应的概率是1/(52!),正好是题目所要求的。
接下来的问题是,如何写代码去实现上面的算法?假设扑克牌是一个52维的数组cards, 我们要做的就是从这个数组中随机取一个元素,然后在剩下的元素里再随机取一个元素… 这里涉及到一个问题,就是每次取完元素后,我们就不会让这个元素参与下一次的选取。 这个要怎么做呢。
我们先假设一个5维数组:1,2,3,4,5。如果第1次随机取到的数是4, 那么我们希望参与第2次随机选取的只有1,2,3,5。既然4已经不用, 我们可以把它和1交换,第2次就只需要从后面4位(2,3,1,5)中随机选取即可。同理, 第2次随机选取的元素和数组中第2个元素交换,然后再从后面3个元素中随机选取元素, 依次类推。
A common algorithm problem is Cards Shuffling Problem, which states "how to shuffle a deck of cards randomly" or in more general "how to randomize an array of elements". A naive algorithm for this problem can be:
Read full article from Cracking the coding interview--Q20.2
Write a method to shuffle a deck of cards. It must be a perfect shuffle - in other words, each 52! permutations of the deck has to be equally likely. Assume that you are given a random number generator which is perfect.
写一个随机洗牌函数。要求洗出的52!种组合都是等概率的。 也就是你洗出的一种组合的概率是1/(52!)。假设已经给你一个完美的随机数发生器。
We would first shuffle the first n - 1 elements. Then, we would take the nth element and randomly swap it with an element in the array.
/* Random number between lower and higher, inclusive*/int rand(int lower, int higher) {
return lower + (int)(Math.random() * (higher - lower + l));
int[] shuffleArrayRecursively(int[] cards, int i) {
if (i == 0) return cards;
shuffleArrayRecursively(cards, i - 1); // Shuffle earlier part
int k = rand(0, i); // Pick random index to swap with
/* Swap element k and i */
int temp= cards[k];
cards(k] cards(i];
cards[i) = temp;
/* Return shuffled array*/
return cards;
public static void shuffleArrayIteratively(int[] cards) {
for (int i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
int k = rand(0, i);
int temp = cards[k];
cards[k] = cards[i];
cards[i] = temp;
这是一道非常有名的面试题,及非常有名的算法——随机洗牌算法。最直观的思路是什么?很简单,每次从牌堆中随机地拿一张出来。那么, 第一次拿有52种可能,拿完后剩下51张;第二次拿有51种可能,第三次拿有50种可能, …,一直这样随机地拿下去直到拿完最后1张,我们就从52!种可能中取出了一种排列, 这个排列对应的概率是1/(52!),正好是题目所要求的。
接下来的问题是,如何写代码去实现上面的算法?假设扑克牌是一个52维的数组cards, 我们要做的就是从这个数组中随机取一个元素,然后在剩下的元素里再随机取一个元素… 这里涉及到一个问题,就是每次取完元素后,我们就不会让这个元素参与下一次的选取。 这个要怎么做呢。
我们先假设一个5维数组:1,2,3,4,5。如果第1次随机取到的数是4, 那么我们希望参与第2次随机选取的只有1,2,3,5。既然4已经不用, 我们可以把它和1交换,第2次就只需要从后面4位(2,3,1,5)中随机选取即可。同理, 第2次随机选取的元素和数组中第2个元素交换,然后再从后面3个元素中随机选取元素, 依次类推。
void Swap(int &a, int &b){// 有可能swap同一变量,不能用异或版本
int t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
void RandomShuffle(int a[], int n){
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
int j = rand() % (n-i) + i;// 产生i到n-1间的随机数
Swap(a[i], a[j]);
int main(){
int n = 9;
int a[] = {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
RandomShuffle(a, n);
for(int i=0; i<n; ++i)
return 0;
* arr,
i = len, j;
( i == 0 )
( --i ) {
j =
() % (i+1);
temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = temp;
A common algorithm problem is Cards Shuffling Problem, which states "how to shuffle a deck of cards randomly" or in more general "how to randomize an array of elements". A naive algorithm for this problem can be:
for i = 0 to N r = random (0, N) exchange C[i] and C[r]Assume N=2. We see 4 possible combination of (i,r) namely (0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1), leading to 2^2 outputs (N^N in general). However, card shuffling should only lead to N! permutations. So even though this algorithm looks correct, it is logically incorrect. A small change in the above code makes it correct:
for i = 0 to N r = random (i, N) exchange C[i] and C[r]Generating r randomly from between i and N ensures that once a card is swapped to a given i, it's position is fixed. Above algorithm, with iteration on cards in reverse order is Knuth-Fisher-Yates shuffle algorithm.
Read full article from Cracking the coding interview--Q20.2