LeetCode 362 - Design Hit Counter

Design a hit counter which counts the number of hits received in the past 5 minutes.
Each function accepts a timestamp parameter (in seconds granularity) and you may assume that calls are being made to the system in chronological order (ie, the timestamp is monotonically increasing). You may assume that the earliest timestamp starts at 1.
It is possible that several hits arrive roughly at the same time.
HitCounter counter = new HitCounter();

// hit at timestamp 1.

// hit at timestamp 2.

// hit at timestamp 3.

// get hits at timestamp 4, should return 3.

// hit at timestamp 300.

// get hits at timestamp 300, should return 4.

// get hits at timestamp 301, should return 3.
X. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/design-a-hit-counter/
How to handle concurrent requests?
When two requests update the list simultaneously, there can be race conditions. It’s possible that the request that updated the list first may not be included eventually.
The most common solution is to use a lock to protect the list. Whenever someone wants to update the list (by either adding new elements or removing the tail), a lock will be placed on the container. After the operation finishes, the list will be unlocked.
This works pretty well when you don’t have a large volume of requests or performance is not a concern. Placing a lock can be costly at some times and when there are too many concurrent requests, the lock may potentially block the system and becomes the performance bottleneck.
Distribute the counter
When a single machine gets too many traffic and performance becomes an issue, it’s the perfect time to think of distributed solution. Distributed system significantly reduces the burden of a single machine by scaling the system to multiple nodes, but at the same time adding complexity.
Let’s say we distribute visit requests to multiple machines equally. I’d like to emphasize the importance of equal distribution first. If particular machines get much more traffic than the rest machines, the system doesn’t get to its full usage and it’s very important to take this into consideration when designing the system. In our case, we can get a hash of users email and distribute by the hash (it’s not a good idea to use email directly as some letter may appear much more frequent than the others).
To count the number, each machine works independently to count its own users from the past minute. When we request the global number, we just need to add all counters together.


    void hit(int timestamp) {
    /** Return the number of hits in the past 5 minutes.
        @param timestamp - The current timestamp (in seconds granularity). */
    int getHits(int timestamp) {
        while (!q.empty() && timestamp - q.front() >= 300) {
        return q.size();

    queue<int> q;


follow up: 说如果每秒的点击次数真的是超多,那你该怎么设计呢?
加入1s内进来了1000个hits, 那么我们queue里面就有1000个timestamp,在调用getHits(301), 也就需要删除1000个timestamp, 这样严重影响性能。
比较巧的方法,我们可以用两个bucket来解决,分别用两个大小为300的一维数组,timestamps, hits,前者用来盛放timestamp, 后者用来盛放hit。
hit(int timestamp): 对timestamp 取余数,得到在数组中对应的坐标位置,再看坐标位置存的timestamp跟这个新的timestamp是否一样,如果不一样,则证明坐标位置存的timestamp已经过期了,把这个新的timestamp存入即可。
getHits(int timestamp): 遍历数组,把没过期的timestamp对应的hits加和。
O(s) s is total seconds in given time interval, in this case 300.
basic ideal is using buckets. 1 bucket for every second because we only need to keep the recent hits info for 300 seconds. hit[] array is wrapped around by mod operation. Each hit bucket is associated with times[] bucket which record current time. If it is not current time, it means it is 300s or 600s... ago and need to reset to 1.
public class HitCounter {
    private int[] times;
    private int[] hits;
    /** Initialize your data structure here. */
    public HitCounter() {
        times = new int[300];
        hits = new int[300];
    /** Record a hit.
        @param timestamp - The current timestamp (in seconds granularity). */
    public void hit(int timestamp) {
        int index = timestamp % 300;
        if (times[index] != timestamp) {
            times[index] = timestamp;
            hits[index] = 1;
        } else {
    /** Return the number of hits in the past 5 minutes.
        @param timestamp - The current timestamp (in seconds granularity). */
    public int getHits(int timestamp) {
        int total = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
            if (timestamp - times[i] < 300) {
                total += hits[i];
        return total;

由于Follow up中说每秒中会有很多点击,下面这种方法就比较巧妙了,定义了两个大小为300的一维数组times和hits,分别用来保存时间戳和点击数,在点击函数中,将时间戳对300取余,然后看此位置中之前保存的时间戳和当前的时间戳是否一样,一样说明是同一个时间戳,那么对应的点击数自增1,如果不一样,说明已经过了五分钟了,那么将对应的点击数重置为1。那么在返回点击数时,我们需要遍历times数组,找出所有在5分中内的位置,然后把hits中对应位置的点击数都加起来即可
final int  fiveMin = 300;
LinkedHashMap<Integer,Integer> map;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
public HitCounter() {
    map = new LinkedHashMap<Integer,Integer>(){
        protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<Integer,Integer> eldest){
            return map.size() > fiveMin;

/** Record a hit.
    @param timestamp - The current timestamp (in seconds granularity). */
public void hit(int timestamp) {

/** Return the number of hits in the past 5 minutes.
    @param timestamp - The current timestamp (in seconds granularity). */
public int getHits(int timestamp) {
    int start = timestamp - fiveMin;
    int sum =0;
    for(int tsp:map.keySet()){
            sum += map.get(tsp);
    return sum;
public class HitCounter 
    int winLo = 0, winHi = 0; 
    LinkedList<int[]> win = new LinkedList<int[]>();

    public HitCounter() {
    public void hit(int timestamp) 
        if(win.size() == 0 || win.getLast()[0] != timestamp)
            win.add(new int[] { timestamp, winHi});
            win.getLast()[1] = winHi;
    public int getHits(int timestamp) 
        return (int)(winHi - winLo);
    private void ShrinkWin(int timestamp)
        while (win.size() > 0 && timestamp - win.getFirst()[0] >= 300) 
            winLo = win.getFirst()[1];
X. https://discuss.leetcode.com/topic/48752/simple-java-solution-with-explanation
-- use too much space
In this problem, I use a queue to record the information of all the hits. Each time we call the function getHits( ), we have to delete the elements which hits beyond 5 mins (300). The result would be the length of the queue : )
public class HitCounter {
        Queue<Integer> q = null;
        /** Initialize your data structure here. */
        public HitCounter() {
            q = new LinkedList<Integer>();
        /** Record a hit.
            @param timestamp - The current timestamp (in seconds granularity). */
        public void hit(int timestamp) {
        /** Return the number of hits in the past 5 minutes.
            @param timestamp - The current timestamp (in seconds granularity). */
        public int getHits(int timestamp) {
            while(!q.isEmpty() && timestamp - q.peek() >= 300) {
            return q.size();

X. Extended
Interview中的一道常见题。就是要求设计数据结构来返回lastSecond(), lastMinute(), lastHour()的request数量。
因为之前太想当然的假设在多线程环境下执行,完全忽略了在sequential环境下很多的edge case.
Circular Buffer的确是这道题的考点,但是如果call getHits()的时间距离上一次hit()的时间早就超过了5分钟,那circular buffer里的旧数据要怎么更新是个大问题。
一开始想着记录最近一次hit的时间,但是不够。如果当前时间距离lastHit超过5分钟了,那好办,整个circular buffer清零就好。但是如果没有超过5min,circular buffer依然要update,这样的话只有lastHit是不够的,因为没有办法找到距离当前时间5min以前的hits,也就根本没法知道circular buffer里哪些需要update,哪些不需要。
这道题只有一个circular buffer是不够的。
1. 要么用Deque做并wrap一个class包含时间和hit count (不能用queue是因为要获取最近一次hit的时间,而queue应该只能peek head)
2. 要么在circular buffer的基础上再加一个time[] 数组记录circular buffer里每个cell的时间。
[Time & Space]
两种方法的query time都为O(n),hit()为O(1).
// circular buffer
class HitCounter {
  int[] buffer;
  int[] time;
  public HitCounter() {
    this.buffer = new int[5 * 60];
    this.time = new int[5 * 60];
  public void hit(int timestamp) {
    int idx = timestamp % 300;
    if (timestamp == time[idx]) {
    else {
      buffer[idx] = 1;
      time[idx] = timestamp;
  public int getHits(int timestamp) {
    int result = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) {
      if (timestamp - time[i] < 300) {
        result += buffer[i];
    return result;
// Queue + Wrapper class
class HitCounter2 {
  Deque<Hit> deque;
  int hits = 0;
  public HitCounter2() {
    this.deque = new LinkedList<>();
  public void hit(int timestamp) {
    if (!deque.isEmpty() && timestamp == deque.getLast().time) {
    else {
      deque.offerLast(new Hit(timestamp));
  public int getHits(int timestamp) {
    while (!deque.isEmpty() && timestamp - deque.getFirst().time >= 300) {
      hits -= deque.pollFirst().cnt;
    return hits;
  private class Hit {
    int time;
    int cnt;
    public Hit(int time) {
      this.time = time;
      this.cnt = 1;


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