LeetCode 155 - Min Stack - LintCode 12

Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time.
  • push(x) -- Push element x onto stack.
  • pop() -- Removes the element on top of the stack.
  • top() -- Get the top element.
  • getMin() -- Retrieve the minimum element in the stack.
MinStack minStack = new MinStack();
minStack.getMin();   --> Returns -3.
minStack.top();      --> Returns 0.
minStack.getMin();   --> Returns -2.
X. Save space
The idea is to store the gap between the min value and the current value;
The problem for my solution is the cast. I have no idea to avoid the cast. Since the possible gap between the current value and the min value could be Integer.MAX_VALUE-Integer.MIN_VALUE;
public class MinStack {
    long min;
    Stack<Long> stack;

    public MinStack(){
        stack=new Stack<>();
    public void push(int x) {
        if (stack.isEmpty()){
            stack.push(x-min);//Could be negative if min value needs to change
            if (x<min) min=x;

    public void pop() {
        if (stack.isEmpty()) return;
        long pop=stack.pop();
        if (pop<0)  min=min-pop;//If negative, increase the min value

    public int top() {
        long top=stack.peek();
        if (top>0){
            return (int)(top+min);
           return (int)(min);

    public int getMin() {
        return (int)min;

一般说来,最小值不会每次都需要更新,因此最小值栈里面会有很多重复元素.因此一个简单的优化就是在新值只当<=原最小值时才pushIntoMin,注意这个==的条件是不可少的,这是为了防止在pop的时候错误的pop最小值.pop的是, 当待pop值==最小值时popMinStack, 其他时候不对最小值栈进行pop

首先push (v_push-min),如果v_push < min,更新min为v_push.
如果top >= 0, v_pop = min+top, 如果top < 0, v_pop = min,然后更新min为min-top.
push时候 如果 v_push >= min, v_push 直接入栈, 如果 v_push < min, 那么入栈的是 2 * v_push - min, 然后 min = v_push. 出栈时, 如果栈顶的top >= min 直接出,如果 top < min 则出现异常,将min作为pop的返回值,另外需要还原前一个最小值,方法是 min = 2 * min - top
Stack<Integer> stack; int min; public MinStack() { stack = new Stack<Integer>(); min = 0; } public void push(int number) { if(stack.size() == 0) { stack.push(number); min = number; } else{ if(number >= min) { stack.push(number); }else { stack.push(2*number - min); min = number; } } } public int pop() { if(!stack.isEmpty()) { int temp = stack.pop(); if(temp < min) { int num = min; min = 2*min - temp; temp = num; } return temp; }else { return min; } } public int min() { return min; }

Using only one stack - but still waste a lot of space
    int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();
    public void push(int x) {
        // only push the old minimum value when the current 
        // minimum value changes after pushing the new value x
        if(x <= min){          

    public void pop() {
        // if pop operation could result in the changing of the current minimum value, 
        // pop twice and change the current minimum value to the last minimum value.
        if(stack.pop() == min) min=stack.pop();

    public int top() {
        return stack.peek();

    public int getMin() {
        return min;
    private Stack<Integer> s1 = new Stack<>();
    private Stack<Integer> s2 = new Stack<>();
    /** initialize your data structure here. */
    public MinStack() {}
    public void push(int x) {
        if (s2.isEmpty() || s2.peek() >= x) s2.push(x);
    public void pop() {
        // Cannot write like the following:
        // if (s2.peek() == s1.peek()) s2.pop();
        // s1.pop();
        int x = s1.pop();
        if (s2.peek() == x) s2.pop();
    public int top() {
        return s1.peek();
    public int getMin() {
        return s2.peek();

看到题目第一反应是用一个int minVal来记录整个stack当前的最小值就可以了。然后仔细想下,发现问题在于当这个最小值被pop以后,无法O(1)时间得到新的最小值。所以问题的关键在于要跟踪记录每个新数字压入栈时的当前最小值,而不是只记录一个总的最小值。

一种思路是将make_pair(xi, curMin)一起压入栈stack<pair<int,int>>中。但这种方法的空间复杂度为2n。再仔细观察,发现只有当push或pop的对象xi<= min(stack)时,才会影响到min(stack)的值。

用另一个stack<int> trackMin来记录min值的变化,trackMin.top()表示当前最小值。


xi:    3 2 1 2 1 
trackMin: 3 2 1

xi:    3 2 1 2
trackMin: 3 2

    stack<int> s;
    stack<int> trackMin;
    void push(int x) {
        if(trackMin.empty() || x<=trackMin.top())

    void pop() {
        if(s.empty()) return;

    int top() {
        return s.top();

    int getMin() {
        return trackMin.top();
利用两个栈结构,其中一个是主要的正常stack,满足pop(), push()的O(1)时间要求,另外一个作为辅助的minStack,仅存入min的integer。 min = Integer.parseInt(minStack.peek().toString());
push()时,如果number >= min,则push到minStack上 pop()时,如果number == min,也从minStack上pop
题中的例子,最终stack为[2, 3, 1], minStack为 [2, 1]
    private Stack<Integer> stack;
    private Stack<Integer> minStack;

    public MinStack() {
        stack = new Stack<Integer>();
        minStack = new Stack<Integer>();

    public void push(int number) {
        if (minStack.isEmpty()) {
        } else if (Integer.parseInt(minStack.peek().toString()) >= number) {

    public int pop() {
        if (stack.peek().equals(minStack.peek())) {
        return stack.pop();

    public int min() {
        return minStack.peek();

    private Stack<Integer> stack1;
    private Stack<Integer> stack2;
    public MinStack() {
        stack1 = new Stack<>();
        stack2 = new Stack<>();
    public void push(int number) {
        if (!stack2.isEmpty()) {
            stack2.push(Math.min(stack2.peek(), number));
        } else {
    public int pop() {
        if (stack1.isEmpty()) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return stack1.pop();
    public int min() {
        return stack2.peek();

class MinStack {
    private Node head;
    public void push(int x) {
        if(head == null) 
            head = new Node(x, x);
            head = new Node(x, Math.min(x, head.min), head);

    public void pop() {
        head = head.next;

    public int top() {
        return head.val;

    public int getMin() {
        return head.min;
    private class Node {
        int val;
        int min;
        Node next;
        private Node(int val, int min) {
            this(val, min, null);
        private Node(int val, int min, Node next) {
            this.val = val;
            this.min = min;
            this.next = next;
class MinStack {
    StackNode stackHead = null;
    public void push(int x) {
        StackNode element = new StackNode(x);
        if(stackHead != null){
            element.next = stackHead;
            element.min = Math.min(x, stackHead.min);
            stackHead = element;
            element.next = null;
            element.min = x;
            stackHead = element;
    public void pop() {
        if(stackHead != null)
            stackHead = stackHead.next;
    public int top() {
        if(stackHead != null)
            return stackHead.val;
            return 0;
    public int getMin() {
        if(stackHead != null)
            return stackHead.min;
            return 0;
class StackNode {
    StackNode next;
    int val;
    int min;
    StackNode(int val) {
        next = null;
        this.val = val;
        min = 0;
Minimum element in a stack - PrismoSkillsSolution is to have each stack node keep minimum of all nodes below it.
So during each insertion, minimum of new node is just the minimum of stack top and new node.
During deletion, minimum of stack is already there in the next top.

Similarly, a max can be kept in each node along with min to give max/min in O(1)

If the stack is very large, then the above approach may be wasting a lot of space.
A better approach may be to have a separate stack just to store the minimums.
This stack will store a decreasing order of nodes (from bottom to top) such that a new node will come on top
only when its smaller than the current minimum on this stack

When adding a new node to stack, this approach will store only the decreasing nodes and not the intermediate higher-valued nodes.
When deleting from the stack, new stack-top is compared with the min-stack's top.
If its larger than the min-stack's top, then the top of min-stack is also removed.

Read full article from Minimum element in a stack - PrismoSkills


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