Find minimum subset that sum to at least K | Yaozong's Blog
Given a list of n integers, write a function that outputs the minimum subset of numbers that sum to at least K.
Follow up: can you beat O(nlogn)?
Solution 1: sort and linear search O(nlogn)
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Given a list of n integers, write a function that outputs the minimum subset of numbers that sum to at least K.
Follow up: can you beat O(nlogn)?
Solution 1: sort and linear search O(nlogn)
vector<int> minimum_subset_sum_atleast_K(vector<int>& vec, int K)
if(vec.size() == 0)
return {};
sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
int n = vec.size();
vector<int> res(1, vec.back());
int cumsum = vec.back();
for(int i = n - 2; i >= 0; --i)
if(vec[i] < 0 || cumsum >= K) break;
cumsum += vec[i];
if(cumsum >= K)
return res;
return {};
Solution 2: Selection Algorithm O(n) on average
Here we introduce a selection based algorithm which on average costs O(n) but costs O(n^2) in the worst case. The approach is similar to kth order-statistics.
- Randomly choose a pivot from the current array and partition the array into two parts p1 and p2: p1 contains integers which are smaller than the pivot; p2 contains integers which are larger than or equal to the pivot.
- Check if pivot + sum(p2) == K, if so, we already find the answer; if not, then if pivot + sum(p2) > K but sum(p2) <= K, we also find the answer; if sum(p2) > K, we need to do further partition, but we just need to further partition p2; if pivot + sum(p2) < K, we need to do further partition, but we need to partition p1 instead and the target value K is updated as K - pivot - sum(p2).
void find_min_set(int *a, int start, int end, int target) { /* generate secret number: */ int s, e, k; s = start; e = end; k = target; int sum; while(1) { srand ( time(NULL) ); int idx = ((int)rand()) % (e-s + 1) + s; /* partition and sum */ int tmp = a[idx]; a[idx] = a[e]; a[e] = tmp; sum = a[e]; int pos = s; for(int i = s; i < e; i++) { if(a[i] < a[e]) { if(pos != i) { tmp = a[pos]; a[pos] = a[i]; a[i] = tmp; } pos++; } else sum+= a[i]; } tmp = a[pos]; a[pos] = a[e]; a[e] = tmp; if(sum == k) { cout << "found " << endl; return; } else if(sum > k) { if(sum - a[pos] < k) { cout << "found " << endl; return; } s = pos + 1; sum = 0; } else { k = k - sum; sum = 0; e = pos - 1; } } }
vector<int> quick_select(vector<int>& vec, int i, int j, int K)
if(i > j)
return {};
if(i == j)
return {vec[i]};
int len = j - i + 1;
int idx = rand() % len + i;
int pivot = vec[idx];
swap(vec[idx], vec[j]);
int p = i, q = j;
int left_sum = vec[idx], right_sum = 0;
while(p < q) {
if(vec[p] <= pivot) {
left_sum += vec[p];
++ p;
} else {
right_sum += vec[p];
swap(vec[p], vec[--q]);
swap(vec[q], vec[j]);
vector<int> res;
if(right_sum == K) {
if(q + 1 <= j)
res.insert(res.end(), vec.begin()+q+1, vec.begin()+j+1);
return res;
else if(right_sum > K) {
return quick_select(vec, q+1, j, K);
else {
if(q + 1 <= j)
res.insert(res.end(), vec.begin()+q+1, vec.begin()+j+1);
K = K - right_sum;
vector<int> res2 = quick_select(vec, i, q, K);
res.insert(res.end(), res2.begin(), res2.end());
return res;
vector<int> minimum_subset_sum_atleast_K(vector<int>& vec, int K)
if(vec.size() == 0)
return {};
vector<int> res = quick_select(vec, 0, vec.size() - 1, K);
int sum = accumulate(res.begin(), res.end(), 0);
if(sum >= K)
return res;
return {};
Read full article from Find minimum subset that sum to at least K | Yaozong's Blog