LeetCode 358 - Rearrange String k Distance Apart

LeetCode 358 - Rearrange String k Distance Apart
LeetCode 767 - Reorganize String
LeetCode 621 - Task Scheduler
Given a non-empty string str and an integer k, rearrange the string such that the same characters are at least distance k from each other.
All input strings are given in lowercase letters. If it is not possible to rearrange the string, return an empty string "".
Example 1:
str = "aabbcc", k = 3

Result: "abcabc"

The same letters are at least distance 3 from each other.
Example 2:
str = "aaabc", k = 3 

Answer: ""

It is not possible to rearrange the string.
Example 3:
str = "aaadbbcc", k = 2

Answer: "abacabcd"

Another possible answer is: "abcabcda"

The same letters are at least distance 2 from each other.

X. Using Priority Queue
    public String rearrangeString(String str, int k) {

        if(k == 0) return str;

        int len = str.length();
        Map<Character, Integer> counts = new HashMap<>();
        for(int i=0; i< len; i++){
            char ch = str.charAt(i);
            int n =1;
                n = counts.get(ch)+1;
            counts.put(ch, n);

        PriorityQueue<Pair> pq = new PriorityQueue<>(10, new Comparator<Pair>(){
            public int compare(Pair p1, Pair p2){
                if(p1.cnt != p2.cnt) return p2.cnt - p1.cnt;
                else return  p2.ch - p1.ch; // to ensure the order of the chars with same count, they should show up in same order.

        for(Map.Entry<Character, Integer> entry : counts.entrySet()){
            pq.offer(new Pair(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));// pick the most show-up char first.

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            List<Pair> tmp = new ArrayList<>();// this is avoid you pick up same char in the same k-segment.
            int d = Math.min(k, len);
            for(int i=0; i< d; i++){
                if(pq.isEmpty()) return "";
                Pair p = pq.poll();
                if(--p.cnt > 0) tmp.add(p);
            for(Pair p : tmp) pq.offer(p);


        return sb.toString();


    class Pair{
        char ch;
        int cnt;
        Pair(char c, int t){
            ch = c;
            cnt = t;
public String rearrangeString(String str, int k) {
        return str;
    //initialize the counter for each character
    final HashMap<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
    for(int i=0; i<str.length(); i++){
        char c = str.charAt(i);
            map.put(c, map.get(c)+1);
            map.put(c, 1);
    //sort the chars by frequency
    PriorityQueue<Character> queue = new PriorityQueue<Character>(new Comparator<Character>(){
        public int compare(Character c1, Character c2){
                return map.get(c2)-map.get(c1);
                return c1.compareTo(c2);
    for(char c: map.keySet())
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    int len = str.length();
        int cnt = Math.min(k, len);
        ArrayList<Character> temp = new ArrayList<Character>();
        for(int i=0; i<cnt; i++){
                return "";
            char c = queue.poll();
            map.put(c, map.get(c)-1);
        for(char c: temp)
    return sb.toString();

for priorityqueue, if counts are same, you can compare the letter, so the order for polling out will be consistant.
for example: "aaabbcc", k = 3
  1. Count the statistics of letters, sort them in terms of frequency in a descending way.
so it has the result: a - 3, b - 2, c - 2.
  1. Suppose the rewrite string length is len, divide the len into bins of size k, so in total
    you have
bin number of nBin = (len - 1) / k + 1,
with last bin size:
lastBinSize = len % k.
in the example, nBin = 3, lastBinSize = 1;
  1. Fill the same letter in different bins:
after filling 'a' ---> result = a##a##a
after filling 'b' ---> result = ab#ab#a
after filling 'c' ---> result = abcabca

    public String rearrangeString(String str, int k) {
        if(k<=1){ return str; }
        int[] count = new int[26];
        for(int i=0; i<str.length(); i++){
        PriorityQueue<int[]> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((a,b)->b[0]-a[0]);
        for(int i=0; i<count.length; i++){ pq.add(new int[]{ count[i], i}); }
        char[] result = new char[str.length()];
        int idx = 0;
        int start = 0;
            int[] num = pq.remove();
            for(int i=0; i<num[0]; i++){
                result[idx] = (char)(num[1]+'a');
                if(idx>0 && result[idx-1]==result[idx]){ return ""; }
                if(idx>=str.length()){ idx=++start; }
        return new String(result);
    string rearrangeString(string str, int k) {
        if (k == 0) return str;
        string res;
        int len = (int)str.size();
        unordered_map<char, int> m;
        priority_queue<pair<int, char>> q;
        for (auto a : str) ++m[a];
        for (auto it = m.begin(); it != m.end(); ++it) {
            q.push({it->second, it->first});
        while (!q.empty()) {
            vector<pair<int, int>> v;
            int cnt = min(k, len);
            for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
                if (q.empty()) return "";
                auto t = q.top(); q.pop();
                if (--t.first > 0) v.push_back(t);
            for (auto a : v) q.push(a);
        return res;
    public String rearrangeString(String str, int k) {
        if(k < 2) return str;
      int[] times = new int[26];
      for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++){
          ++times[str.charAt(i) - 'a'];
      SortedSet<int[]> set = new TreeSet<int[]>(new Comparator<int[]>(){
          public int compare(int[] a, int[] b){
              return a[0] == b[0] ? Integer.compare(a[1], b[1]) : Integer.compare(b[0], a[0]);
      for(int i = 0; i < 26; i++){
          if(times[i] != 0){
            set.add(new int[]{times[i], i});
      int cycles = 0;
      int cur = cycles;
      Iterator<int[]> iter = set.iterator();
      char[] res = new char[str.length()];
          int[] e = iter.next();
          for(int i = 0; i < e[0]; i++){
              res[cur] = (char)('a'+e[1]);
              if(cur > 0 && res[cur] == res[cur-1])
                return "";
              cur += k;
              if(cur >= str.length()){
                  cur = ++cycles;
      return new String(res);
  1.     public String rearrangeString(String str, int k) {  
  2.         if (k <= 0return str;  
  3.         int[] f = new int[26];  
  4.         char[] sa = str.toCharArray();  
  5.         for(char c: sa) f[c-'a'] ++;  
  6.         int r = sa.length / k;  
  7.         int m = sa.length % k;  
  8.         int c = 0;  
  9.         for(int g: f) {  
  10.             if (g-r>1return "";  
  11.             if (g-r==1) c ++;  
  12.         }  
  13.         if (c>m) return "";  
  14.         Integer[] pos = new Integer[26];  
  15.         for(int i=0; i<pos.length; i++) pos[i] = i;  
  16.         Arrays.sort(pos, new Comparator<Integer>() {  
  17.            @Override  
  18.            public int compare(Integer i1, Integer i2) {  
  19.                return f[pos[i2]] - f[pos[i1]];  
  20.            }  
  21.         });  
  22.         char[] result = new char[sa.length];  
  23.         for(int i=0, j=0, p=0; i<sa.length; i++) {  
  24.             result[j] = (char)(pos[p]+'a');  
  25.             if (-- f[pos[p]] == 0) p ++;  
  26.             j += k;  
  27.             if (j >= sa.length) {  
  28.                 j %= k;  
  29.                 j ++;  
  30.             }  
  31.         }  
  32.         return new String(result);  
  33.     } 

方法二:最多允许有str.length() % k个冗余的字符,所以可以不排序,O(N)时间复杂度。

This looks like O(N^2) time because findValidMax() is linear.
Since the array is fixed size(26), it will take constant time to find max
This is a greedy problem.
Every time we want to find the best candidate: which is the character with the largest remaining count. Thus we will be having two arrays.
One count array to store the remaining count of every character. Another array to keep track of the most left position that one character can appear.
We will iterated through these two array to find the best candidate for every position. Since the array is fixed size, it will take constant time to do this.
After we find the candidate, we update two arrays.
    public String rearrangeString(String str, int k) {
        int length = str.length();
        int[] count = new int[26];
        int[] valid = new int[26];
        for(int i=0;i<length;i++){
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for(int index = 0;index<length;index++){
            int candidatePos = findValidMax(count, valid, index);
            if( candidatePos == -1) return "";
            valid[candidatePos] = index+k;
        return sb.toString();
   private int findValidMax(int[] count, int[] valid, int index){
       int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
       int candidatePos = -1;
       for(int i=0;i<count.length;i++){
           if(count[i]>0 && count[i]>max && index>=valid[i]){
               max = count[i];
               candidatePos = i;
       return candidatePos;
    public int selectedValue(int[] count, int[] valid, int i) {
        int select = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int val = -1;
        for (int j = 0; j < count.length; j++) {
            if (count[j] > 0 && i >= valid[j] && count[j] > select) {
                select = count[j];
                val = j;
        return val;
    public String rearrangeString(String str, int k) {
        int[] count = new int[26];
        int[] valid = new int[26];
        for (char c : str.toCharArray()) {
            count[c - 'a']++;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
            int curt = selectedValue(count, valid, i);
            if (curt == -1) return "";
            //选择好后,count要减少,valid要到下一个k distance之后
            valid[curt] = i + k;
            sb.append((char)('a' + curt));
        return sb.toString();
  1.     public String rearrangeString(String str, int k) {  
  2.         if (str == null || str.length() <= 1 || k <= 0return str;  
  3.         char[] sa = str.toCharArray();  
  4.         int[] frequency = new int[26];  
  5.         for(char ch : sa) {  
  6.             frequency[ch - 'a'] ++;  
  7.         }  
  8.         int bucketSize = sa.length / k;  
  9.         int remainSize = sa.length % k;  
  10.         int[] remain = new int[remainSize];  
  11.         int count = 0;  
  12.         for(int i = 0; i < frequency.length; i++) {  
  13.             if (frequency[i] > bucketSize + 1return "";  
  14.             if (frequency[i] > bucketSize && count >= remainSize) return "";  
  15.             if (frequency[i] > bucketSize) remain[count++] = i;  
  16.         }  
  18.         int offset = 0, j = 0;  
  19.         for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {  
  20.             while (frequency[remain[i]] > 0) {  
  21.                 frequency[remain[i]] --;  
  22.                 sa[j] = (char)('a' + remain[i]);  
  23.                 j += k;  
  24.                 if (j >= sa.length) {  
  25.                     offset ++;  
  26.                     j = offset;  
  27.                 }  
  28.             }  
  29.         }  
  31.         for(int i = 0; i < 26; i ++) {  
  32.             while (frequency[i] > 0) {  
  33.                 frequency[i] --;  
  34.                 sa[j] = (char)('a' + i);  
  35.                 j += k;  
  36.                 if (j >= sa.length) {  
  37.                     offset ++;  
  38.                     j = offset;  
  39.                 }  
  40.             }  
  41.         }  
  42.         return new String(sa);  
  43.     }  
第一个是统计frequency用hash table vs int[]的区别,事实证明array的确要比hash table快一点(80+ms vs 110+ms)。无论input string是不是只包含小写字母,都可以用array来替代hash table,只是size大点小点的关系。
之前onsite面试的时候就已经被面试官不止一次的指出这个问题,能用array的时候就别用hash table.
第二个是sort vs TreeSet的区别。这个真是震惊了,不比不知道,一比下一跳,TreeSet的运行时间最低居然只有8ms,比sorting快了将近10倍。但理论上时间复杂度都是O(nlogn),为什么会这样有点理解不能…
  public String rearrangeString(String str, int k) {
    if (str == null || str.isEmpty() || k <= 1) {
      return str;
    int[] cnt = new int[26];
    for (char c : str.toCharArray()) {
      cnt[c - 'a']++;
//    List<int[]> entryList = new ArrayList<>();
//    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
//      if (cnt[i] != 0) {
//        entryList.add(new int[] {i, cnt[i]});
//      }
//    }
//    Collections.sort(entryList, (a, b) -> (-(a[1] - b[1])));
    TreeSet<int[]> entryList = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<int[]>() {
      public int compare(int[] a, int[] b) {
        if (a[1] == b[1]) {
          return a[0] - b[0];
        return -(a[1] - b[1]);
    for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
      if (cnt[i] != 0) {
        entryList.add(new int[] {i, cnt[i]});
    char[] ch = new char[str.length()];
    int i = 0;
    int start = 1;
    for (int[] entry : entryList) {
      for (int j = 0; j < entry[1]; j++) {
        ch[i] = (char) (entry[0] + 'a');
        if (i != 0 && ch[i] == ch[i - 1]) {
          return "";
        i += k;
        if (i >= str.length()) {
          i = start;
    return new String(ch);
Given two strings, the task is to find if they are only less than or equal to k edit distance apart. It means that strings are only k edit distance apart when there are only k mismatches.
Print Yes if there are less than or equal to k mismatches, Else No.
Also print yes if both strings are already same.
1- Check if the difference in the length of both strings is greater than k if so , return false.
2- Find edit distance of two strings. If edit distance is less than or equal to k, return true. Else return false.
int editDistDP(string str1, string str2, int m, int n)
    // Create a table to store results of subproblems
    int dp[m+1][n+1];
    // Fill d[][] in bottom up manner
    for (int i=0; i<=m; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j<=n; j++)
            // If first string is empty, only option is to
            // insert all characters of second string
            if (i == 0)
                dp[i][j] = j;  // Min. operations = j
            // If second string is empty, only option is to
            // remove all characters of second string
            else if (j == 0)
                dp[i][j] = i; // Min. operations = i
            // If last characters are same, ignore last char
            // and recur for remaining string
            else if (str1[i-1] == str2[j-1])
                dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1];
            // If last character are different, consider all
            // possibilities and find minimum
                dp[i][j] = 1 + min(dp[i][j-1],  // Insert
                                   dp[i-1][j],  // Remove
                                   dp[i-1][j-1]); // Replace
    return dp[m][n];
// Returns true if str1 and str2 are k edit distance apart,
// else false.
bool areKDistant(string str1, string str2, int k)
    int m = str1.length();
    int n = str2.length();
    if (abs(m-n) > k)
        return false;
    return (editDistDP(str1, str2, m, n) <= k);


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