Non Fibonacci Numbers - GeeksforGeeks
Given a positive integer n, the task is to print the n'th non Fibonacci number. The Fibonacci numbers are defined as:
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Given a positive integer n, the task is to print the n'th non Fibonacci number. The Fibonacci numbers are defined as:
Fib(0) = 0 Fib(1) = 1 for n >1, Fib(n) = Fib(n-1) + Fib(n-2)
A naive solution is to find find Fibonacci numbers and then print first n numbers not present in the found Fibonacci numbers.
A better solution is to use the formula of Fibonacci numbers and keep adding of gap between two consecutive Fibonacci numbers. Value of sum of gap is count of non-fibonacci numbers seen so far.
// curr is to keep track of current fibonacci
// number, prev is previous, prevPrev is
// previous of previous.
prevPrev=1, prev=2, curr=3;
// While count of non-fibonacci numbers
// doesn't become negative or zero
(n > 0)
// Simple Fibonacci number logic
prevPrev = prev;
prev = curr;
curr = prevPrev + prev;
// (curr - prev - 1) is count of
// non-Fibonacci numbers between curr
// and prev.
n = n - (curr - prev - 1);
// n might be negative now. Make sure it
// becomes positive by removing last added
// gap.
n = n + (curr - prev - 1);
// n must be now positive and less than or equal
// to gap between current and previous, i.e.,
// (curr - prev - 1);
// Now add the positive n to previous Fibonacci
// number to find the n'th non-fibonacci.
prev + n;