Plus minus hackerrank solution - Java-fries
Given an array of integers, calculate which fraction of the elements are positive, negative, and zeroes, respectively. Print the decimal value of each fraction.
Given an array of integers, calculate which fraction of the elements are positive, negative, and zeroes, respectively. Print the decimal value of each fraction.
Sample Input:6
-4 3 -9 0 4 1
-4 3 -9 0 4 1
Sample Output:0.500000
ExplanationThere are 3 positive numbers, 2 negative numbers, and 1 zero in the array.
The fraction of the positive numbers, negative numbers and zeroes are3/6=0.500000, 2/6=0.333333 and 1/6=0.166667 respectively.
The fraction of the positive numbers, negative numbers and zeroes are3/6=0.500000, 2/6=0.333333 and 1/6=0.166667 respectively.
private static void calculateFraction(int[] arr) {
int length = arr.length;
float positiveNumberCount = 0;
float negativeNumberCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (arr[i] > 0)
else if (arr[i] < 0)
System.out.printf("%.6f\n", positiveNumberCount / length);
System.out.printf("%.6f\n", negativeNumberCount / length);
(float) (length - (positiveNumberCount + negativeNumberCount))
/ length);
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