Algorithm - BFS
Given a undirected graph, a node and a target, return the nearest node to given node which value of it is target, return NULL if you can't find.

There is a mapping store the nodes' values in the given parameters.

It's guaranteed there is only one available solution

2------3 - 5
 \        |     |
   \      |     |
     \    |     |
       \  |     |
         1 -- 4
Give a node 1, target is 50

there a hash named values which is [3,4,10,50,50], represent:
Value of node 1 is 3
Value of node 2 is 4
Value of node 3 is 10
Value of node 4 is 50
Value of node 5 is 50

Return node 4
 * class UndirectedGraphNode {
 *     int label;
 *     ArrayList<UndirectedGraphNode> neighbors;
 *     UndirectedGraphNode(int x) { 
 *         label = x; neighbors = new ArrayList<UndirectedGraphNode>(); 
 *     }
 * };
    public UndirectedGraphNode searchNode(ArrayList<UndirectedGraphNode> graph,
                                          Map<UndirectedGraphNode, Integer> values,
                                          UndirectedGraphNode node,
                                          int target) {
        // Write your code here
        if (node == null) {
            return null;
        Queue<UndirectedGraphNode> queue = new LinkedList<>();
        HashSet<UndirectedGraphNode> hash = new HashSet<>();
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            int size = queue.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                UndirectedGraphNode currNode = queue.poll();
                if (values.get(currNode) == target) {
                    return currNode;
                else {
                    for (UndirectedGraphNode nei : currNode.neighbors) {
                        if (!hash.contains(nei)) {
        return null;
    public UndirectedGraphNode searchNode(ArrayList<UndirectedGraphNode> graph,
                                          Map<UndirectedGraphNode, Integer> values,
                                          UndirectedGraphNode node,
                                          int target) {
        Queue<UndirectedGraphNode> q = new LinkedList<>();
        HashSet<UndirectedGraphNode> visited = new HashSet<>();
        while (!q.isEmpty()) {
            UndirectedGraphNode n = q.poll();
            if (values.get(n) == target) {
                    return n;
            for (UndirectedGraphNode subN : n.neighbors) {
                if (visited.contains(subN)) {
                if (values.get(subN) == target) {
                    return subN;
        return null;
通常而言,BFS 相关的问题可以粗略地分为四大类:
  1. 遍历(Traversal)
  2. 连通块(Connected Components)
  3. 最短路径(Shortest Path)
  4. 拓扑排序(Topological Sorting)
BFS 最基本的功能就是搜索,因此对图的遍历是一个使用 BFS 常见的场景。对于这类问题,BFS 和 DFS 通常都可以完成任务,但在都能使用的情况下我们应该尽量使用 BFS,因为 DFS 栈中递归函数的积累有可能导致爆栈,这也是使用 DFS 最大的弊端。

Clone Graph
参见 LintCode 137。
这道题要求我们对一个图进行深度拷贝(Deep Copy)。我们可以先拷贝所有的节点,再拷贝所有的边。
Remove Substrings
给定一个长字符串s和一堆短字符串,要求从长字符串中删掉所有的短字符串使得最后剩下的字符串最短。比如,当s = “ccdaabcdbb”,短字符串为["ab", "cd"]时,最后剩下的最短字符串长度为2。删除顺序为:ccdaabcdbb -> ccdacdbb -> cabb -> cb。

常而言,一个连通块(Connected Components)是指无向图中的一个子图(Subgraph),其中任意两个节点之间都至少存在一条路径
对于连通块问题,我们同样即可以使用 BFS,也可以使用 DFS,但还是应尽量使用 BFS。除此之外,并查集(Union-Find)也是一种常用的算法,而且有时会更优一点。
Connected Components
参见 LintCode 431。
这道题要求我们找到无向图中的连通块个数。我们可以遍历所有节点,遇到没有访问过的节点用 BFS 进行拓展即可。

Graph Valid Tree
参见 LintCode 178。


# nodes = # edges + 1
Shortest Path in Graph
因为 BFS 的搜索过程类似于水波的扩散过程,是按照起始位置一层层地往外扩展的,所以 BFS 就十分合适于处理最短路径的相关问题了。

拓扑排序(Topological Sorting)是一种按照有向图中节点依赖关系进行「排序」的算法。对于「排序」后的任意节点,它都不依赖于位于它之前的任何节点。换句话说,当一个节点没有其他节点指向它,即入度(in-degree)为0时,它就可以被使用或执行。因此,这个算法的思路也比较清楚了,统计每个节点的入度,然后依次把入度为0的节点从图中「删去」,更新其指向节点的入度,直到图为空。

Given a binary matrix of N x M, containing at least a value 1. The task is to find the distance of nearest 1 in the matrix for each cell. The distance is calculated as |i1 – i2| + |j1 – j2|, where i1, j1 are the row number and column number of the current cell and i2, j2 are the row number and column number of the nearest cell having value 1.
The idea is to use multisource Breadth First Search. Consider each cell as a node and each boundary between any two adjacent cells be an edge. Number each cell from 1 to N*M. Now, push all the node whose corresponding cell value is 1 in the matrix in the queue. Apply BFS using this queue to find the minimum distance of the adjacent node.
  1. Create a graph with values assigned from 1 to M*N to all vertices. The purpose is to store position and adjacent information.
  2. Create an empty queue.
  3. Traverse all matrix elements and insert positions of all 1s in queue.
  4. Now do a BFS traversal of graph using above created queue. In BFS, we first explore immediate adjacent of all 1’s, then adjacent of adjacent, and so on. Therefore we find minimum distance.
    void createGraph()
        int k = 1;  // A number to be assigned to a cell
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            for (int j = 1; j <= m; j++)
                // If last row, then add edge on right side.
                if (i == n)
                    // If not bottom right cell.
                    if (j != m)
                // If last column, then add edge toward down.
                else if (j == m)
                // Else make edge in all four direction.
    // BFS function to find minimum distance
    void bfs(bool visit[], int dist[], queue<int> q)
        while (!q.empty())
            int temp = q.front();
            for (int i = 0; i < g[temp].size(); i++)
                if (visit[g[temp][i]] != 1)
                    dist[g[temp][i]] =
                    min(dist[g[temp][i]], dist[temp]+1);
                    visit[g[temp][i]] = 1;
    // Printing the solution.
    void print(int dist[])
        for (int i = 1, c = 1; i <= n*m; i++, c++)
            cout << dist[i] << " ";
            if (c%m == 0)
                cout << endl;
// Find minimum distance
void findMinDistance(bool mat[N][M])
    // Creating a graph with nodes values assigned
    // from 1 to N x M and matrix adjacent.
    graph g1(N, M);
    // To store minimum distance
    int dist[MAX];
    // To mark each node as visited or not in BFS
    bool visit[MAX] = { 0 };
    // Initalising the value of distance and visit.
    for (int i = 1; i <= M*N; i++)
        dist[i] = INT_MAX;
        visit[i] = 0;
    // Inserting nodes whose value in matrix
    // is 1 in the queue.
    int k = 1;
    queue<int> q;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < M; j++)
            if (mat[i][j] == 1)
                dist[k] = 0;
                visit[k] = 1;
    // Calling for Bfs with given Queue.
    g1.bfs(visit, dist, q);
    // Printing the solution.
Given a limit N, we need to find out the count of binary digit numbers which are smaller than N. Binary digit numbers are those numbers which contains only 0 and 1 as their digits as 1, 10, 101 etc are binary digit numbers.
One simple way to solve this problem is to loop from 1 till N and check each number whether it is a binary digit number or not. If it is a binary digit number, increase the count of such numbers but this procedure will take O(N) time. We can do better, as we know that count of such numbers will be much smaller than N, we can iterate over binary digit numbers only and check whether generated numbers are smaller than N or not.
In below code, BFS like approach is implemented to iterate over only binary digit numbers. We start with 1 and each time we will push (t*10) and (t*10 + 1) into the queue where t is the popped element, if t is a binary digit number then (t*10) and (t*10 + 1) will also binary digit number, so we will iterate over these numbers only using queue. We will stop pushing elements in the queue when popped number crosses the N.
int countOfBinaryNumberLessThanN(int N)
    //  queue to store all intermediate binary
    // digit numbers
    queue<int> q;
    //  binary digits start with 1
    int cnt = 0;
    int t;
    //  loop untill we have element in queue
    while (!q.empty())
        t = q.front();
        //  push next binary digit numbers only if
        // current popped element is N
        if (t <= N)
            // uncomment below line to print actual
            // number in sorted order
            // cout << t << " ";
            q.push(t * 10);
            q.push(t * 10 + 1);
    return cnt;
Given a N X N matrix (M) filled with 1 , 0 , 2 , 3 . Find the minimum numbers of moves needed to move from source to destination (sink) . while traversing through blank cells only. You can traverse up, down, right and left.
A value of cell 1 means Source.
A value of cell 2 means Destination.
A value of cell 3 means Blank cell.
A value of cell 0 means Blank Wall.
Note : there is only single source and single destination.they may be more than one path from source to destination(sink).each move in matrix we consider as ‘1’
int Graph :: BFS(int s, int d)
    // Base case
    if (s == d)
        return 0;
    // make initial distance of all vertex -1
    // from source
    int *level = new int[V];
    for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
        level[i] = -1  ;
    // Create a queue for BFS
    list<int> queue;
    // Mark the source node level[s] = '0'
    level[s] = 0 ;
    // it will be used to get all adjacent
    // vertices of a vertex
    list<int>::iterator i;
    while (!queue.empty())
        // Dequeue a vertex from queue
        s = queue.front();
        // Get all adjacent vertices of the
        // dequeued vertex s. If a adjacent has
        // not been visited ( level[i] < '0') ,
        // then update level[i] == parent_level[s] + 1
        // and enqueue it
        for (i = adj[s].begin(); i != adj[s].end(); ++i)
            // Else, continue to do BFS
            if (level[*i] < 0 || level[*i] > level[s] + 1 )
                level[*i] = level[s] + 1 ;
    // return minimum moves from source to sink
    return level[d] ;
bool isSafe(int i, int j, int M[][N])
    if ((i < 0 || i >= N) ||
            (j < 0 || j >= N ) || M[i][j] == 0)
        return false;
    return true;
// Returns minimum numbers of  moves  from a source (a
// cell with value 1) to a destination (a cell with
// value 2)
int MinimumPath(int M[][N])
    int s , d ; // source and destination
    int V = N*N+2;
    Graph g(V);
    // create graph with n*n node
    // each cell consider as node
    int k = 1 ; // Number of current vertex
    for (int i =0 ; i < N ; i++)
        for (int j = 0 ; j < N; j++)
            if (M[i][j] != 0)
                // connect all 4 adjacent cell to
                // current cell
                if ( isSafe ( i , j+1 , M ) )
                    g.addEdge ( k , k+1 );
                if ( isSafe ( i , j-1 , M ) )
                    g.addEdge ( k , k-1 );
                if (j< N-1 && isSafe ( i+1 , j , M ) )
                    g.addEdge ( k , k+N );
                if ( i > 0 && isSafe ( i-1 , j , M ) )
                    g.addEdge ( k , k-N );
            // source index
            if( M[i][j] == 1 )
                s = k ;
            // destination index
            if (M[i][j] == 2)
                d = k;
    // find minimum moves
    return g.BFS (s, d) ;
Given N X N matrix filled with 1 , 0 , 2 , 3 . Find whether there is a path possible from source to destination, traversing through blank cells only. You can traverse up, down, right and left.
  • A value of cell 1 means Source.
  • A value of cell 2 means Destination.
  • A value of cell 3 means Blank cell.
  • A value of cell means Blank Wall.
Note : there is only single source and single destination(sink).
Simple solution is that find the source index of cell in matrix and then recursively find a path from source index to destination in matrix .
algorithm :
Find source index in matrix , let we consider ( i , j )
After that Find path from source(1) to sink(2)
FindPathUtil ( M[][N] , i  , j )

   IF we seen M[i][j] == 0 (wall) ||
      ((i, j) is out of matrix index)
     return false ;
   IF we seen destination M[i][j] == 2
     return true ;
   Next move in path by traverse all 4 adjacent  
   cell of current cell
   IF (FindPathUtil(M[][N], i+1, j) ||
       FindPathUtil(M[][N], i-1, j) ||
       FindPathUtil(M[][N], i, j+1) ||
       FindPathUtil(M[][N], i, j-1));
      return true ;

 return false ;
Efficient solution (Graph)
The idea is to use Breadth First Search. Consider each cell as a node and each boundary between any two adjacent cells be an edge. so total number of Node is N*N.
 1. Create an empty Graph having N*N node ( Vertex ).
 2. push all  node into graph.
 3. notedown source and sink vertex
 4. Now Appling BFS to find is there is path between
    to vertex or not in  graph
        IF Path found return true
        Else return False
bool Graph :: BFS(int s, int d)
    // Base case
    if (s == d)
        return true;
    // Mark all the vertices as not visited
    bool *visited = new bool[V];
    for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
        visited[i] = false;
    // Create a queue for BFS
    list<int> queue;
    // Mark the current node as visited and
    // enqueue it
    visited[s] = true;
    // it will be used to get all adjacent
    // vertices of a vertex
    list<int>::iterator i;
    while (!queue.empty())
        // Dequeue a vertex from queue
        s = queue.front();
        // Get all adjacent vertices of the
        // dequeued vertex s. If a adjacent has
        // not been visited, then mark it visited
        // and enqueue it
        for (i = adj[s].begin(); i != adj[s].end(); ++i)
            // If this adjacent node is the destination
            // node, then return true
            if (*i == d)
                return true;
            // Else, continue to do BFS
            if (!visited[*i])
                visited[*i] = true;
    // If BFS is complete without visiting d
    return false;
bool isSafe(int i, int j, int M[][N])
    if ((i < 0 || i >= N) ||
        (j < 0 || j >= N ) || M[i][j] == 0)
        return false;
    return true;
// Returns true if there is a path from a source (a
// cell with value 1) to a destination (a cell with
// value 2)
bool findPath(int M[][N])
    int s , d ; // source and destination
    int V = N*N+2;
    Graph g(V);
    // create graph with n*n node
    // each cell consider as node
    int k = 1 ; // Number of current vertex
    for (int i =0 ; i < N ; i++)
        for (int j = 0 ; j < N; j++)
            if (M[i][j] != 0)
                // connect all 4 adjacent cell to
                // current cell
                if ( isSafe ( i , j+1 , M ) )
                    g.addEdge ( k , k+1 );
                if ( isSafe ( i , j-1 , M ) )
                    g.addEdge ( k , k-1 );
                if (j< N-1 && isSafe ( i+1 , j , M ) )
                    g.addEdge ( k , k+N );
                if ( i > 0 && isSafe ( i-1 , j , M ) )
                    g.addEdge ( k , k-N );
            // source index
            if( M[i][j] == 1 )
                s = k ;
            // destination index
            if (M[i][j] == 2)
                d = k;
    // find path Using BFS
    return g.BFS (s, d) ;
Given a square chessboard of N x N size, the position of Knight and position of a target is given. We need to find out minimum steps a Knight will take to reach the target position.


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