LeetCode 156 - Binary Tree Upside Down

Tiger's leetcode solution: Binary Tree Upside Down
Given a binary tree where all the right nodes are either leaf nodes with a sibling (a left node that shares the same parent node) or empty, flip it upside down and turn it into a tree where the original right nodes turned into left leaf nodes. Return the new root.
For example:
Given a binary tree {1,2,3,4,5},
   / \
  2   3
 / \
4   5
return the root of the binary tree [4,5,2,#,#,3,1].
  / \
 5   2
    / \
   3   1  

Although the code for the top-down approach seems concise, it is actually subtle and there are a lot of hidden traps if you are not careful. The other approach is thinking recursively in a bottom-up fashion. If we reassign the bottom-level nodes before the upper ones, we won’t have to make copies and worry about overwriting something. We know the new root will be the left-most leaf node, so we begin the reassignment here.

    TreeNode *upsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode *root) {
        if (!root || !root->left) return root;
        TreeNode *l = root->left, *r = root->right;
        TreeNode *res = upsideDownBinaryTree(l);
        l->left = r;
        l->right = root;
        root->left = NULL;
        root->right = NULL;
        return res;

思路1:Recursion, find the leftmost node as the root. Return repoint each new parent - root.left to previous root and root.right;
Complexity: O(N)time, O(N)space stack
Below is main rotation code of a subtree
        root->left->left = root->right;
    root->left->right = root;
    root->left = NULL;
    root->right = NULL; 
The above code can be understood by following diagram –
After the flip, root and root.right will become siblings, and the left most child will become the new root. The idea is to traverse the tree to the left. As we traverse, we make root.left the new root, root.right the left child of new root, and root itself the right child of new root.

    public TreeNode upsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {
        if(root == null || root.left == null)return root;
        TreeNode newRoot = upsideDownBinaryTree(root.left);
        //root.left is newRoot everytime
        root.left.left = root.right;
        root.left.right = root;
        root.left = null;
        root.right = null;
        return newRoot;
X. Recursion 2
The recursive solution could be bottom-up. Note that we need a parent node to save the node's parent. Also we use the return value just to store the new node. 

这个题的关键是反转以后的binary tree 的 root 是以前二叉树的 最左边的 leaf node. 利用这个性质,我们先一路走到最左边的那个leaf node, 并且记录一下当前节点和之前的parent node。找到这个节点以后,利用返回值一直把这个点传回来。在back tracking 的过程中,当前root 的 left child 是 parent.right. (注意要判断parent 是否为null)。如果parent == null, root.left = null; 如果没有这一句,树里面就有一个环!!root.right = parent

这个题的思路比较类似reverse linked list in recursive way. 
    public TreeNode upsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) {
            return null;
        return upsideDownBinaryTreeHelper(root, null);
    private TreeNode upsideDownBinaryTreeHelper(TreeNode root, TreeNode parent) {
        if (root == null) {
            return parent;
        TreeNode newNode = upsideDownBinaryTreeHelper(root.left, root);
        root.left = parent == null ? null : parent.right;
        root.right = parent;
        return newNode;
这个属于自顶向下的方法。需要注意的是在向下走的过程中parent 其实已经被更新了,所以p.left 就不能指向parent.right, 因为 parent.right 已经在向下遍历的过程里面丢了!所以需要保存这个parent.right 这个node. 
    public TreeNode upsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) {
            return null;
        TreeNode parent = null;
        TreeNode parentRightChild = null;
        TreeNode p = root;
        while (p != null) {
            TreeNode next = p.left;
            p.left = parentRightChild;
            parentRightChild = p.right;
            p.right = parent;
            parent = p;
            p = next;
        return parent;

  1. public TreeNode UpsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {  
  2.     if (root == null)  
  3.         return null;  
  4.     TreeNode parent = root, left = root.left, right = root.right;  
  5.     if (left != null) {  
  6.         TreeNode ret = UpsideDownBinaryTree(left);  
  7.         left.left = right;  
  8.         left.right = parent;  
  9.         return ret;  
  10.     }  
  11.     return root;  

  1. public TreeNode UpsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {  
  2.     TreeNode node = root, parent = null, right = null;  
  3.     while (node != null) {  
  4.         TreeNode left = node.left;  
  5.         node.left = right;  
  6.         right = node.right;  
  7.         node.right = parent;  
  8.         parent = node;  
  9.         node = left;  
  10.     }  
  11.     return parent;  
  12. }  

第三个思路比较特别,把后续遍历转换成层次遍历。注意由于Java不支持对TreeNode地址传引用,所以这里弄了一个全局变量。另外,类似于对链表的处理,这里我弄了一个dummy node简化对根节点的处理。
  1. private TreeNode out = null;  
  2. public TreeNode UpsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {     
  3.     TreeNode dummy = new TreeNode(0);  
  4.     dummy.left = new TreeNode(0);  
  5.     out = dummy;  
  7.     postorder(root);  
  8.     return dummy.right;  
  9. }  
  11. private void postorder(TreeNode root) {  
  12.     if (root == null)  
  13.         return;  
  15.     postorder(root.left);  
  16.     postorder(root.right);  
  18.     if (out.left == null) {  
  19.         out.left = root;  
  20.         out.left.left = null;  
  21.         out.left.right = null;  
  22.     } else if (out.right == null) {  
  23.         out.right = root;  
  24.         out.right.left = null;  
  25.         out.right.right = null;  
  26.     }  
  28.     if (out.left != null && out.right != null)  
  29.         out = out.right;  

    public TreeNode upsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {
        if(root == null || (root.left == null && root.right == null)) {
            return root;
        TreeNode newRoot = upsideDown(root, root.left, root.right);
        root.left = null;
        root.right = null;
        return newRoot;
    private TreeNode upsideDown(TreeNode root, TreeNode leftChild, TreeNode rightChild) {
        if(leftChild.left == null) {
            leftChild.left = rightChild;
            leftChild.right = root;
            return leftChild;
        TreeNode curLeft = leftChild.left;
        TreeNode curRight = leftChild.right;
        leftChild.left = rightChild;
        leftChild.right = root;
        return upsideDown(leftChild, curLeft, curRight);

X. Not efficient
    a                         b
   / \        ----->         / \
  b   c                     c   a
    public TreeNode upsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null || root.left == null)
            return root;
        TreeNode newRoot = upsideDownBinaryTree(root.left);//新树根在最左
        TreeNode rightMostIterator = newRoot;//找新根的最右,挂两个旋转得来的的孩子
        while (rightMostIterator.right != null) {
            rightMostIterator = rightMostIterator.right;
        rightMostIterator.left = root.right;//原右孩子拖家带口投奔新根的左边
        rightMostIterator.right = new TreeNode(root.val);//原root诛九族去右边
        return newRoot;//返回新根

X. Iterative
public TreeNode UpsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {
    TreeNode p = root, parent = null, parentRight = null;
    while (p != null) {
        TreeNode left = p.left;
        TreeNode right = p.right;
        p.left = parentRight;
        p.right = parent;
        parent = p;
        parentRight = right;
        p = left;
    return parent;

思路2: Iterative, pre is previous root after repoint, use tmp to track the right node of previous root.
Complexity: O(N)time O(1)space

public class Solution {
    public TreeNode upsideDownBinaryTree(TreeNode root) {
        TreeNode cur = root;
        TreeNode pre = null;
        TreeNode tmp = null;
        TreeNode next = null;
        while(cur != null){
            next = cur.left;
            //need tmp to keep the previous right child
            cur.left = tmp;
            tmp = cur.right;
            cur.right = pre;
            pre = cur;
            cur = next;
        return pre;
Given a binary tree, the task is to flip the binary tree towards right direction that is clockwise. See below examples to see the transformation.
In the flip operation, left most node becomes the root of flipped tree and its parent become its right child and the right sibling become its left child and same should be done for all left most nodes recursively.
Below is main rotation code of a subtree
        root->left->left = root->right;
 root->left->right = root;
 root->left = NULL;
 root->right = NULL; 
The above code can be understood by following diagram –

as we are storing root->left in flipped root, flipped subtree gets stored in each recursive call.
Node* flipBinaryTree(Node* root)
    // Base cases
    if (root == NULL)
        return root;
    if (root->left == NULL && root->right == NULL)
        return root;
    //  recursively call the same method
    Node* flippedRoot = flipBinaryTree(root->left);
    //  rearranging main root Node after returning
    // from recursive call
    root->left->left = root->right;
    root->left->right = root;
    root->left = root->right = NULL;
    return flippedRoot;
// Iterative method to do level order traversal
// line by line
void printLevelOrder(Node *root)
    // Base Case
    if (root == NULL)  return;
    // Create an empty queue for level order traversal
    queue<Node *> q;
    // Enqueue Root and initialize height
    while (1)
        // nodeCount (queue size) indicates number
        // of nodes at current lelvel.
        int nodeCount = q.size();
        if (nodeCount == 0)
        // Dequeue all nodes of current level and
        // Enqueue all nodes of next level
        while (nodeCount > 0)
            Node *node = q.front();
            cout << node->data << " ";
            if (node->left != NULL)
            if (node->right != NULL)
        cout << endl;
Read full article from Tiger's leetcode solution: Binary Tree Upside Down


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