LeetCode 379 - Design Phone Directory

Design a Phone Directory which supports the following operations:

  1. get: Provide a number which is not assigned to anyone.
  2. check: Check if a number is available or not.
  3. release: Recycle or release a number.
// Init a phone directory containing a total of 3 numbers: 0, 1, and 2.
PhoneDirectory directory = new PhoneDirectory(3);

// It can return any available phone number. Here we assume it returns 0.

// Assume it returns 1.

// The number 2 is available, so return true.

// It returns 2, the only number that is left.

// The number 2 is no longer available, so return false.

// Release number 2 back to the pool.

// Number 2 is available again, return true.
X. Trie
isTaken(String phone)
takeNumber(String phone)
[Solution #1]
Trie, all three method run in O(10) time
private class TrieNode {
  char digit;
  int nAvail;
  int level;
  TrieNode[] children;
每个trie node除了包含digit和level之外,还需要一个nAvail来记录当前node下还有多少个数字可以用,也就是children[]里还有多少个null。
这样在giveMeANumber()的实现中,dfs搜索,在任何一个node,如果nAvail不等于0,那么随便找个为null的child, 剩余部分随机生成就可以了。如果nAvail等于0,那么就遍历children,找出一个child.nAvail > 0的node,从这个child继续dfs搜索。
isTaken()和takeNumber()就和普通trie tree的insert和search一样。
这里还有一点设计的小细节,一般TrieNode的children都用一个HashMap来存,目的是为了省空间。但是对于这道题并不适用,这里children的数量最多就10个,而HashMap的initial size远大于10,用HashMap反而更占空间。所以,做题不要太死板,根据要求和面试官讨论各种设计的trade off。
[Solution #2]
Double Linked List + Hash Table, All in O(1) time
用一个double linked list来存available的电话号码
用一个hash set来存已经被使用过的电话号码
用一个hash table来map phone number to ListNode
isTaken()直接搜hash set, O(1)
takeNumber(), remove ListNode from linked list, remove phone number from hash table, add phone number into hash set, O(1)
cons: 必须把所有available的电话号码都放到linked list里。space开销比Trie tree的solution要大的多,如果电话号码是10位数,那就需要10^10的空间for both list and hash table

// Trie Solution
// All O(n), where n is length of phone numbers, which is actually a constant number(10 in US). So, all three method run in O(1) time
class PhoneBook {
  TrieNode root;
  public PhoneBook() {
    this.root = new TrieNode('#', 0);
  public boolean isTaken(String phone) {
    if (phone == null || phone.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    return search(root, phone, 0);
  private boolean search(TrieNode curr, String phone, int pos) {
    if (pos == phone.length() && curr.level == 10) {
      return true;
    char currDigit = phone.charAt(pos);
    TrieNode next = curr.children[currDigit - '0'];
    return next == null? false : search(next, phone, pos + 1);
  public void takeNumber(String phone) {
    if (phone == null || phone.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    insert(root, phone, 0);
  private void insert(TrieNode curr, String phone, int pos) {
    if (pos == phone.length()) {
    char currDigit = phone.charAt(pos);
    TrieNode next = curr.children[currDigit - '0'];
    if (next == null) {
      curr.nAvail -= 1;
      TrieNode newNode = new TrieNode(currDigit, curr.level + 1);
      curr.children[currDigit - '0'] = newNode;
      next = newNode;
    insert(next, phone, pos + 1);
  public String giveMeANumber() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    findNumber(root, sb);
    return sb.toString();
  private void findNumber(TrieNode curr, StringBuilder sb) {
    if (curr == null) {
    TrieNode nextNode = null;
    if (curr.nAvail > 0) {
      int nextDigit = -1;
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if (curr.children[i] == null) {
          nextDigit = i;
      curr.nAvail -= 1;
      nextNode = new TrieNode((char) ('0' + nextDigit), curr.level + 1);
      curr.children[nextDigit] = nextNode;
      generateSub(nextNode, sb);
    else {
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        if (curr.children[i].nAvail > 0) {
          nextNode = curr.children[i];
      findNumber(curr, sb);
  private void generateSub(TrieNode curr, StringBuilder sb) {
    if (sb.length() == 10) {
    Random rand = new Random();
    int nextDigit = rand.nextInt(10);
    TrieNode nextNode = new TrieNode((char) ('0' + nextDigit), curr.level + 1);
    curr.children[nextDigit] = nextNode;
    generateSub(nextNode, sb);
  private class TrieNode {
    char digit;
    int nAvail;
    int level;
    TrieNode[] children;
    TrieNode(char digit, int level) {
      this.digit = digit;
      this.level = level;
      this.nAvail = 10;
      this.children = new TrieNode[10];
// Linked list + HashMap Solution
// All O(1). But space is worse than Trie solution because we need store all available phone numbers (10^10) both in linked list and hash table.
class PhoneBook2 {
  ListNode head;
  ListNode tail;
  Map<String, ListNode> map;
  Set<String> taken;
  public PhoneBook2(ListNode head, ListNode tail, Map<String, ListNode> map) {
    this.head = head;
    this.tail = tail;
    this.map = map;
    this.taken = new HashSet<>();
  public boolean isTaken(String phone) {
    if (phone == null || phone.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    return set.contains(phone);
  public void takeNumber(String phone) {
    if (phone == null || phone.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if (!map.containsKey(phone)) {
      return; // already taken
    ListNode curr = map.get(phone);
    if (curr == head) {
      head = head.next;
    else if (curr == tail) {
      tail = tail.prev;
    else {
      curr.prev.next = curr.next;
      curr.next.prev = curr.prev;
    curr.prev = null;
    curr.next = null;
  public String giveMeANumber() {
    if (head == null) {
      return null; // no more phone number
    ListNode curr = head;
    head = head.next;
    return curr.val;
X. Pre store all numbers
    public PhoneDirectory(int maxNumbers) {
        availableNumbers = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>(maxNumbers, 1.0f);
        for(int i = 0; i < maxNumbers; i++) availableNumbers.add(i);
        availableCount = maxNumbers;

    /** Provide a number which is not assigned to anyone.
        @return - Return an available number. Return -1 if none is available. */
    public int get() {
        if(availableCount == 0) return -1;
        else {
            int retVal = availableNumbers.iterator().next();
            return retVal;

    /** Check if a number is available or not. */
    public boolean check(int number) {
        return availableNumbers.contains(number);

    /** Recycle or release a number. */
    public void release(int number) {
        if(!availableNumbers.contains(number)) {
Extending TreeSet, gets accepted in about 640 ms (first attempt was Memory Limit Exceeded, but then it was accepted in 661, 602, 646 and 654 ms). Probably slow, but at least it's simple.
public class PhoneDirectory extends TreeSet<Integer> {

    public PhoneDirectory(int maxNumbers) {
        for (int i=0; i<maxNumbers; i++)
    public int get() {
        return isEmpty() ? -1 : pollFirst();
    public boolean check(int number) {
        return contains(number);
    public void release(int number) {
X. BitSet
Then I remembered seeing the word BitSet here in a topic title (of the solution from @johnyrufus16). and got the following accepted in 422 ms and 385 ms:
public class PhoneDirectory extends BitSet {

    public PhoneDirectory(int maxNumbers) {
        flip(0, maxNumbers);

    public int get() {
        if (isEmpty())
            return -1;
        int number = nextSetBit(0);
        return number;
    public boolean check(int number) {
        return get(number);
    public void release(int number) {
The idea is to use java's bitset and use smallestFreeIndex/max to keep track of the limit.
Also, by keeping track of the updated smallestFreeIndex all the time, the run time of get()
is spared from scanning the entire bitset every time.
public class PhoneDirectory {

    BitSet bitset;
    int max; // max limit allowed
    int smallestFreeIndex; // current smallest index of the free bit

    public PhoneDirectory(int maxNumbers) {
        this.bitset = new BitSet(maxNumbers);
        this.max = maxNumbers;

    public int get() {
        // handle bitset fully allocated
        if(smallestFreeIndex == max) {
            return -1;
        int num = smallestFreeIndex;
        //Only scan for the next free bit, from the previously known smallest free index
        smallestFreeIndex = bitset.nextClearBit(smallestFreeIndex);
        return num;

    public boolean check(int number) {
        return bitset.get(number) == false;

    public void release(int number) {
        //handle release of unallocated ones
        if(bitset.get(number) == false)
        if(number < smallestFreeIndex) {
            smallestFreeIndex = number;
public class PhoneDirectory {
    int max;
    int cur;
    Stack<Integer> released;
    boolean[] isUsed;
    /** Initialize your data structure here
        @param maxNumbers - The maximum numbers that can be stored in the phone directory. */
    public PhoneDirectory(int maxNumbers) {
        max = maxNumbers;
        released = new Stack<>();
        isUsed = new boolean[max];
        cur = 0;
    /** Provide a number which is not assigned to anyone.
        @return - Return an available number. Return -1 if none is available. */
    public int get() {
        if (!released.isEmpty()) {
            int num = released.pop();
            isUsed[num] = true;
            return num;
        } else {
            if (cur < max) {
                isUsed[cur] = true;
                cur += 1;
                return cur - 1;
            } else {
                return -1;
    /** Check if a number is available or not. */
    public boolean check(int number) {
        return !isUsed[number];
    /** Recycle or release a number. */
    public void release(int number) {
        if (isUsed[number]) {
        isUsed[number] = false;


    PhoneDirectory(int maxNumbers) {
        max_num = maxNumbers;
        next = idx = 0;
        flag.resize(max_num, 1);
    /** Provide a number which is not assigned to anyone.
        @return - Return an available number. Return -1 if none is available. */
    int get() {
        if (next == max_num && idx <= 0) return -1;
        if (idx > 0) {
            int t = recycle[--idx];
            flag[t] = 0;
            return t;
        flag[next] = false;
        return next++;
    /** Check if a number is available or not. */
    bool check(int number) {
        return number >= 0 && number < max_num && flag[number];
    /** Recycle or release a number. */
    void release(int number) {
        if (number >= 0 && number < max_num && !flag[number]) {
            recycle[idx++] = number;
            flag[number] = 1;
    int max_num, next, idx;
    vector<int> recycle, flag;



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