LeetCode 198 - House Robber
LeetCode 213 - House Robber II
LeetCode 337 - House Robber III
X. DFS + cache
X. Return multiple values
X. return only one value
int rob(TreeNode* root) {
int left = 0, right = 0;
return rob(root, left, right);
int rob(TreeNode* root, int &left, int &right) {
if(!root) {
return 0;
int left_left = 0, left_right = 0, right_left = 0, right_right = 0;
left = rob(root->left, left_left, left_right); // left_left and left_right will be updated during recursions
right = rob(root->right, right_left, right_right); // right_left and right_right will be updated during recursions
return max(root->val + left_left + left_right + right_left + right_right, left + right);
As with general dynamic programming, we're required to think of 3 things.
The DP state information you will keep.
The solution to the base case.
How to go from a smaller solution to a larger solution.
Consider a tree in which every node has a positive value written on it. The task is to select several nodes from the tree (you may also select none), so that the sum of values of the nodes you select is maximized, and no two adjacent nodes are selected. The desired solution has complexity O(n).
LeetCode 213 - House Robber II
LeetCode 337 - House Robber III
The thief has found himself a new place for his thievery again. There is only one entrance to this area, called the "root." Besides the root, each house has one and only one parent house. After a tour, the smart thief realized that "all houses in this place forms a binary tree". It will automatically contact the police if two directly-linked houses were broken into on the same night.
Determine the maximum amount of money the thief can rob tonight without alerting the police.
Example 1:
3 / \ 2 3 \ \ 3 1Maximum amount of money the thief can rob = 3 + 3 + 1 = 7.
Example 2:
3 / \ 4 5 / \ \ 1 3 1Maximum amount of money the thief can rob = 4 + 5 = 9.
思路: 树形dp
- rob_root = max(rob_L + rob_R , no_rob_L + no_nob_R + root.val)
- no_rob_root = rob_L + rob_R
X. DFS + cache
这道题是之前那两道House Robber II和House Robber的拓展,这个小偷又偷出新花样了,沿着二叉树开始偷,碉堡了,题目中给的例子看似好像是要每隔一个偷一次,但实际上不一定只隔一个,比如如下这个例子:
4 / 1 / 2 / 3
Step I -- Think naively
At first glance, the problem exhibits the feature of "optimal substructure": if we want to "rob" maximum amount of money from current binary tree (rooted at "root"), we surely hope that we can do the same to its left and right subtrees.
So going along this line, let's define the function
which will return the maximum amount of money that we can rob for the binary tree rooted at "root"; the key now is to construct the solution to the original problem from solutions to its subproblems, i.e., how to get rob(root)
from rob(root.left), rob(root.right), ...
Apparently the analyses above suggest a recursive solution. And for recursion, it's always worthwhile to figure out the following two properties:
- Termination condition: when do we know the answer to
without any calculation? Of course when the tree is empty -- we've got nothing to rob so the amount of money is zero. - Recurrence relation: i.e., how to get
fromrob(root.left), rob(root.right), ...
etc. From the point of view of the tree root, there are only two scenarios at the end: "root" is robbed or is not. If it is, due to the constraint that "we cannot rob any two directly-linked houses", the next level of subtrees that are available would be the four "grandchild-subtrees" (root.left.left, root.left.right, root.right.left, root.right.right). However if root is not robbed, the next level of available subtrees would just be the two "child-subtrees" (root.left, root.right). We only need to choose the scenario which yields the larger amount of money.
public int rob(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) {
return 0;
int val = 0;
if (root.left != null) {
val += rob(root.left.left) + rob(root.left.right);
if (root.right != null) {
val += rob(root.right.left) + rob(root.right.right);
return Math.max(val + root.val, rob(root.left) + rob(root.right));
Step II -- Think one step further
In step I, we only considered the aspect of "optimal substructure", but think little about the possibilities of overlapping of the subproblems. For example, to obtain
, we needrob(root.left), rob(root.right), rob(root.left.left), rob(root.left.right), rob(root.right.left), rob(root.right.right)
; but to get rob(root.left)
, we also needrob(root.left.left), rob(root.left.right)
, similarly for rob(root.right)
. The naive solution above computed these subproblems repeatedly, which resulted in bad time performance. Now if you recall the two conditions for dynamic programming: "optimal substructure" + "overlapping of subproblems", we actually have a DP problem. A naive way to implement DP here is to use a hash map to record the results for visited subtrees.public int rob(TreeNode root) {
Map<TreeNode, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
return robSub(root, map);
private int robSub(TreeNode root, Map<TreeNode, Integer> map) {
if (root == null) return 0;
if (map.containsKey(root)) return map.get(root);
int val = 0;
if (root.left != null) {
val += robSub(root.left.left, map) + robSub(root.left.right, map);
if (root.right != null) {
val += robSub(root.right.left, map) + robSub(root.right.right, map);
val = Math.max(val + root.val, robSub(root.left, map) + robSub(root.right, map));
map.put(root, val);
return val;
The runtime is sharply reduced to 9ms, at the expense of O(n) space cost (n is the total number of nodes; stack cost for recursion is not counted).
X. Return multiple values
The idea of the DP solution is for each node, maintain two fields: the max value if rob the root, and the max value without robbing the root. Then we can use a bottom-up DP to avoid the repeated calculations.
public int rob(TreeNode root) { if(root == null) return 0; int[] result = helper(root); return Math.max(result[0], result[1]); } public int[] helper(TreeNode root){ if(root == null){ int[] result = {0, 0}; return result; } int[] result = new int[2]; int[] left = helper(root.left); int[] right = helper (root.right); // result[0] is when root is selected, result[1] is when not. result[0] = root.val + left[1] + right[1]; result[1] = Math.max(left[0], left[1]) + Math.max(right[0], right[1]); return result; } |
对于每一个节点,都有两种状态,选或者不选。并且当某节点被选择时,其父节点和子节点都只有一种状态,即不能被选;当某节点不被选择时,其父节点和子节点分别有两种状态,选或者不选。因此,需要一个长度为 2 的数据结构,用以分别保存某节点被选和不被选时,其子树中满足要求的权值之和的最大值。在 c++ 中,可以使用 pair<int, int> 来记录,其中 first 记录节点被选择时的最大值,second 记录节点不被选择时的最大值。
Step III -- Think one step back
Step III -- Think one step back
In step I, we defined our problem as
, which will yield the maximum amount of money that can be robbed of the binary tree rooted at "root". This leads to the DP problem summarized in step II.
Now let's take one step back and ask why do we have overlapping subproblems? If you trace all the way back to the beginning, you'll find the answer lies in the way how we have defined
. As I mentioned, for each tree root, there are two scenarios: it is robbed or is not.rob(root)
does not distinguish between these two cases, so "information is lost as the recursion goes deeper and deeper", which resulted in repeated subproblems.
If we were able to maintain the information about the two scenarios for each tree root, let's see how it plays out. Redefine
as a new function which will return an array of two elements, the first element of which denotes the maximum amount of money that can be robbed if "root" is not robbed, while the second element signifies the maximum amount of money robbed if root is robbed.
Let's relate
to rob(root.left)
and rob(root.right)
, etc. For the 1st element ofrob(root)
, we only need to sum up the larger elements of rob(root.left)
, respectively, since root is not robbed and we are free to rob the left and right subtrees. For the 2nd element of rob(root)
, however, we only need to add up the 1st elements of rob(root.left)
and rob(root.right)
, respectively, plus the value robbed from "root" itself, since in this case it's guaranteed that we cannot rob the nodes of root.left and root.right.
As you can see, by keeping track of the information of both scenarios, we decoupled the subproblems and the solution essentially boiled down to a greedy one.
public int rob(TreeNode root) {
int[] res = robSub(root);
return Math.max(res[0], res[1]);
private int[] robSub(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) {
return new int[2];
int[] left = robSub(root.left);
int[] right = robSub(root.right);
int[] res = new int[2];
res[0] = Math.max(left[0], left[1]) + Math.max(right[0], right[1]);
res[1] = root.val + left[0] + right[0];
return res;
public int rob(TreeNode root) {
return dfs(root)[0];
private int[] dfs(TreeNode root) {
int dp[]={0,0};
if(root != null){
int[] dp_L = dfs(root.left);
int[] dp_R = dfs(root.right);
dp[1] = dp_L[0] + dp_R[0];
dp[0] = Math.max(dp[1] ,dp_L[1] + dp_R[1] + root.val);
return dp;
def rob(self, root):
:type root: TreeNode
:rtype: int
valMap = dict()
def solve(root, path):
if root is None: return 0
if path not in valMap:
left, right = root.left, root.right
ll = lr = rl = rr = None
if left: ll, lr = left.left, left.right
if right: rl, rr = right.left, right.right
passup = solve(left, path + 'l') + solve(right, path + 'r')
grabit = root.val + solve(ll, path + 'll') + solve(lr, path + 'lr') \
+ solve(rl, path + 'rl') + solve(rr, path + 'rr')
valMap[path] = max(passup, grabit)
return valMap[path]
return solve(root, '')
dfs all the nodes of the tree, each node return two number, int[] num, num[0] is the max value while rob this node, num[1] is max value while not rob this value. Current node return value only depend on its children's value.
public int rob(TreeNode root) {
int[] num = dfs(root);
return Math.max(num[0], num[1]);
private int[] dfs(TreeNode x) {
if (x == null) return new int[2];
int[] left = dfs(x.left);
int[] right = dfs(x.right);
int[] res = new int[2];
res[0] = left[1] + right[1] + x.val;
res[1] = Math.max(left[0], left[1]) + Math.max(right[0], right[1]);
return res;
int[] num = dfs(root);
return Math.max(num[0], num[1]);
private int[] dfs(TreeNode x) {
if (x == null) return new int[2];
int[] left = dfs(x.left);
int[] right = dfs(x.right);
int[] res = new int[2];
res[0] = left[1] + right[1] + x.val;
res[1] = Math.max(left[0], left[1]) + Math.max(right[0], right[1]);
return res;
public int rob(TreeNode root) {
return dfs(root)[0];
private int[] dfs(TreeNode root) {
int dp[]={0,0};
if(root != null){
int[] dp_L = dfs(root.left);
int[] dp_R = dfs(root.right);
dp[1] = dp_L[0] + dp_R[0];
dp[0] = Math.max(dp[1] ,dp_L[1] + dp_R[1] + root.val);
return dp;
int rob(TreeNode* root) { if(root==NULL) return 0; dfs(root); return max(dp1[root],dp2[root]); } void dfs(TreeNode* node){ if(node==NULL) return; dfs(node->left); dfs(node->right);//实际干活的代码写在这两个递归之后,表示先处理一个节点的左右子树之后,才考虑本身节点(后序遍历处理手法) dp1[node]=dp2[node->left]+dp2[node->right]+node->val;//dp2[NULL]是等于0的,注意,只有key是指针类型才有效,本题满足条件 dp2[node]=max(max(dp1[node->left]+dp1[node->right],dp2[node->left]+dp2[node->right]),max(dp1[node->left]+dp2[node->right],dp1[node->right]+dp2[node->left])); } private: map<TreeNode*,int> dp1; map<TreeNode*,int> dp2;
X. return only one value
int rob(TreeNode* root) {
int l = 0;
int r = 0;
return rob(root, l, r);
// return rob(root) and stores rob(root->left/right) in l/r.
int rob(TreeNode* root, int& l, int& r) {
if (root == nullptr) return 0;
int ll = 0;
int lr = 0;
int rl = 0;
int rr = 0;
l = rob(root->left, ll, lr);
r = rob(root->right, rl, rr);
return max(root->val + ll + lr + rl + rr, l + r);
int rob(TreeNode* root) {
int left = 0, right = 0;
return rob(root, left, right);
int rob(TreeNode* root, int &left, int &right) {
if(!root) {
return 0;
int left_left = 0, left_right = 0, right_left = 0, right_right = 0;
left = rob(root->left, left_left, left_right); // left_left and left_right will be updated during recursions
right = rob(root->right, right_left, right_right); // right_left and right_right will be updated during recursions
return max(root->val + left_left + left_right + right_left + right_right, left + right);
public int rob(TreeNode root) {
if (root == null) return 0;
return Math.max(robInclude(root), robExclude(root));
public int robInclude(TreeNode node) {
if(node == null) return 0;
return robExclude(node.left) + robExclude(node.right) + node.val;
public int robExclude(TreeNode node) {
if(node == null) return 0;
return rob(node.left) + rob(node.right);
As with general dynamic programming, we're required to think of 3 things.
The DP state information you will keep.
The solution to the base case.
How to go from a smaller solution to a larger solution.
Consider a tree in which every node has a positive value written on it. The task is to select several nodes from the tree (you may also select none), so that the sum of values of the nodes you select is maximized, and no two adjacent nodes are selected. The desired solution has complexity O(n).
Dynamic Programming(DP) is a technique to solve problems by breaking them down into overlapping sub-problems which follow the optimal substructure. We all know of various problems using DP like subset sum, knapsack, coin change etc. We can also use DP on trees to solve some specific problems.
We define functions for nodes of the trees, which we calculate recursively based on children of a nodes. One of the states in our DP usually is a node i, denoting that we are solving for the subtree of node i.
A common idea in DP on Trees is to have the sub-problems represent answers for subtrees (+ some state, we'll see what this means in a bit). What can be a base case? Surely, it is the smallest subtree, a node. Let us think about what can be the answer for a node.
But there is also another point in here: Note that all logic for a subtree is derived from whether its parent node is taken / not. None of the other ancestors play a part in the calculation.
Inspired by this let us define our DP "state" to be not just a subtree, but a subtree + a boolean representing whether its parent is taken or not.
Now lets see what happens (we write dp[x][true/false] for indicating answer for node x, and true/false whether its parent is taken or not). Let's start with node d again
dp[d][false] = 1 as you can take d (parent not taken).
dp[d][true] = 0 as you cannot take d.
The answers for e and f are also computed similarly and filled in this incomplete "DP tree:
So, in conclusion, this is our DP:
dp[leaf][ptaken] = vleaf if ptaken else 0
dp[node][true] = sum of dp[c][false] over all children c of node
dp[node][false] = max(vnode + sum over dp[c][true] over children c of node, sum over dp[c][false] over children c of node)
Simple Extension
Now let us think about how this problem could be made harder. A simple extension would be to disallow not only selection of parents, but also parent of parent.
Consider a solution of such a problem. Your DP state must carry information about parents and parents of parents. "Information" in this case would mean whether the node is taken or not. Also note that such information is sufficient, as if you know both of them, nothing else in the tree outside of this sub-tree can influence the answer for the sub-tree. In that case the state would be like dp[v][parent taken][parent-of-parent taken]. The complexity would be proportional to the size of the dp, that is 2*2*n or O(n).
In general suppose no parent within a distance of k can be taken. Then the state would be dp[parent taken][parent-of-parent taken]....[parent-of-parent-of-parent-of.... (k times) taken]. Such an algorithm will be of order O(n*2^k).
But this can be improved. Consider the state dp[v][height of closest parent taken / 0 if no parent is taken]. This takes time O(n*k).
Better Extension
Another extension can be that no two nodes at a distance of at-most 2 can be taken. This is significantly more interesting, because of this:
This cannot be captured by any state that looks like dp[v][any-information-about-parents]. Take a few minutes to see if you can come up with a solution.
Lets consider a part of a tree as shown:
Let our DP state be dp[v][1 = parent taken, 2 = parent of parent taken, 0 = none of them taken]. Suppose we've calculated all of them them for b, c, d, e. We want to calculate dp[a][0], dp[a][1], dp[a][2] .
If we're calculating dp[a][1], we cannot take a, b, c, d, e. So our answer for this case is: dp[a][1] = dp[b][2] + dp[c][2] + dp[d][2] + dp[e][2]
If we're calculating dp[a][2], a's parent of parent is taken. So we can take b, c, d, e, but cannot take a. But note that we can take exactly one of b, c, d, e (Why?). So take the best among them, specifically something like, dp[a][2] = max(dp[b][0] + dp[c][2] + dp[d][2] + dp[e][2], ... (symmetrically for c, d, e, in place of b).
There is an interesting point here. Why did we take dp[c][2]? c's parent of parent is not taken. Well if b is taken, its effect on the calculation of c is the same as if c had its parent of parent taken.
Implementation Details
Let us now think about a few implementation details:
DP of trees is generally implemented using a recursive depth first search (DFS). But sometimes you may also need to explicitly use a stack, if n is high.
States are generally stored in a multidimensional array, which is the reason why we adopted such a convention for writing answers.
In general code looks like:
dfs (v) {
for children c calculate dfs(c)
calculate dp for v using children information
int v[maxn]; // ensure v[i] <= 1e4, or else int won't work for dp
int dp[maxn][2]; // dynamic programming answers
std::vector<int> G[maxn]; // graph for connections
void dfs(int x, int parent) {
for (int y: G[x]) {
if (y == parent) continue;
dfs(y, x); // dfs all children
int taking_x = v[x], not_taking_x = 0; // two cases for the values
for (int y: G[x]) {
if (y == parent) continue;
taking_x += dp[y][true];
not_taking_x += dp[y][false];
dp[x][true] = not_taking_x; // if parent of x is taken, x is not taken
dp[x][false] = std::max(taking_x, not_taking_x); // if parent of x is not taken
//functions as defined above
int dp1[N],dp2[N];
//pV is parent of node V
void dfs(int V, int pV){
//for storing sums of dp1 and max(dp1, dp2) for all children of V
int sum1=0, sum2=0;
//traverse over all children
for(auto v: adj[V]){
if(v == pV) continue;
dfs(v, V);
sum1 += dp2[v];
sum2 += max(dp1[v], dp2[v]);
dp1[V] = C[V] + sum1;
dp2[V] = sum2;