Minimum number of coins required to make a sum - PrismoSkills
Suppose we knew the minimum no of coins required to form sum 0 to S for coins 0 to k, then introduction of another coin k+1 should change all minimum coins from 0 to S as follows:
If minCoins[S] < 1 + minCoins[S-(k+1)], change the minCoins count at Sum S
int findMinCoins (int Sum, int denoms [])
int lookup[Sum+1] = {0};
for (int i=0; i<denoms.length; i++)
for (int S=1; S<=Sum; S++)
if (S > denoms[i])
int minCoinsWithNewCoin = lookup[S-denom[i]] + 1;
if (minCoinsWithNewCoin < lookup[S] || lookup[S]==0)
lookup[S] = minCoinsWithNewCoin;
return lookup[Sum];
Find min number of coins and also print the denominations in solution
int lookup[Sum+1] = {0};
int biggestDenomAtSumK[Sum+1] = {-1};
for (int i=0; i<denoms.length; i++)
for (int S=1; S<=Sum; S++)
if (S > denoms[i])
int minCoinsWithNewCoin = lookup[S-denom[i]] + 1;
if (minCoinsWithNewCoin < lookup[S] || lookup[S]==0)
lookup[S] = minCoinsWithNewCoin;
biggestDenomAtSumK[S] = denom[i];
int S=Sum;
while (S > 0)
System.out.println (biggestDenomAtSumK[S]);
S = S - biggestDenomAtSumK[S];
return lookup[Sum];
public int minimumCoinTopDown(int total, int coins[], Map<Integer, Integer> map) {
//if total is 0 then there is nothing to do. return 0.
if ( total == 0 ) {
return 0;
//if map contains the result means we calculated it before. Lets return that value.
if ( map.containsKey(total) ) {
return map.get(total);
//iterate through all coins and see which one gives best result.
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for ( int i=0; i < coins.length; i++ ) {
//if value of coin is greater than total we are looking for just continue.
if( coins[i] > total ) {
//recurse with total - coins[i] as new total
int val = minimumCoinTopDown(total - coins[i], coins, map);
//if val we get from picking coins[i] as first coin for current total is less
// than value found so far make it minimum.
if( val < min ) {
min = val;
//if min is MAX_VAL dont change it. Just result it as is. Otherwise add 1 to it.
min = (min == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? min : min + 1);
//memoize the minimum for current total.
map.put(total, min);
return min;
Read full article from Minimum number of coins required to make a sum - PrismoSkills
Suppose we knew the minimum no of coins required to form sum 0 to S for coins 0 to k, then introduction of another coin k+1 should change all minimum coins from 0 to S as follows:
If minCoins[S] < 1 + minCoins[S-(k+1)], change the minCoins count at Sum S
int findMinCoins (int Sum, int denoms [])
int lookup[Sum+1] = {0};
for (int i=0; i<denoms.length; i++)
for (int S=1; S<=Sum; S++)
if (S > denoms[i])
int minCoinsWithNewCoin = lookup[S-denom[i]] + 1;
if (minCoinsWithNewCoin < lookup[S] || lookup[S]==0)
lookup[S] = minCoinsWithNewCoin;
return lookup[Sum];
Find min number of coins and also print the denominations in solution
Since lookup[Si] has been expressed in terms of lookup[Sj] where Sj < Si, the difference between Si and Sj gives us the denomination of one of the coin.
So, if store the first denomination required at each stage, then we can use it to get from Si to Sj. At Sj, we can check the denomination stored there to go further below and so on
int findMinCoins (int Sum, int denoms []){
int lookup[Sum+1] = {0};
int biggestDenomAtSumK[Sum+1] = {-1};
for (int i=0; i<denoms.length; i++)
for (int S=1; S<=Sum; S++)
if (S > denoms[i])
int minCoinsWithNewCoin = lookup[S-denom[i]] + 1;
if (minCoinsWithNewCoin < lookup[S] || lookup[S]==0)
lookup[S] = minCoinsWithNewCoin;
biggestDenomAtSumK[S] = denom[i];
int S=Sum;
while (S > 0)
System.out.println (biggestDenomAtSumK[S]);
S = S - biggestDenomAtSumK[S];
return lookup[Sum];
Another way of looking at this problem is that we can think each combination of coins as a solution to the equation
d0x + d1y + d2z .... di p + dmq = N
Where N is the sum we need to count using the coins,
di is ith denomination in the coins’ denomination array.
and x, y, z ... p, q are the coefficients whose different values provide us all the solutions to this problem
public int minimumCoinTopDown(int total, int coins[], Map<Integer, Integer> map) {
//if total is 0 then there is nothing to do. return 0.
if ( total == 0 ) {
return 0;
//if map contains the result means we calculated it before. Lets return that value.
if ( map.containsKey(total) ) {
return map.get(total);
//iterate through all coins and see which one gives best result.
int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for ( int i=0; i < coins.length; i++ ) {
//if value of coin is greater than total we are looking for just continue.
if( coins[i] > total ) {
//recurse with total - coins[i] as new total
int val = minimumCoinTopDown(total - coins[i], coins, map);
//if val we get from picking coins[i] as first coin for current total is less
// than value found so far make it minimum.
if( val < min ) {
min = val;
//if min is MAX_VAL dont change it. Just result it as is. Otherwise add 1 to it.
min = (min == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? min : min + 1);
//memoize the minimum for current total.
map.put(total, min);
return min;
Read full article from Minimum number of coins required to make a sum - PrismoSkills