I meant contiguous elements in the array. Also, elements can be positive and negative.
You can do this in O(nlog(n))
First thing to note is that sum of subarray(i,j] is just the sum of the first j elements less the sum of the first i elements. Store these cumulative sums in the array cum. Then the problem reduces to finding i,j such that i<j and cum[j]−cum[i] is as close to k but lower than it.
To solve this, scan from left to right. Put thecum[i] values that you have encountered till now into a set. When you are processing cum[j] what you need to retrieve from the set is the smallest number in the set such which is bigger than cum[j]−k . This lookup can be done in O(logn) using upper_bound. Hence the overall complexity is O(nlog(n))
First thing to note is that sum of subarray
To solve this, scan from left to right. Put the
int best_cumulative_sum(int ar[],int N,int K)
set<int> cumset;
int best=0,cum=0;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
set<int>::iterator sit=cumset.upper_bound(cum-K);
return best;